#fan oc

finally got around to sketching out BLT’s symbiote/ sicko mode form

finally got around to sketching out BLT’s symbiote/ sicko mode form

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Theophania, an angel of joy. She’s kind of ditzy, clumsy, and dense when it comes to human nat

Theophania, an angel of joy. She’s kind of ditzy, clumsy, and dense when it comes to human nature, but she means well.

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Ferrum is one of the gatekeepers of Hell, but after God and the Devil disappeared, he decided to tak

Ferrum is one of the gatekeepers of Hell, but after God and the Devil disappeared, he decided to take a long vacation to think over what to do in this new chapter of life.

For a little project between friends.

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 Full-body, flat colour commission for @alfalfasalads featuring their Hollow Knight OC, Sullivan!Tha

Full-body, flat colour commission for @alfalfasalads featuring their Hollow Knight OC, Sullivan!

Thank you again for commissioning me to draw this lovely, round boi, it was great fun~ 

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I forgot to share! I have a Zombillenium OC I’ve been sharing pretty extensively on my Instagram — I made a side account to share unpolished sketches and drawings! I’ll post some of her content over here as well but in the mean time

Her name is Amelie, she’s a psychic/clairvoyant witch employed at the park as a fortune teller.

These were all SUPER rough color concepts to help figure out her different looks through the series. First one is her *official* updated color scheme, the second image was her original test colors. The third to last is her work uniform!

fan ocfan ocfan ocfan ocfan oc
electriceidolonart:Agent Eido. Specializes in Electrokinesis and Symphokinesis. Primarily an agent u


Agent Eido. Specializes in Electrokinesis and Symphokinesis. Primarily an agent utilized for field-work missions; will teach Interns only if forced to. Has a mechanical right eye; cause of which is publicly unknown. Only seems to tolerate Agent Links and Agent Ani. REALLY bristles at the mention of Agent Aquato or the idea of children agents.

A small ref of my Psychonauts OC AU version of my persona! Gonna write a fic involving them and 2 other friend’s OCs… eventually

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