#exo mafia

  • Chanyeol x Reader x Sehun
  • Angst - Mafia
  • Word Count: 1716

Description: Sehun reveals part of his plan to keep you around, but Chanyeol has other ideas.

A/N: Part 8 was kind of just a filler so, part 9 has a lot more important info and exciting things. I’m trying to update so I don’t fall behind. Enjoy^^

one. // two. // three. // four. // five. // six. // seven. // eight. // nine.


Chanyeol remained still, his eyes never leaving Sehun’s. He grabbed your hand and pulled you along with him. You didn’t understand why you couldn’t just run, why couldn’t you just leave Sehun standing there. You instantly started thinking this was another trap and your heart started racing, you wanted to pull your hand out of Chanyeol’s and just run until you couldn’t anymore.

Sehun sat in a chair, his legs crossed as if this were a business meeting still holding the ice to his head. He motioned for the both of you to sit on the sofa. Chanyeol stood still, you directly behind him. Sehun sighed with impatience.

“Well, you’ve both always been extremely stubborn so. I guess I’ll start.” he cleared his throat, tossing the ice filled towel onto the table. “Let me start this off by saying, you can’t leave. I mean physically, you can’t leave.” Sehun straightened his suit before pulling papers out of his jacket. “I made a contract with your folks a long time ago. You parents traded you for a lifetime of luxury.” he made a face you weren’t familiar with, remorse? “Our parents were good friends when we were younger, a past you’ve forgotten with a nasty accident.” you shifted from behind Chanyeol, getting a better look at Sehun.

“My parents? An accident?” you had endless questions, but didn’t know where to start or if what he was saying was even true. Sehun nodded seeming amused with himself. Chanyeol tightened his grip on your hand and you couldn’t be more thankful. You left your thoughts to return to reality. “What is this ‘contract’ exactly?” your voice came out harsh and cold.

“I thought you would never ask.” Sehun smiled to himself, pushing the papers across the table. You hesitated before letting go of Chanyeol’s hand, sitting on the couch. You lifted the papers, but even skimming through it all you could see is a bunch of legal words.

“Do I need to get a lawyer to translate this or are you going to spit it out?” you snarled, patience running thin. His smile grew, clearly enjoying the game that you played right into.

“It basically means that you will become my bride, you will always be by my side unless I say otherwise. In return your mother and father receive a monthly amount that is more than generous to live out their lives. They have inserted their own conditions of making sure that you never contact them, something about guilt.” he waved his hand through the air uncaringly, dismissing their reasonings. You continued to look at the papers in your hands as if looking through them, you squeezed them so hard they started to rip. “You can keep that copy, I have several.” he joked, standing from the chair to move closer. Chanyeol was instantly at your side keep Sehun at bay.

“So you took it into your hands to make her a prisoner?” Chanyeol spat at Sehun. “How noble of you.” Chanyeol balled his fists, desperately wanting to throw a few punches. You lightly brushed Chanyeol’s arm and saw his shoulders relax.

“What do I have to do to void this?” you asked, your voice low. You were afraid you were about to break at any moment. Your world was on the verge of crashing. Sehun picked stray hairs from his jacket tossing them to the floor.

“I don’t want to void it. I made sure that there are absolutely no loopholes. Impeccably impenetrable.” you swear he’d give himself a pat on the back in that moment if it didn’t make him look utterly ridiculous. “I’ve always wanted to be with you, you’d never give me the time of day. You were always in a different world, helping others, making sure everyone was part of something. You were my world. You ARE my world. Your parents provided a situation that benefited me and I took hold over it.”

“Enough of this. We’re leaving.” Chanyeol grabbed your arm pulling you up, dragging you towards the door. “You’ll have to find us first.” he swung open the door.

“There are no limits to my power.” Sehun stood in his same spot, not bothered by the fact that his possession was about to make a run for it. He placed his hands in his pockets. “See you soon, love.” the wicked grin on his face forever imprinted in your mind.

