#palamedes sextus


Ok, since I’m now a locked tomb blog kinda now, and I Have Thoughts, I’m gonna share them with you. What would happen if Cytherea hadn’t shown up? I don’t mean like “everyone has happy fun times and works on necromancy together!” First of all, Silas Octikiseron is there, and he always gonna be No Fun. A non-Cytherea Canaan House would still be full of petty sniping at each other. What I’m saying is, the necromancers of Canaan house are some of the most brilliant to have ever existed.

We’ve got Ianthe , Abigail , Palamedes, and Harrow, who could all make claim to being the best in their respective fields. You honestly think these four couldn’t figure out perfect lyctorhood together? Hell, in canon Palamedes figured out Something that allowed Cam to both survive and get his eyes, and they had this planned out before his suicide attack on Cytherea. Ianthe figured out imperfect lyctorhood without any help, Cytherea killed Abigail first explicitly because her spirit medium abilities and knowledge of history could figure out who Cytherea was! And then Harrow, who managed to preform the lyctoral process while being attacked by a much older lyctor! If we get into Harrow the Ninth, she’s one of two people in canon who can manage theorems in The River! You honestly wanna tell me if they put their heads together, they couldn’t figure it out?

So my idea is that the Necromantic Dream Team over here figures out perfect lyctorhood, thinks “Oh yeah, this is probably how we do it.“ Then everybody who wants to be a lyctor becomes one, cavaliers intact, and they send a call to God like, ”Ok everybody’s done”. Could you imagine? Everybody just walking on the ship with their cavaliers like it was nothing? I can’t decide if it would be funny or absolutely heartbreaking. Funny from an outsider’s perspective, but Augustine and Mercy and maybe Gideon the First would just break. Pyrrha, Cristabel, and Alfred‘s sacrifice meant nothing, and these children figured out what they couldn’t! The angst potential here!

This picture has sat on my fridge for like two years, held up by magnets of the greatest characters

This picture has sat on my fridge for like two years, held up by magnets of the greatest characters in the world to guard them (Jade and Sterling from Chris Dane Owen’s SHINE ON ME video), so forgive its fold marks and low quality, which do not at all do justice to the art.

From top to bottom, although it is fairly obvious if you’ve read the book: Camilla, Palamedes, Dulcinea, Harrow, Gideon. 

This was my first piece of fan art. It kept me going on bad days. Camilla’s side-eye in particular encouraged me to eat a lot of yoghurt. If you go and pre-order a copy of THE UNSPOKEN NAME, written by its artist, I’ll draw an erotic stick figure of hermain characters writhing in a pile of snakes. I can’t draw snakes or even frankly stick figures, so it’ll be a wild ride

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I’ve slowly been working on various Locked Tomb character designs. I still don’t have set costuming I’ve slowly been working on various Locked Tomb character designs. I still don’t have set costuming I’ve slowly been working on various Locked Tomb character designs. I still don’t have set costuming

I’ve slowly been working on various Locked Tomb character designs. I still don’t have set costuming or anything but I wanted to get the 6th House’s faces down (you can see my various minutely different versions of Pal lol)

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“…she was easing the big dark glasses onto her face—the ones she kept specially, despite the fact that they were a little unbalanced on her nose and her ears… Nona thought Camilla privately rather liked them.”



“He doesn’t get distracted,” said Camilla, as if this had caused difficulties in the past.

[image description: digital illustrations of camilla and palamedes from the locked tomb series. camilla watches palamedes studying from a huge pile of books. he falls asleep while reading and she stands by him with a hand on his shoulder before carrying him, slung over her back, to bed.]

these are literally my two favorite pieces i’ve done in the last year, and they’re so ridiculously different in vibe but manage to at least share that teal color i’m addicted to. idk what this says about me as an artist.

filthymagicuser:Palamedes Sextus reminds me of one of my really good IRL friends and so he was an


Palamedes Sextus reminds me of one of my really good IRL friends and so he was an instant fave. So I thought I’d do a little doodle while I try to get back into drawing as I heal. 

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A drawing of Camilla Hect and Palamedes Sextus. They're both wearing very light-coloured grey clothes that look blue-ish in the lighting and have dark skin. They are both drawn from the waist up. Camilla has sharp brown hair cut at the shoulder and intense dark eyes. Pal has reddish brown hair, almost glowing grey eyes, a long nose and face. The left side of his face is obscured by a partial white lineart drawing of a skull super-imposed on it. Camilla is wearing a light grey brown sweater. Pal is wearing a sleeveles sweater over a button up shirt. Over Cam's head is the symbol for the constellation Cassiopeia.ALT

“What would you do if you discovered Camilla was a murderer?”
“Help her bury the body,” said Palamedes promptly. (x)

A drawing of a rough square of fabric laid out on a black background. On the fabric is a bunch of shattered yellowed bones, deeply shadowed. Next to the fabric are words in black highlighted in a dirty beige colour. IF YOU HAVE A BROTHER AND HE DIESALT
A drawing of Cam in profile from the torso up. She is on the left side of the panel with her hands outstretched, above which a fragment of a glued-together skull, also in profile is staring at her while she looks down at it. She has dark shoulder length hair, medium olive-ish skin, dark eyes and a long nose. On the right side, also in profile, is an outline of palamedes, dotted out in white stars against a black background. The constellation Cassiopeia is drawn above his head in white.ALT
There is a drawing of a slightly transparent bag hanging from a rope against a stark black background. As the bag is slightly transparent, the outlines of a folded up skeleton hand can be seen through it. The text on either side of the bag says OR ARE YOU ALWAYS A SISTERALT
A drawing of Camilla from the front view, from the torso up. She has chin length dark hair, a long nose, her eyes are closed and medium olive-ish skin. She is wearing a plain greyish sweater, and around her neck hangs a bag tied with string. Over her shoulder, there is a skeleton hand reaching out to her shoulder, which fades into the black background. Next to her is the text EVEN WHEN THE OTHER HALF OF THE EQUATION IS GONE?ALT

i’m sad about camilla hect every day
