#fandom bs



Arya: *cooks, cleans, and does so many lowborn feminine tasks until her hands are bloody* *wears dresses when it doesn’t interfere with her activities* *admires the Braavosi courtesans who will be training her in The Winds of Winter* *wears dresses in the Riverlands and Braavos without protest* *loves flowers* *actually cries a lot* *misses her family so much* *longs for home* *can fight and hurt you but only if you’re evil/are a danger to others* *bullied and scorned by women/girls because she finds it difficult to conform to be a perfect lady* *feels so much like an outcast in her own home that she thinks she’s a bastard too like Jon Snow* *gets physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually harassed/molested many times before puberty* *had to witness torture and rape of others, and the murder of people as young as babies in Harrenhal and the Riverlands* *witnesses the brutal and inhumane deaths of her father, mother and oldest brother* *her lowborn friend gets killed by the Hound because of a blatant lie that favours Prince Joffrey, and then gets abducted and abused by the same man later on* *loses her teacher as well as her Father’s household servants/men on a single day yet still was calm enough to escape Lannister guards who were everywhere looking for her* *uses only her wits to escape during the massacre at the Tower of the Hand and then survive Fleabottom where people steal her things, and suspicious men chase her in alleys with evil intentions* *is beaten bloody many times by grown men* *starved so much she had to resort to eating bugs and worms* *takes care of orphans older and younger than her in an active war zone despite being a child herself* The woman is important too!

ASOIAF ‘Fans’: *ignoring that Arya is a child who is only 9-11 years old during books 1-5* She is masculine and has male privilege. She should die.

me when i’m 99.99% convinced my ship is going to be canon, not really caring when as long as it happens, focusing on the parts of the fandom I enjoy, not sending hate or bullying people for shipping something else, and knowing that even if my ship doesn’t become canon I’ll keep thriving because I’m a busy adult woman with a fulfilling life outside the internet and silly fandom drama

when fans throw trantrums bc their fave turns out to be confirmed asexual and not gay









full offense but none of you would have ever survived fanfiction.net in 2009

remember when writers had to be all like:
“omg omg lemon starts HERE”

y’all are lucky that ao3 has tags andfilters you can set

Sometimes shit was marked “lemon” and it’d just be them making out, and sometimes they’d just start pissing on each other

No rules, no laws, you took your life into your hands opening fics

A/N: this contains SLASH, that means TWO MEN, if that makes you uncomfy, DON’T READ!

A/N: please don’t sue me, o anime overlords, I’m not making any money off of this! I’m just a broke student! I don’t have any money!

A/N: I totally wrote this while high off 10 Red Bulls wheeeeeee!!!!!

A/N: COMMENT if you want me to continue the next chappy!!!

No, no, no

remember when there’d be interactions with the author and the characters?

InuYasha: I don’t get why I have to be here for this

A/N: Because it was in your contract!!1!1 *revs chainsaw*

god those were lawless times. 

…I’m fucking SWEATING

this is literally giving me flashbacks

Flash forward to 2022 and there are people who read all 100 tags, the spoilery summary, the initial fic note AND the new update note reiterating not JUST possibly triggering content but chapter-specific warnings about content—


Physician, heal thyself

And never time travel to the early aughts. You’re weak and would not survive the winter.


After the latest round of Mycah discourse I was asking myself why people habitually bring the situation up––and by people I mean those who don’t stan Arya, since they’re the ones who routinely start this discourse––and I concluded that it’s because Sansa’s fans cannot willfully argue that the loss of Lady won’t impact Sansa’s storyline without 1) misreading the Joffrey/Mycah situation and then 2) concluding that Arya is to blame for the loss of Lady so that 3) they can state that Lady’s death doesn’t really matter as far as severing Sansa’s “Stark” identity goes. 

Normal fans reading this can conclude that it’s Arya’s first significant act in the series, and it showcases who she is fundamentally as a person: a defender of all people regardless of class status, a loving and fiercely loyal friend, a passionate girl who tried her best to go against an embedded hierarchy and couldn’t (because she’s only a little girl!). As far as the broader plot implication goes, the Joffrey/Mycah situation is our first indication of Joffrey’s real personality, which has echoes for the War of the 5 Kings later on, as well sowing the seeds of discord between the Starks and Lannisters (that leads to the breakout of war), showing the cracks in Robert’s reign (and his abject weakness of personality and kingship), killing off Lady (which impacts Sansa’s character), and separating Nymeria from Arya (which impacts Arya’s character). Yet it is the thematic implication that is the most important aspect of the scene––showing how horrific classism and patriarchy are that a Prince can torture a butcher’s boy at will, that no one will take a little girl’s word seriously, that lowborn and highborn people can’t even be friends without the lowborn boy being punished. 

Only in this fandom will you get people actually arguing that a girl being a good, heroic person and going against the inertia of feudalism (the inertia of her own highborn privilege, indeed) is somehow a bad thing. 

So just to put this out there… I was unaware of pretty much anything that went on over on Wattpad until just recently, but between an old sketch of mine being traced and uploaded there (which has thankfully been removed) and the crap with Paramount, I’ve been checking the site out and…wow, I really hate it.

People really will take whatever fan art they find and want to use and alter it/upload it there without a second thought, huh? Likely without permission and pretty much without credit given. I’ve been on that hell site for five minutes and I’ve already found someone else who’s taken and altered another of my GR fan arts. I’ve also recognized other artists’ works from the GR, GLTAS, and Zestiria fandoms.

That in mind, let me just say… If you take any of my fan art and use it on Wattpad for story/chapter thumbnails or whatever else, altered or not, without my permission/without crediting me? A giant, hearty FUCK OFF AND GO TO HELL TO YOU. I did not sink time and energy into any art, whether just a sketch or a fully colored piece, for someone else to re-upload it elsewhere for their own fanworks and without my permission/credit given to me. And I don’t doubt that many artists would feel exactly the same way. It’s grossly disrespectful.