Chanyeol yanked you into a car that you assumed he drove here, you still didn’t know why he was there in the first place. Once he got in on the drivers side he slammed his fists into the steering wheel. “Shit!” you winced at the sudden outburst.

“Chanyeol…” you started to say, but you had no idea what to say at that point. What more is there?

“I have homes all over the place. I used them for work, completely off the grid. We can move between those for now.” his words were rushed, he started to drive. You could see his full concentration on what to do next.

“He will find us, Chanyeol. Just live your life as you have been, it will be better this way for the both of us…” you choked on your words, knowing each one was a lie.

“I can’t. I don’t want to.” he took a deep breath. “No one deserves to live like that. You are not someone’s property. You’re a human being!” he yelled, his rage turning into sadness. Your heart caved in on itself, you couldn’t remember the last time someone was on your side, the last time someone fought for you. You didn’t realize you still had the contract in your hand, crumpled up papers that were nothing but a reminder of where your prison was and who your Warden is. You decided to fold up the contract to read it word by word later, hoping to find something, anything to benefit you.

You both sat in silence for a long while, you weren’t sure where he was driving to but you trusted him. Chanyeol laced his fingers with yours, kissing the back of your hand, ignoring the dried blood. “You’re a mess.” he laughed lightly, afraid to break the silence. “In a few more hours we will be somewhere safe to get you cleaned up.” he smiled, kissing the back of your hand again. You felt the butterflies in your stomach and in that moment you realized that you’d do anything to keep Chanyeol safe.

Chanyeol drove until you reached a small little house in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. Both of you got out of the car walking up to the front door. Chanyeol knocked twice, rang the doorbell then knocked once more. A smaller man answered the door, his hair jet black and a stare that could kill.

“You’re early.” he said lazily, opening the door wider to get a better look at us.

“You know my driving.” Chanyeol replied, nudging the other man. “This is Kyungsoo, he’s a…”

“Coworker.” Kyungsoo replied. “A normal, everyday coworker.” he moved aside letting Chanyeol and yourself walk in. “Bedroom is upstairs, it has its own bathroom. The clothes you requested are also up there.”

“Thanks man. I always knew I could count on you.” Chanyeol slapped his hand on Kyungsoo’s shoulder. If looks could kill, Kyungsoo would have killed Chanyeol ten times over. You followed Chanyeol up the stairs into the bedroom. Everything was in pristine condition, not a single thread was out of place. Even the clothes he brought for Chanyeol and you were folded extra neatly. “He’s a bit of a neat freak, you won’t get used to it. Ever.” he laughed. “You can shower first.” he handed you a towel. You grabbed onto it and he pulled you into him. “Or maybe we should save water and shower together?” your face turned red, not quite expecting something like that from Chanyeol. “I’m just kidding.” he burst out laughing, placing a kiss on your forehead.

“Animal.” you joked back, whipping him with the towel. His laugh grew louder as he made his way out of the bathroom. You took your time in the shower, making sure you thoroughly cleaned your wounds, no matter how minor you couldn’t risk any infections. A hospital was not an option at this point.

You walked out of the bathroom in your towel looking for night clothes that were ever so neatly placed on a dresser. You hadn’t realized how long you spent in there until you saw Chanyeol passed out half naked in bed already. You smiled to yourself, admiring his toned back, the endless scars that trailed his body. You’d hope that one day he told you the stories, but there was a time an place for everything and this was neither. You dressed yourself in the nightgown that fell to your mid thigh and crawled in bed. You couldn’t help to trace the scars with your fingers, gently kissing each one as if it would somehow heal them.

Chanyeol turned over, groaning as he scooped you into his chest. “Mmmm, so clean.” he kissed the top of your head, tracing circles on your lower back. You felt his breath on your face and wanted nothing more than to give into every temptation that screamed at you. You gently kissed his lips, sliding your tongue along his bottom lip. He cupped your face, returning the affection, his lips moving more roughly. His hand snaked to the back of your neck, deepening the kiss. His other hand trailed down your side, his thumb trailing down your breast and stomach, gripping your hip. You let out a small noise, wanting more, wanting all of him, but you knew better.

