#fan novel

 My Princess Tutu continuation fanfiction Chapter of the Bird is now available as a hardcopy book wi

My Princess Tutu continuation fanfiction Chapter of the Bird is now available as a hardcopy book with 9 new b&w illustrations embedded throughout the story drawn by Veronica Crow! @kittykichi Portfolio: https://crowcreations.carrd.co/  The cover artworks were fanart drawn for the story by Mangaka-chan, also the story editor @mangakachan.

Including shipping and taxes, the amount to purchase a copy is something around $20-25 in the USA depending on the tax in your area (international shipping is possible at a higher amount). If you’d like to get a copy, either DM me or leave a comment denoting your interest and I can message you my PayPal and get your address to ship to so I can tell you what the precise amount for your location would be. ^^

If you’d like to take a look at the story, the full text is posted online at FFnet and AO3, with the illustrations also embedded in the story at AO3 (though the additional notes are currently only in the book):



Post link


I made a print version through Lulu.com of my Princess Tutu sequel fanfiction, Chapter of the Bird! I had originally made it as a keepsake for myself and my beta reader @mangakachan , but since I’ve had a few people interested in a copy when I mentioned it, I thought I’d see if there were other people interested as well.

I spent the past several months putting it together, making minor edits to the writing as well as adding 40 pages of commentary (a fair amount of it not posted online) and formatting it with a Table of Contents and chapter headings for easy navigation.

The interior is text only, but the cover illustrations are fanart done a while back by @mangakachan , edited by me into a book cover inspired by the covers of the official series guidebooks. (The front title logo is the official Japanese anime logo, and the spine is based off the first edition DVD cover’s alternate title logo.)

It’s a total of 726 pages, so it’s a huge tome of a book lol. Since it’s a fanwork and not original material, they’re only available by request (so I don’t get sued for copyright lol).

The price, including US domestic shipping and Paypal fees, is around $16, though it may be a little less if I can get one of the coupon codes floating around to work haha. International shipping is available too, the exact price will just be case-by-case since that varies.

If you’re interested in getting a copy, send me a DM or let me know in the comments that you’re interested and how you’d like me to contact you! And let me know if you have any other questions or comments. =)

If you want to see the versions I posted online, here they are on AO3 and FFnet:

Still have these available, for any others who might be interested!
