

Thinking about character who made air belly inflation to their max.. And it was trapped inside their gut. Just imagine them with tight round belly enormously bloated with air, sitting on the bed and moaning from pain loudly. They hold their belly and doubling in pain, crying desperately, but can’t get any relief..

Burps are very hot but fuck his stupid friends

Having bellyache after this. Guts still growling with air.

Wanna feed somebody with large amounts of beans, give them strong laxative and block with anal plug. Let them have upset belly with terrible gas which is not able to come out. I will put this person in my bed and rub their swollen belly with painful pressure. Than I will make them lay on me with their belly pressed to mine. We will lay while their poor swollen guts gurgling and cramping from trapped gas and laxative.

I am thinking about how good it would be to have a cute person who I could feed with large amounts of laxatives and just hug them while their belly is bloating and churning painfully. Just press their very upset belly to my body and feeling the movement of diarrhea in the bowels


Hey guys! You know what!

I just made a belly inflation with water and air! It was my first experience! Here is an audio of gurgling in my guts and then releasing water and air. Loud bubbling, huge farts and a little burp near the end

So I found an enema bulb an decided to try it. I took about 0.75 litters of warm water using it. I barely could feel it in my guts but then I started to pump an air with the same bulb. Water and air become to gurgle very loud and my belly started to hurt. It became hard and bloated. Then I got up and ran to the bathroom. I had strong bellyache for about half a hour. I couldn’t release all water and air at one moment, so I was sitting on toilet with inflated achy belly, waiting for water and air to come out and making this video from audios that I recorded.

Hey guys! You know what!

I just made a belly inflation with water and air! It was my first experience! Here is an audio of gurgling in my guts and then releasing water and air. Loud bubbling, huge farts and a little burp near the end

the day before yesterday I was so sick I hardly ate all day (one gluten free Oreo and a half cup of plain rice) but I still threw up so much

I feel a little better in terms of not actively vomiting but my stomach is still so sore and very icky feeling

(Continued from Part 1)

“Luckily,” piped up Alex, “there are things you can add for indigestion.  Like ginger!”

She held up a bowl of dried ginger root, and dumped it into the mixing bowl.  "Ginger is great for an upset tummy.  It soothes your digestive muscles, so they can recover from bad food combinations.“

Next, Alex snapped the tab off of a soda can, turned her head and began gulping.

"Flat soda is great for a stomachache,” explained Martin, over Alex’s chugging. “Burping can release trapped gas, which eases the pressure on an overfull stomach.”

Alex tilted her head back and let loose with a long, low burp.  It was the kind of belch you could almost imagine chipping paint off the walls.
“Oh, that helps,” she muttered quietly, rubbing her midsection.  "More of that, please.“

Martin looked grimly at the camera, stretched out his arm, and poured out his entire can directly into the mix.  Alex nodded, and poured in the remainder of her own soda also.

"Well, that should do,” said Alex, opening the oven.  "Now, just pop that in at 400 degrees and let it bake.“  She took a breath, lifted the bowl, and gently bent down to slide it into the oven.

"Aside from cake,” grimaced Martin, “you could also use the ginger to make ginger cookies or ginger snaps.  You can nibble on those for an upset stomach.”  He picked up a ginger snap from the counter and bit off a bit.  Alex picked up a ginger cookie and spread some pink frosting on it.  Martin looked over.

“I whipped up some Pepto Bismol frosting.  Want some?” asked Alex.  Martin shook his head.  Alex shrugged and bit into the cookie, wiping frosting off of her lips.

“While you wait,” said Martin, “You could also brew up some peppermint tea or chamomile, and sip on it.  Those are also excellent for soothing an upset tummy.”

Alex and Martin each picked up a steaming cup, and clinked them together grimly.  They each took a sip, and sighed.

“Speaking of boiling water,” said Alex, “you could also fill up a hot water bottle.  Hold it against your stomach and let the heat soothe your straining digestive muscles.”

“That’s what I do,” moaned Martin.

“Baking takes awhile, so here’s one I already prepared earlier,” said Alex.   She set down her cup, and carefully lifted up a pan from under the counter.

