#famicom dojo



Another World (aka Out of This World) was a singular 16-bit experience for many games in the early 1990s.  A cinematic experience with amazing graphics and music on affordable consoles and computer platforms, and minimalist design to match, but brutal consequences for failure.  If you were like us, you were hooked and wanted more.

Published by Delphine Software, the game was actually only developed by one person – Eric Chahi – with sound design provided by Jean-Francois Freitas.  Together, over two years, they created a video game experience that has stood the test of time three decades and many consoles and online gaming services later.

We explore how the limitations of the ‘90s drove Chahi to create a game that was easily portable to other systems of the day, required minimal (if exceptionally clever) effort to port to other contemporary systems, and how this all laid the groundwork for an HD glow-up that belied the extraordinary, indie-like effort to create.  We also tackle the features that were included in, but also the ones notable missing from, the 20th Anniversary Edition that is itself 10 years old as of 2021.


Sean unboxes his latest haul from Limited Run Games.


Watch the full episode: https://youtu.be/7EtJ3_eLtjg

Before going into the Deep Roads to hunt for fame and fortune, you (as Hawke) have a big decision to make: whether or not to take your only surviving sibling with you.  If you started Dragon Age II as a warrior or rogue, then Bethany is the one who will survive the journey to Kirkwall to face the consequences of this fateful decision.

This review covers the three possible outcomes of that decision, but we leave it up to you to decide which you would most prefer to follow.  And if you’re able to import your save into Dragon Age: Inquisition, then you’ll even hear about her fate post-game from Varric and/or Hawke directly.

Otherwise, if you choose a mage at the outset, Bethany will instead get squished by an ogre, leaving you with Carver.  And nobody wants that.

#dragon age    #famicom dojo    


Many puzzles in Myst require reading, investigation, and critical thinking to solve, and cannot be guessed through brute force.  However, the design of the final puzzle doesn’t require playing much of the game to complete once you know the answer.  As a result, it’s possible to complete Myst in under five minutes without ever visiting any of the other ages simply by remembering the three of the solutions. 

We’ll show you the answers to those puzzles, and a handful of the versions of this game where it works – which, at this point, is all of them.  But, more importantly, we’ll discuss that while this is mechanically possible to do, it doesn’t detract from the wonder and design of the game, nor diminish the experience of playing it.

Watch the full video: https://youtu.be/k_b0GZZD9CM