“I don’t think Kyungsoo would approve of us messing up his beautiful sheets.” you teased, placing your hand on his chest. Chanyeol sighed.

“He always does ruin everything.” he joked. “But he’s a really good friend so I guess we will play by his rules tonight.” he let out a dramatic sigh to emphasize his internal struggle. You laughed, kissing him one last time on the lips before resting your head on his chest.

“Don’t ever leave me.” you whispered into his chest, breathing in his scent.

“Never.” he whispered back.

  • Chanyeol x Reader x Sehun
  • Angst - Mafia
  • Word Count:1526

Description:After Chanyeol’s greatest betrayal, what else is there to live for when you’re just a prisoner in your own home.

A/N: It has been a year since I last updated, more than half this fic was written from a year ago so I kind of just added a few tweaks and that’s about it. I don’t remember where I was going with this so, rip.

one. // two. // three. // four. // five. //six. // seven. // eight. // nine.


You spent days, weeks, maybe even months locked up in the place you used to call your home, your home with Sehun. You lost all track of time, the idea of it no longer mattered. You knew you would be living the same life even 20 years from now.

Sehun kept a handful of his men at the house, surrounding the perimeter to keep people from entering and you from leaving. Sehun would be there sometimes, but his appearance was even more scarce than before, you assumed he didn’t trust you, and he shouldn’t.

You’ve spent enough time trying to figure out ways to hurt Sehun, but the fact that Chanyeol chose money over you, always returns to mind. Killing Sehun would only result in momentary satisfaction, ultimately followed by your own death from one of his many followers.

Keeping still was easier said than done, you couldn’t help but pace the quiet studio. The silence that used to be comforting was now suffocating. You memorized how many steps it takes from each room to another, counting out loud as you went, the only time you ever spoke was then.

Sehun would visit, but you made sure to never let out a word when he was near. Giving him any form of satisfaction made you sick and you were done being his toy.

You walk from the living area to the kitchen, counting 22 steps as you did so, when the front door opened. Sehun entered, leaving his body guards outside per usual. You turned away from him and busied yourself with making food. You picked up a knife and started cutting a cucumber, you weren’t sure what you were making, but you were ready to put your attention on anything but him.

Sehun walked up behind you, snaking his hands around your waist as he bent over to place his head in the crook of your neck. You felt his lips graze your neck and tried your hardest not to shake in anger.

“No hello?” he whispered into your neck followed by a sigh. “How long do you plan on being like this for?” his finger playing gently under the bottom of your shirt. You couldn’t believe he could ask such a dumb question and wanted to yell at him, but that’s exactly what he was doing, baiting you. You know his mind games all too well, he would have to think of new ones if he wanted to break you further.

Sehun broke away from you leaning against the counter as he tossed one of the cucumber pieces into his mouth.

“Chanyeol is doing well. As his new employer, I think he enjoys my tasks more so than his previous.” he spoke as if bored. “Plus he’s loving the increased pay.” You stopped cutting as your grip tightened around the knife, your knuckles as white as can be. It took everything in your power not to plunge the simple blade through his chest. You took a few breaths before returning to cutting.

Sehun failed to notice your reactions as he turned towards you. “What? You don’t care anymore?” he almost sounded giddy. “I will take your silence as my golden answer.” he smiled wickedly, turning your face towards his as he placed a kiss on your forehead. With your attention on another planet, the knife slipped and cut your finger, hissing in pain you quickly wrapped a hand towel around your hand mentally cursing yourself. Sehun grabbed your wrist, ignoring the force he used naturally. Not even a second passed by before you pulled your hand away and made your way to the bathroom to further care for it.

