#twc fanfic



Hitting post before I can think about this anymore! This was written with the sole intention of expressing my high levels of thirst about this Nate art by @/greyhands . Tried to smoothe out the thirst with a rolling pin of context, but some of it doesn’t make sense ✌ don’t think about it

Rating:16+ (Nate is all suave and suggestive but nothing explicit)

Word count: 1325

Synopsis:Unit Bravo has a secret mission. Nate distracts Avery from her fears for him. (Nate x Avery)


Avery isn’t supposed to be involved in this mission. She isn’t even supposed to be at the Warehouse today. It’s an anxious pit in her stomach that brings her there, a foolish hope that Rebecca won’t notice her until she’s learned the details of the mission and it’s too late. Wouldn’t be the first time. 

Alas, no dice.

Thirty-three minutes after she is sent to her room—a command that makes Morgan snicker—her pacing is interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. “Avery?”

Afficher davantage

I can’t believe one of my twc fanart inspired a fic ! I’m truly honored, and I love your story and how you write about Nate. Also, every characters’ reaction is so perfect, I can’t stop myself reading your fic again and again ^^

When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love

Thank you so much for the tag, @princess-geekand@missameliep

I only chose among one-shots because I thought it be easier for me to pick. Yet, it took me four days to pic… Pretty sure I’d take at least a month to choose if I included chapters of any of my series

(Most of these works are unsuitable for minors, so you’re not over 18 and/or don’t like reading heavy stuff, please scroll past this post)

1.When It’s Meant To Be - Modern!Hamid x Daphne: This is a story I wrote to celebrate two years writing Meant To Be series that also has a few Kinktober prompts (I see praise kink and I remember Hamid. I don’t know why. I just do ). I rarely write smut for Hamid and Daphne because I tend to focus on their emotional and intellectual connection. But as two characters heavily attracted to each other, when I do write smut for them, I always bring out the big guns.

2.Not Ready - Modern!Yusuf Konevi, Veronica (F!OC), Modern!Hamid: one of my favorite works from last year. This story is about Yusuf’s fear of possibly being rejected by the people who say they’ll always love him no matter what and the ones who will be by his side if/when he comes out.

3.Thicker Skin - Ayla (MOTY MC), Guy Ledford, Stephanie (daughter): I think this is my favorite one-shot from last year. Inspired by a song that gave chills from the very first time I listened to it, this one shot is about the Ayla’s breaking point in her relationship with Guy. It’s about hurt, but it’s also about self-empowerment and the people who truly matters in her life.

4.Impromptu Dance: Unplanned - Nate Sewell x Stella (F!MC): this is the fluff Nate and Stella deserve but never get in canon because supernaturals never give them a break lol

5.Home - Logan x Carla (F!MC): Every time I think about writing a new Logan x Carla story, I think ‘will I ever write something as good as Home?’. That’s how great I believe this piece is.

Tagging:@noesapphic@storyofmychoices@peonierose and anyone else who wants to share their work (sorry if you’ve been tagged before… I haven’t been on Tumblr much. I’m trying to go back to reading fics again so feel free to tag me to your posts so I can read your recs)


Pride in Wayhaven Writing Challenge

Pairing: Named Male Detective/Mason
Characters: Male Detective. Mason, Felix (mentioned)
Rating: G
Prompt: First Pride
Words: 851
Summary: When you get older passing the torch along to the next generation is sometimes easy. But sometimes its not. Sometimes you’re not ready to pass it on before you feel like its already been taken. OR Detective Jaxs Amato takes Felix to his first Pride.

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Technicalllllllly????? I made something so its art????? reblogging here to keep it together


I was tagged by @amlovelies (for WIP Whenever) and @serenpedac (for Snippet Sunday) (thank you both!!!).

Tagging (no pressure!) both of you back and @grapecaseschoices@homeformyheart@achilleanwizard@babycracker@agentnatesewell (also anyone who wants to participate, consider yourself tagged!)

I feel like my only work in progress for the last couple of weeks has been my math lololol. But have this rough dialogue between Nate and Morgan, a flashback which may or may not be cut from Stupid Cupid Part 5. (Have I written part 4? No. )

Rating this excerpt 16+ and throwing it under a cut for allusions to sex (but don’t get excited lol).

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this is from a prompt I shame deleted in early 2021 and am now filling in mid 2022 because I write at a snails pass

#17things you said that i wish you hadnt  from this prompt list

Too honest

fandom: twc
pairing: Nate Sewell/F!detective (Riley Jordan)/Morgan
rating: M (really like older teen but I’d rather err on the side of caution)
words: 1.2k
read on ao3

             The bar was not a place Nate could easily picture Riley. He had grown used to their long afternoons together in the library. To her face buried in a book, a pad at her side as she scribbled notes, ink covering her fingers and occasionally her face when she had to readjust her glasses. It’s a pleasant change, for all of the noise and bustle and whatever passes for music now days. She’s all smiles and laughter, catching up with old friends.

               It’s a short walk back to the detective’s apartment. The streets of Wayhaven are peaceful, light gathering in the pools of rainwater, shimmering along the asphalt and painting the night in softness. Painting her in softness. It has been growing harder and harder for Nate to ignore the feelings Riley elicits within him: longing, regret and most of all guilt. Guilt that he should be feeling this way when she so clearly had feelings for someone else. Not just someone else, Morgan.

               Morgan who he’d never seen like this before. Morgan who moved on so quickly, always seeking new pleasures, new distractions.

               What sort of man wished a heartbreak on his friend? Wished that Morgan would fall back into her old patterns, and maybe just maybe there might be more than friendship in those long afternoons with Riley. He’d often wished for a companion, a partner, but never found someone he could envision that with, until now.  

               Fate was nothing if not cruel.

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I was tagged by @amlovelies last week. writing brain came back when i needed math brain so here is some dialogue that is probably quite difficult to follow lol. this is from Stupid Cupid Part 4 so will specifically tag (no pressure) @serenpedac@agentnatesewell@griffin-wood . i will also! post it at a terrible hour of the evening so nobody sees it.

“Hey, I’m not going to be a quiet little third wheel. If you wanted that, you should’ve asked Adam instead.”

“I invited everyone. I thought it would be a touching experience that we could all enjoy.”

“Well, if you’d said it like that, I’m sure Morgan would’ve been interested,” quipped Farah with a grin.

Nate let out a sigh as Avery laughed.

“Farah, we’d never think of you as a quiet little third wheel. If anything, you’re the handlebars.”

“With a horn attached.”

“And little tassels on the ends.”

“Aww. I love you guys.”

“We love you too.” “Sorry, I don’t mean to speak for Nate—”

“But it’s true nonetheless.”


Fic author self rec

When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love.

Thank you so much for the tag @wayhavenots <33 I’m not sure if these are my favourite fics, but they are fics that hold a special place in my heart for one reason or another ^^
Tagging (without pressure): @cleverblackcat,@devilbunnyking,@roguelioness,@queerbrujas,@vryptidart,@thee-morrigan and anyone reading this (please tag me if you share, I’m always happy to have new fic to read!)

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