#settler colonialism



“I am tired of reporting the same brutality every day, of thinking of new ways to describe the obvious. The situation in Sheikh Jarrah is not hard to understand: it is a perfect illustration of settler colonialism, a microcosm of the reality for Palestinians across 73 years of Zionist rule. This vocabulary is not theoretical. It is evident in the attempts to throw us out of our homes so that settlers can occupy them – with the backing of the regime, whose forces and policies provide violent support for the transfer of one population to install another.”

- Mohammed El-Kurd, Palestinian activist and journalist


Today is Nakba day, please take the time to educate yourself - 

The Nakba, meaning catastrophe in arabic, is the event marking the mass murder and expulsion of Palestinians in 1948 during Israel’s creation as a deliberate and systemic act to create Jewish Majority state. 

By the numbers: between750,000andone million Palestinians were expelled and made refugees in 1948 by Zionist militias, more than 530 Palestinian villages and towns were destroyed or repopulated by settlers, over 15,000 dead Palestinians, and 70 massacres committed against Palestinians, and approximately 4,244,776 acres of stolen land - when Palestinians say this state is built on our graves - we mean it in the most literal sense. 

On top of all of this, there are over 7 million Palestinian refugees today, which includes Nakba survivors, their descendants, and Palestinians who were expelled in events after the Nakba - who are denied their legal right of return (which is internationally recognized).

It is critical to understand the Nakba if you want to support Palestine, and how Palestinians, 74 years later, cannot reclaim their stolen land, homes, and belongings.  And not only that, but to many, the Nakba never ended. Palestinians are still having their homes stolen or demolished, still in refugee camps, still having to deal with settlers encroaching on their land and committing acts of violence against them, Palestinians are still being murdered and left under brutal settler military occupation. 

If you want to read and learn more about Palestinians from Palestinian voices please check out Decolonize Palestine.Al Jazeera has a database here on destroyed Palestinian villages as well you can look at

And I will leave my friend’s post here about more ways to amplify Palestinian voices.From river to sea, Palestine will be free, we will return. 



Today marks the 72nd anniversary of al-Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

One of the more insidious and often overlooked aspects of al-Nakba was the concerted effort by Zionist forces [who went on to become the Israeli military] to confiscate and destroy Palestinian texts, art, and journals.

These Zionist armies [and eventually Israel] destroyed tens of thousands of Palestinian books, journals, and manuscripts, all as part of their effort to entirely erase our history. The Israeli government went on to justify this action by claiming that our historic texts posed a “security threat”. They want our memory to die out.

Many of these were writings of our history, personal journals kept by some of the 700,000+ Palestinians forced out of their homes, artwork, poetry, music, and other items detailing what life was like.

Some of the journals destroyed included first-hand accounts of the brutal campaigns carried out by the Zionist forces, Palestinians documenting the horrors they had to endure for posterity…only for it to be burned and lost, all so people who hate us 70 years later can continue to deny us our own history.

Much like Israel expelled Palestinians from our homes only to fill those same homes with foreigners, converting them into “Israeli homes”, they turned our books into pulp and used them to make paper on which to print their own books. There isn’t a single aspect of Palestinian life that wasn’t stolen from us.

Those books that weren’t destroyed were locked away in Israeli government archives, with the more rare texts being added to Israel’s National Library [including one-of-a-kind texts, golden-gilded Qur'ans, first-edition works, etc]. Many of these still include inscriptions made by their original Palestinian owners, who aren’t even allowed within Israel proper to this day.

Israel destroyed our towns and cities, took over our homes, burned our history, and continues to encroach on and steal our land. That is why on Nakba Day, we remember what happened to us, the catastrophe and destruction of Palestine, and do what we can to ensure that the efforts of those who tried to erase us were in vain.

74 Years later and Israel’s Nakba continues

Today is Nakba day, please take the time to educate yourself - 

The Nakba, meaning catastrophe in arabic, is the event marking the mass murder and expulsion of Palestinians in 1948 during Israel’s creation as a deliberate and systemic act to create Jewish Majority state. 

By the numbers: between750,000andone million Palestinians were expelled and made refugees in 1948 by Zionist militias, more than 530 Palestinian villages and towns were destroyed or repopulated by settlers, over 15,000 dead Palestinians, and 70 massacres committed against Palestinians, and approximately 4,244,776 acres of stolen land - when Palestinians say this state is built on our graves - we mean it in the most literal sense. 

On top of all of this, there are over 7 million Palestinian refugees today, which includes Nakba survivors, their descendants, and Palestinians who were expelled in events after the Nakba - who are denied their legal right of return (which is internationally recognized).

It is critical to understand the Nakba if you want to support Palestine, and how Palestinians, 74 years later, cannot reclaim their stolen land, homes, and belongings.  And not only that, but to many, the Nakba never ended. Palestinians are still having their homes stolen or demolished, still in refugee camps, still having to deal with settlers encroaching on their land and committing acts of violence against them, Palestinians are still being murdered and left under brutal settler military occupation. 

