#ex evangelical


I know I go on fuck terf rampages every couple of months, but it’s really alarming how many people in the ex cath and Christian tags have “terfs dni” in their bio and yet interact with and reblog posts from terfs!!

it can be hard to spot dogwhistles, but if you consider yourself an ally to trans women you have to make the effort. here are my tips for spotting terfs:

(disclaimer: i am a white, transmisogyny exempt trans lesbian, from a very white part of the united states. i was raised catholic, clearly am not anymore.)

  • If on desktop, download shinigami eyes. This is a browser extension that shows transphobic people in red, and trans allies in green.
  • Block the tags “radical feminism”, “gender critical”, and “terf safe”. when these posts pop up on your feed, you can usually find a whole chain of terfs to block.
  • red flags in bios: excessive use of the word female; the word goddess; most mentions of vagina, vulva, or womb; the phrase “gender critical”; mentions of pagan goddesses (more on this below)
  • i have less than 100 followers on this blog, so i understand that this is not viable for people with larger followings, but if you take 30 seconds to search the word “trans” on a new follower’s blog, you see either positive or negative posts about trans people.
  • another common red flag i see a lot is defensiveness over whiteness. i saw a post recently in the ex christian tag that said “well i am white and live in a predominantly white area but i am still oppressed by the patriarchy!!” and when i went to her blog she ticked off every point on this list.

i specifically mentioned pagan deities earlier. i know that a lot of people, once they have left christianity, jump into pagan religions and they find a lot of solace in them. most of these people are fine. but there is so much rampant transmisogyny, misognoir, and antisemitism in the pagan and witchcraft community, that anyone who advertises this on their blog instantly becomes a red flag to me (and I’m usually right).

I really implore everyone in the ex christian and ex catholic community here on tumblr to start taking action, and start blocking terfs. don’t engage, don’t argue with them, DO NOT GIVE THEM A PLATFORM, just block them, tell your friends to block them, and move on.

someone stop me from sitting alone in my apartment on a Wednesday night listening to Semler’s entire music library and crying

Today on imaginary conversations with a coworker:

“It’s ok I was raised as a woman in an evangelical cult so I’m used to tidying up after entitled sloppy men .”
