#gasp oooo



[ID: two digital colored illustrations of Suki and Yue from Avatar: The Last Airbender. The first image holds a glowing white crescent moon which takes up most of the canvas against a black background. Yue lies on her back, curved against the crescent, Suki with her face on Yue’s chest. Their visible hands hang down, intertwined. Their hair and clothing floats around the moon. The piece is colored in mostly pinks, though Suki wears pale green. A thick neon pink ribbon floats around the two of them and the moon, looking almost like water. The black around the moon is dotted with stars. Within the moon, in green text, are the words “THE MOON AND HER LOVER”. The second image is the same as the first, zoomed in on Suki and Yue’s faces. End ID]
