#falling mv


Falling is the most emotional and sincere song Harry has, so I really like how, on a more symbolic level, you can say that the music video can be interpreted as Harry “pouring his heart out” or “pouring his heart into his music”, especially with the water coming from the piano.

(Also Harry crying at the end, but you can’t see his tears because he’s already under water. Just, the symbolism of the water and his tears, like, there is so much symbolism.)

I cried the first time I listened to Falling, so I kind of expected I would cry the first time I watched the video for Falling.

But, Harry looking like he’s about to cry the entire time?

And Harry looking right into the camera and straight into your soul the entire first chorus, but then has to close his eyes and look away when he sings “What if I’m someone you won’t talk about”?

And seeing Harry having to tilt his head back at the end of the second chorus in order to keep singing, because the water keeps rising?

And then the water rising over him completely while he sings “And I get the feeling that you’ll never need me again”?

And then, once he’s completely under water, seeing him just, sort of, give up? Like, the bench he was sitting on floats to the surface, but Harry just remains under water?

And seeing Harry cry under water, but you can’t see his tears, because he’s under water?

This video is just gorgeous.

But it also hurts. So much.
