

Hello lovelies~ 

It’s been some time, hasn’t it? Life really tackled hard for me. As many may already know, I’m the only mod on this page anymore. Some of the others have gone off to explore other parts of their lives, and that’s perfectly okay~ Some have deemed that the angelkin life is not of theirs anymore, and have grown in other aspects. I stayed for two reasons. I was bought into this community later than most, and learned alot about myself as I stayed along. It’s an eyeopener how much I’ve grown in this past few years. 

I also stayed because I do love the friends and family I’ve made amongst here. Each and every one of you have affected my life in some way. 

Now, I went MIA for a bit (Almost a year now, huh?) because I couldn’t give this blog the attention it deserved. The discord is still up, but mentally, I couldn’t even look at it. My mental health decreased quite a bit and I took some much needed self-care for myself. I’m sorry I didn’t keep you all updated on that. I formed new bonds and friendships, I even have a new relationship with my best friend of 10 years haha. Things are better themselves for me, and that means I can slowly but surely start working on this again. And I will! Thank you so much to those who’ve sent messages in to check in on us, and see if we were okay. You are all so kindhearted <3

So please, keep your eyes opened, I’m going to work on revamping this. How long will it take? I’m unsure. Any ideas or tips you may have, by all means, send em in. But just know, things are getting better <3

-Mod Raiden
