#fangirl musings


A few weeks into The Mandalorian.

Less than a week till The Rise of Skywalker.

A few weeks from the final season of The Clone Wars.

There is much to speak of and so much more to come but….this Tumblr exile has suited me well so I think I’ll wait another couple of months before I return properly and once again fill your timeline with artworks and randomness.

May the Force be with you all.

That realisation came to me a little earlier, as did the acknowledgement that their saga will, in several months, be at end. And I am at peace with that. 

For as much as I have always loved the original trilogy, (mostly) very much enjoyed the sequels and regard the prequels with more love than I had for them when they were first released (thanks largely to The Clone Wars), I am so very ready for other stories to be told, like that of The Mandalorian, more of Cassian and that greater exploration of the my favourite fictional galaxy, all that is that beyond the spheres which the Skywalkers have occupied.

That’s not to say when the final credits roll on The Rise of Skywalker that I won’t be a teary, blotchy mess when the lights come up in the cinema (let’s face it, I’ll probably be in a bad state tomorrow when that final trailer lands). It has been too long an acquaintance with the Skywalkers not to be an emotional time. But I am prepared for the end now…
