


need a full body massage a margarita 400mg of ibuprofen a plate of brownies at least an hour in a jacuzzi and 20,000 dollars cash





*listens to an album for the first time and enters a new era in my life*

This gives me chills. The fact that something so simple can be such a poignant placemarker in life. The fact that this first listen will tuck itself away in your memory and that the 87th listen will draw memories out of that safe place your brain is keeping especially for that album. What a gorgeous little treasure to share only between you and your younger self.

…that was some real shit you just said

It really was


due to personal reasons i will be disintegrating into a swarm of ravens





well, the C is a harsh mistress


I got sent an ask and whoever you were I am sorry I pressed send way too early. This post is for you if you ever see this blog again

It takes me anywhere from 2 days to about 3 months to make a book! I am a very bad procrastinator. Wild took me about a week start to finish, and Far from the Tree (the first version, not the one I posted here) took me 2 months. The actual process of making the book is only about 2 days but most of that is drying time for the glue, or pressing time for the textblock. The longest part of the process for me is designing the text for the inside and deciding what colours I want it to be/what I want the title to look like

Binding resources

For typesetting, armoredsuperheavy’show to make a book doc was invaluable! I just use word to typeset because it’s what I have. Omfgreylo also has really great tutorials and they’re all available on her patreon.

For videos and actually making a book, I really like DAS Bookbinding. He does really in-depth stuff, and it’s great seeing the history of bookbinding and how things have changed/stayed the same. I also have used Sealemon’s vids! They’re really accessible, and I found they definitely took some of the stress out of it when I was first starting out. The books I’ve done on this blog have all been casebound books bar reverb sound, but I am trying to branch out lol


use this post as a safe resting place as you

