#fart kink


Having bellyache after this. Guts still growling with air.

Wanna feed somebody with large amounts of beans, give them strong laxative and block with anal plug. Let them have upset belly with terrible gas which is not able to come out. I will put this person in my bed and rub their swollen belly with painful pressure. Than I will make them lay on me with their belly pressed to mine. We will lay while their poor swollen guts gurgling and cramping from trapped gas and laxative.


Hey guys! You know what!

I just made a belly inflation with water and air! It was my first experience! Here is an audio of gurgling in my guts and then releasing water and air. Loud bubbling, huge farts and a little burp near the end

So I found an enema bulb an decided to try it. I took about 0.75 litters of warm water using it. I barely could feel it in my guts but then I started to pump an air with the same bulb. Water and air become to gurgle very loud and my belly started to hurt. It became hard and bloated. Then I got up and ran to the bathroom. I had strong bellyache for about half a hour. I couldn’t release all water and air at one moment, so I was sitting on toilet with inflated achy belly, waiting for water and air to come out and making this video from audios that I recorded.

Hey guys! You know what!

I just made a belly inflation with water and air! It was my first experience! Here is an audio of gurgling in my guts and then releasing water and air. Loud bubbling, huge farts and a little burp near the end

I was so gassy this night. In the evening I farted every minute until going to sleep. My farts was so huge and airy. After half a hour gases stopped coming out and got stucked in my guts. I felt myself so bloated.. I tried to push, I lay down on my stomach, but that gas tortures me and I couldn’t sleep. After some turning from side to side I finally farted a few times and fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night with gas pain in my belly. I released a huge fart and fell asleep again until the morning.

God, I am a huge fetishist, but I don’t like to feel it myself!

Gassy buttholes