You gripped the edge of the sink, closing your eyes as tight as you could trying to steady your emotions. “How could he do this?” you barely whispered to yourself. No matter how hard you tried to wrap your head around what happened that day, nothing made sense. You rummaged through your brain trying to think of anything that Sehun could hold over Chanyeol as leverage. Deep in thought you didn’t notice Sehun come into the bathroom until he whipped you around to face him.

“No more of this.” his voice came out harsh, cold. “You WILL abide by my rules. You WILL be my wife. There is a lot you don’t know and it’s best you just do as your told.” Sehun lifted you onto the sink, pulling your hair back as he moved to your ear, whispering with a clenched jaw. “Or, I will kill him.”

You felt your breath leave your lungs, it never returned. You sat there stunned with shock and realization. You felt the pieces connecting bit by bit, but had no time to think of them. You acted on impulse, slamming the base of your palm into Sehun’s temple until his head hit the wall full force. The air finally returning to you as you jump off the sink counter, running towards the door. You quickly grab your jacket and shoes, swinging the door open. You completely forgot Sehun kept bodyguards outside the door at all times.

One of the guards called for backup while the other reached out for you. You ducked under his reach and dashed forward making a break for it when a tug on the back of your shirt sent you flying backwards. You felt where you hit the back of you head, seeing blood on your hand but not knowing if it was from the blow or your unbandaged cut finger. You tried to stand up, but the world was staring back at you in twos. You felt hands restraining your own from behind, slamming your cheek into the building. All your senses felt as if they stopped working, the throbbing pain you felt from your finger, head, and cheek all combined as one, joining the emotional pain. The tears came at their own will as you stood there, you were sure Sehun would rid of you after your stunt.

You felt the pressure holding your wrists disappear followed by a gurgled noise. You slowly turned to see the dead bodyguard lying there, blood slowly draining from his mouth. Turning towards the other bodyguard you saw him fall to his knees, his eyes wide, Chanyeol standing behind him with a knife tainted in their blood.

You stared at him in disbelief as if he wasn’t real. He threw the knife down, walking towards you cautiously with his hands up as if dealing with a scared animal. “I always did have impeccable timing” he mused nervously.

“What are you doing?” your voice came out, barely audible. You wrapped your arms around yourself instinctively.

“I’m here to save the damsel in distress.” he smiled softly. You felt your insides turn to mush, after everything his smile alone was enough to make you feel safe again. Your happiness quickly turned to anger remembering what he had done. You took one swift step, slapping him.

“I don’t need you.” you managed to force out. He ignored your harsh words, pushing your back to the wall, cupping your face with both of his hands. You saw the beads of tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

“But I need you. I’m sorry.” he choked out. “I made a decision and I’m paying for it. He said he would have-”

“Killed me.” you cut him off. “I know, that seems to be his go-to threat.” you felt the corner of your mouth pull into a small smile, thinking of how one person could be so low.

“He would have done more than that..” he trailed off as if trying to erase the memory of the threat. “What matters now is that I’m going to get you out of here and spend my life making it up to you. I’m too greedy to let you walk away.” He brushed his thumb under your eyes, the dark circles must have been worse than you thought. You saw every twinge of guilt in Chanyeol’s eyes and believed him. You smiled at him ruffling his hair, kissing his palm. He pulled your face to his, gently kissing you lips, his gentleness turning to neediness.

“Well isn’t this touching?” Sehun leaned against the doorframe, holding a towel wrapped in ice to where you slammed his face into the wall. A large bruise was already forming and you imagined he wasn’t too happy with you right now. Chanyeol stepped in front of you, nuding you to stay behind him.

“Run.” Chanyeol whispered. “Go. Now.” his eyes remained on Sehun. You didn’t want to leave Chanyeol, you knew he just wanted you to be safe, but you wanted him to be safe as well. You were a team now.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Sehun smiled, removing the swaddled ice from the side of his face. “Do you think I wasn’t prepared for this? Sometimes I wonder if you really know me at all.” he mused. He motioned for us to come back into the studio, like a host inviting guests.

But we knew, it was a predator inviting his prey into his domain.