If you want to read and learn more about Palestinians from Palestinian voices please check out Decolonize Palestine.Al Jazeera has a database here on destroyed Palestinian villages as well you can look at

And I will leave my friend’s post here about more ways to amplify Palestinian voices.From river to sea, Palestine will be free, we will return. 


Ffs… SO “fun” story from Al-Khalil. Families attend the funeral of Shireen Abu Akleh in Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, in Al-Khalil, a bunch settlers have arrived and started looting the home of a Palestinian family and taken the building for their own, and they’re calling this “Building Aquisition”.

The family was at a f*cking funeral and their home is now stolen.

This is what it’s like being a Palestinian in Palestine. There are PLENTY of similar stories of people visiting their families or going shopping and returning to their homes either empty of valuables or outright claimed by settlers.


The level of evil it is to shoot a Palestinian journalist in the head, falsely claim you didn’t do it, and then send the military to attack her funeral, the mourners, and forcefully rip the Palestinian flag off her coffin. It’s monstrous.

While all of this is happening: 

Israeli police tried to force a Palestinian Muslim woman to remove her headscarf because it “matched the colors of the Palestinian flag”

And in Hebron, busloads of settlers have taken over a building and run towards it with sleeping mats, all from just today. 

ID: Tweet one by Yara Alafandi @/ AfandiYara reads:  Israeli police forcing a Palestinian woman to take off her hijab because it’s the same colours as the Palestinian flag and you’re still arguing that Israel isn’t an apartheid state? #Shereen_Abu_Aqleh

Tweet two by disorientalist @/ princessmlokhia reads:  Colonizers in Hebron took the collective Palestinian mourning for Shireen as a chance to sieze a new building in the city. Look at them, bold and pathetic. When we say Israel is a settler-colony we mean it in the most literal sense.

what’s so different about the victorian era and today’s world? humans are still destroying the planet, corporations are still enforcing unsafe work environments, racists still arguing that “not all slave owners were bad,” the british royal family is still problematic af, reproductive rights are still determined by rich, white men and folks still fuck with that dark academia aesthetic




Very cold take but the reason I think a lot of settler vegans view meat as murder (and therefore immoral) is because they cannot get past their colonial mindset of viewing all interactions as either consumption or domination instead of the reality of a vast web of mutually beneficial and self sustaining relationships with the ecosystem and eachother

This literally makes no sense. How does buying prepackaged meat from the store count as “beneficial” to the ecosystem. In what way are factory farms good for the environment? Does the continuation of the horrid things of the meat industry help out with that? I don’t understand.

We Don’t Need No Education: Deschooling as an abolitionist practiceIn this new essay, Sujani Reddy a

We Don’t Need No Education: Deschooling as an abolitionist practice

In this new essay, Sujani Reddy argues that those of us who want prison abolition must consider a call, simultaneously, to deschool society.
To resist within and against education institutions, she calls for an approach of ‘the undercommons’: “We found ways to be in the institution but not of it, to not subordinate ourselves to its forms of recognition but instead to employ its resources in ways that were not legible or reducible to its designs or demands. We were not poster children; we were poachers.”

Read more here

Post link


I’ve been getting a lot of asks and tags about how to support Palestine and Palestinians during this so here’s ways allies can support us (other Palestinians are welcome to add on): 

Spread Awareness: 

Taking a moment out of your day to spread awareness of the oppression Palestinians face is crucial to supporting our cause. You don’t need to be an expert on Israeli settler colonialism to speak out. Israel relies on media ignorance to enact most of it’s bombings and settler violence against Palestinians, silence equals Israeli violence - reblogging, retweeting and posting in Palestine hashtags (#freePalestine, #savesilwan, #savenaqab, #savesheikhjarrah etc) helps, please do not underestimate how much just interacting with our posts and sharing information helps us. 

Support BDS: 

BDS is a Palestinian-led movement to apply global pressure to Israel to comply with international law, part of the reason Israel maintains a regime of settler colonialism, apartheid, and military occupation over Palestinians is because of international support - so BDS calls for non violent boycotts, divestment, and sanctions on corporations and brands that are complicit with Israel’s oppression - this includes brands such as AXA, HP, Puma, Sodastream, Ahava cosmetics, Sabra, and Pillsbury. If you want to know more about BDS and other ways to support please check out their website here: x

Donate (if you can): 


Electronic Intifada 

Adalah Justice Project


Medical Aid for Palestinians 

Palestine Children’s Relief Fund


Muslim Aid 

Palestine Red Crescent 

Decolonize Palestine: 

Decolonize Palestine is an excellent resource for anyone wishing to know more about Palestine, Palestinians, myths and deconstructing over 70 years of Israeli propaganda. It goes into detail of Israeli propaganda methods including pinkwashing, bluewashing, greenwashing etc and includes reading sources and frequently asked questions about Palestine from Palestinian voices, please check it out if you haven’t: x

#politics    #palestine    #free palestine    #israel    #palestinians    #settler colonialism    #zionism    #apartheid    #us politics    #world politics    #death cw    
#politics    #israel    #palestine    #free palestine    #zionism    #world politics    #us politics    #death cw    #settler colonialism    