#fantastic nate but ooh your morgan makes me shiver



this is from a prompt I shame deleted in early 2021 and am now filling in mid 2022 because I write at a snails pass

#17things you said that i wish you hadnt  from this prompt list

Too honest

fandom: twc
pairing: Nate Sewell/F!detective (Riley Jordan)/Morgan
rating: M (really like older teen but I’d rather err on the side of caution)
words: 1.2k
read on ao3

             The bar was not a place Nate could easily picture Riley. He had grown used to their long afternoons together in the library. To her face buried in a book, a pad at her side as she scribbled notes, ink covering her fingers and occasionally her face when she had to readjust her glasses. It’s a pleasant change, for all of the noise and bustle and whatever passes for music now days. She’s all smiles and laughter, catching up with old friends.

               It’s a short walk back to the detective’s apartment. The streets of Wayhaven are peaceful, light gathering in the pools of rainwater, shimmering along the asphalt and painting the night in softness. Painting her in softness. It has been growing harder and harder for Nate to ignore the feelings Riley elicits within him: longing, regret and most of all guilt. Guilt that he should be feeling this way when she so clearly had feelings for someone else. Not just someone else, Morgan.

               Morgan who he’d never seen like this before. Morgan who moved on so quickly, always seeking new pleasures, new distractions.

               What sort of man wished a heartbreak on his friend? Wished that Morgan would fall back into her old patterns, and maybe just maybe there might be more than friendship in those long afternoons with Riley. He’d often wished for a companion, a partner, but never found someone he could envision that with, until now.  

               Fate was nothing if not cruel.

Keep reading
