#fanfiction commission



Hey y’all! I’ve decided to open up writing commissions again! I’ve got a BFA in Creative Writing, so I have some experience writing fiction. 


As this is a whump account, I hope most of my commissions will be whump-focused, or at least hurt/comfort centered. I’m open to write any form of whump. I have very few limits, and if you do happen to request content I feel uncomfortable providing, I will simply tell you so.

I can write:

  • unnamed character stories (ex: whumpee, whumper, caretaker, Character A, Character B, etc.)
  • original character stories (original RPG characters, original WIP characters, etc.)
  • fanfiction
  • character imagines (self-insert, character x reader, etc.)

Although my main focus is whump and hurt/comfort, I’m completely open to writing other genres (fluff, romance, etc.)! I’m willing to write fanfiction for any show/movie I’ve seen, but I do have my preferred fandoms. Most of my ships are f/f or m/m, but I’m completely comfortable with writing m/f relationships as well.


I prefer to receive payment throughPayPal, and I prefer to receive payment after the work is completed. I’m a full-time college student with a part-time job, so you will likely have to wait a couple weeks until your piece is completed. Please be patient. Prices can be found below:

< 1,000 Words: $1

1,000 Words: $5

2,000 Words: $10

3,000 Words: $15

If you’re interested, you can contact me right here on tumblr! I prefer to discuss details and brainstorm ideas over private messaging.

If you’re unable to afford a commission or simply disinterested in commissioning me, please reblog to spread visibility! I will be so grateful! Thank you!
