#fangirl rainbow rowell


a concept: baz gets simon one of those snazzy flower suits, tailored to perfection

i know this has been done before but i wanted to try my take on it and i’m pretty happy with the results, ngl:)

i talk too much but i started online school this week so i haven’t had time to draw a ha ha.. ALSO thanks for 1,000 notes on my fav scene redraw :’) reading sweet comments or finding kind tags in reblogs literally makes me melt. ok bye

“One kiss, and you think the world is upside down.”

“Two kisses,” I say. And I take him by the back of his neck.

chapter 62 of carry on

i broke my nail while drawing this, so it unfortunately took awhile. also i cannot decide if i really like this or really hate it LOL

“He held himself up on all fours above me and made me reach up for his mouth—and I did. I would again. I’d cross every line for him.

I’m in love with him.

And he likes this better than fighting.”

i feel like this snippet in carry on is under appreciated , like that’s kind of really hot imo lmaoo

so i drew it :p i literally had to make my own reference because the internet didn’t know what i wanted. yknow how awkward taking my own pictures of this scene was???? very!!

some more carry on art because i’m having fun with it!! this isn’t anything too special but i’ve never really explored drawing things besides portraits (exposing myself lmao). but i like this scene

this is also the scene that simon just blanks out bc baz is wearing jeans teehee

baz’s eyes turned out too blue in this, and my handwriting is kind of atrocious ahaha

i read carry on a long time ago and reread it in basically one sitting a few days ago. i had no idea there was a sequel (whoops), so i found it and read that in nearly one sitting, too

these books are so good!! i read fangirl first and was pleased to find carry on existed. anyways, simon snow (wing-free) in all of his sunshiny glory

now that my love for this series has been refueled, i’ll probably only draw this for the next couple weeks haha. not that my art is noticeable B’^)
