#fanart reblog



Here you are sweetheart. Sorry I’m late, I was looking everywhere for you.

Zukka Howl’s moving castle au ✨


a digital comic of katara & toph. toph, excitedly: hey katara, wanna commit a felony with me? katara, angry: toph, what the hell?! toph: wait, sorry, my bad.
toph, with her hands cupped on her mouth, whispers, "wanna commit a felony with me?" katara, smiling, whispers back, "yeah of course ☺️"

katara is down for crime just not down to get caught


[ID: two digital colored illustrations of Suki and Yue from Avatar: The Last Airbender. The first image holds a glowing white crescent moon which takes up most of the canvas against a black background. Yue lies on her back, curved against the crescent, Suki with her face on Yue’s chest. Their visible hands hang down, intertwined. Their hair and clothing floats around the moon. The piece is colored in mostly pinks, though Suki wears pale green. A thick neon pink ribbon floats around the two of them and the moon, looking almost like water. The black around the moon is dotted with stars. Within the moon, in green text, are the words “THE MOON AND HER LOVER”. The second image is the same as the first, zoomed in on Suki and Yue’s faces. End ID]

jasminebythebay: Happy New Year! Starting the year with a Zuko sketch that got out of hand.


Happy New Year! Starting the year with a Zuko sketch that got out of hand.

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My animated concept of a more antagonistic Avatar in this universe.


Kwan is from the Earth Kingdom and has been the Avatar on duty for over thirty years after her training, travelling around the world and working with the governments to help their people. But several incidents has left her feeling distrustful of the leaders, so she decided to go against their authorities and rebel on her own, prompting the governments to recruit skilled fighters to stop her from unleashing any threat. 

 Special thanks to the amazing Bryn Curry for doing her voiceover.

Bryn - https://www.instagram.com/strongfemalenerd/

Aaaaa support!!!!!!

cabbagemerchantofficial: Let’s say, hypothetically, I drew jetko art.[ID: digital fanart of Zuko and


Let’s say, hypothetically, I drew jetko art.

[ID: digital fanart of Zuko and Jet in flat colours, from the waist up in front of a simple mint green background. They are sitting at a table, presumably in Pao’s Tea shop in Ba Sing Se, wearing their Ba Sing Se outfits. Jet is sitting straightly, gently blowing on a cup of tea he is holding in his hands, eyes closed. His straw of wheat sticks out of the tea cup, because he is Jet. Sparkles surround him to show just how much of a proper customer he is. Attacking this quaint tea shop is truly the last thing on his mind.

Zuko sits to his right, slouching, head resting on his left hand, frowning and pouting, clearly annoyed with Jet’s ridiculous behaviour. He wishes to be anywhere else. 

Text in speech bubbles: 
Zuko:You’re a menace.
Jet: I am a model patron!
Zuko: Why do you even come here?
Jet: The waiter is cute. End ID]

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Automail Maintinence

kangdae95draws: I couldn’t resist but drawing this Roy for @jedidragonwarriorqueen and her fanfic! I


I couldn’t resist but drawing this Roy for @jedidragonwarriorqueen and her fanfic! If you read it you’ll understand which scene this is :D 

I made this as a follow up for the scene she had commissioned and you can find it in this link! 

If you like my work, please support me on my Patreon! 

Ahhh I love this!! You can see the dawning horror on his face

Thank you!!!!!

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watch for rains

captainjamba: if looks could kill, rayla would’t even need her blades here, no?


if looks could kill, rayla would’t even need her blades here, no?

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Soren for the S4 design series, where I do portraits of all the main characters before and after we get more info/character reveals, since my ideas will definitely be contradicted, haha!

Soren is watching the sun set on another day end with his sister still out there somewhere.

He kept the beard! Love it, Numpty!


I wanted to draw them for so long. yesterday was this day. for the inktober. Runaan and Tinker.


Look at me making a fully coloured and rendered Ruthari drawing shdhdhsjak-

I can’t wait to see these two again, pls let them reunite and be happy ✨

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

June is pride month, so be prepared for more gay shit y’all ️‍ There’s more in the making


i am sooo happy with how this ended up turning out. all the tears and struggling it was worth it for my beloved worm man



Here’s an Older Claudia for @bungodheart Dragon Prince AU!! King Ezran elected her as High Mage of Katolis after Viren’s death.

superkaninchen: The image I made for Echoes of Thunder Anthology back in June 2019. Wow. Time really


The image I made for Echoes of Thunder Anthology back in June 2019. Wow. Time really flies. I think I learned a lot since then… (I hope, lol).  

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Searching for Answers

[ID: A digital drawing of young Aaravos holding a candle. He is wearing many layers of clothing. His chest is exposed, showing his glowing star. He is in a dark room with a bookcase, some desks, and a staircase. On the far back wall are a rug and painting hanging on the wall.]


Second part of the pre-character reveal S4 design series: The broken thing Posting these two together, in some wishful thinking + needing to speed up if I want to post them all before June 8th where we might get info that’ll change this vision! I’ll do post-character reveal portraits to contrast, too.

Oh, these are gorgeous, Numpty! So much emotion!


They were happy once

captainjamba: kiradrawsy:I love the worldbuilding in The Dragon Prince and Rayla is such a good char



I love the worldbuilding in The Dragon Prince and Rayla is such a good character!! im so excited to see what they bring next season!!! also, the studio is super active on twitter and retweets a lot of art and its really nice to see from a company!!!

Can’t help but love her. Also, this hairstyle really suits her, i think!

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suddenly i realized i never posted the finished art from the dragon prince rayllum zine i was part of ages ago. so here you go, the piece i drew over a year ago in the different aus the two would meet

@falling-for-you-a-rayllum-zine even though i’m mentioning them, the sales are closed ages ago. *sheepish*



Bi-buns Rayla sketch for Pride

Awwww, so cuuuuuute!

arnieb95:chimpukampu: “She’s gone. She’s really gone…”You guys enabled me so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This is both



“She’s gone. She’s really gone…”

You guys enabled me so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is both gorgeous and incredibly painful, I love it

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Tail Wag

(rbs appreciated!)

(inspired on this postby@griancraft)


this guy
