


“When she had been earlier born, and less self-conscious, sometimes she would rest her face against the mirror’s face, and try to reach her reflection. Camilla had caught her kissing it once, and had written about six pages of notes on that, which was humiliating”.

[ID: A drawing of Nona and Camilla from The Locked Tomb in blue and yellow tones. Nona lays on her stomach in front of a mirror, gazing at her reflection lovingly. She props her chin up with one hand. She has a dangly star earring. Camilla stands in the doorway, frozen and wide-eyed in surprise. End ID]



warden & cavalier

[image description: a digital illustration of palamedes sextus and camilla hect from the locked tomb series, both in camilla’s body, standing back to back in identical poses and with identical neutral expressions. palamedes-in-camilla wears gideon’s sunglasses and holds a book. camilla holds one knife and has another at her hip. they stand in front of the clock face of a watch, which is cracked on palamedes’ side.]
