#excuse me while i look at this for five hours



I wanted to do something a little different for @212thappreciation Week, so I picked ‘mythology’ and went with dryad!Boil and gargoyle!Waxer. Dryads are generally shy and reclusive, and gargoyles are one of the few strictly benevolent mythological creatures I could think of, so I felt like these fit them. I used gargoyles from Notre Dame Cathedral as inspiration for Waxer’s look.

I don’t have any particular story in mind behind this image, but when I was working on it, some friends and I were tossing around ideas. We figured Boil lives all alone in this forest and then, one day—THWUMP—something heavy lands on his tree. He steps out of the tree, scowling and about to snap, “Get off my lawn!” when he spots a very cheerful gargoyle. Maybe Waxer got blown off course by a storm or something, but in any case, he ended up in this forest, and they’re totally going to be the best of friends.

The foliage brushes I used are from Devin Elle Kurtz.

Reminder: I don’t interact much on Tumblr, so if you’d like me to see anything, please comment on AO3.