The cake had been skillfully sculpted and decorated to resemble a large, pink stomach organ.  It was made to look overly full and swollen, shaped like a giant kidney bean.  It had red, jagged stretch marks across it in red jelly, and some cream was sticking out of the esophagus, to make it look totally full.

Martin looked down at it.  "What is that?  Pound cake?  Cheesecake?“

"It’s a STOMACH-CAKE!”  she laughed, “Geddit?”

Martin shook his head.  "Wow.  It looks exactly how my stomach feels.  Gonna eat a slice?“

"Nope,” grinned Alex.  "I’ve got enough stomachache in me, thank you.“

She turned to the camera.  "Well, that’s it for today.  Hope this helps.  So until next time, I’m Alex-”

“I’m Martin-”

“-And we are NEVER eating AGAIN!” they said, emphatically.

They collapsed into their chairs in defeat as the credits rolled.

It was indeed obvious that Gastralgia was not of this world. She could disappear around a corner only to appear again at his side. One second she sat on a bench, and then her face would be on a nearby statue. A sense of mild despair crept over him. She was as inescapable as the heaviness in his belly. And she was as persistent as the nagging ache, never giving him a moment’s relief.

“So I guess you have your hands full around Thanksgiving, eh?” said Andrea, uncomfortably.

“Oh, indigestion is only part of the job. There’s also viruses and bacterial infections. Ooh, remember when you had the Norovirus last December, and we binged Downton Abbey?”

He did. The memory of that wretched week drifted back to him. It was peculiar to hear someone else describing a week he’d spent alone. The realization that she remembered it too sunk in.

“I really got into that show,” she said, with a smile. “Good times.”

“That was you,” he hissed. He rounded on her, accusingly. “GOOD TIMES?! It felt like my insides were boiling! I couldn’t eat for days! I spent a whole day throwing up!”

“Whoa, hang on,” said Gastralgia. “That was mostly Nausea, that’s his department. I-”

“Why do you do it? Why do you just run around causing people pain and misery? I -”
Suddenly, she extended her slender arm, and in her long fingers held a shimmering, transparent dart. She flicked her wrist and it twirled through the air, right into his upper abdomen. For a dead second, he expected to be stabbed. Instead, it vanished the moment it reached him. A second later, though, the food in him shifted, sending a cramp vibrating through his tummy. Suddenly he clutched his midsection. “Uuugh.”

“Calm down,” Gastralgia commanded calmly. “Your tummy needs to relax, don’t get it upset,” she said.

“You hurt me,” he said, quietly..

“You got yourself worked up, and that just makes a stomachache worse,” she said. “Sit down a sec.”

Gastralgia waved two fingers, and a cushy chair materialized near him, and he eased himself into it, groaning and holding his tummy. She leaned against a window and looked outside.

“I don’t run around causing pain and misery, you know. It’s like… It’s like the Grim Reaper. You know? Death doesn’t go around killing people, you see. He’s a force of nature. . He doesn’t decide who, or where. He just shows up when it happens. Same with me.”

Andrea took a few light breaths; his heavy torso settled back into a dull, steady soreness.

“I know you’re not thrilled with me,” she said. “Practically nobody is- though there are some people, haha, but anyway. You’re the one who went crazy at the banquet. I don’t cause misery. I just am misery.”

Andrea looked at the dour spirit. “And misery loves company, eh?”

Gastralgia smiled a bit. “You’re having a rough time. Let me help. Borborygus!”

There was another rush of wind. Suddenly, Andrea heard a low, rumbling sound. He looked up as a new figure materialized. He seemed effervescent, with a mane of hair and beard. He wore a cape over a shoulder, toga around his waist and sandals. His chest and soft, pudgy belly were uncovered.

The gurgling sound came again, a deep, cavernous rumble from his belly.

“This is Borborygmus, the personification of stomach noises,” said the goddess. “Messenger of Digestion.”

She smiled and ran her finger across his soft abs, affectionately. “Be a dear and fetch the twins, would you?”

The figure’s belly bubbled like coffee percolating. She gave it a friendly pat.

“Yes, I’m sure. Andrea here is under a lot of pressure and could use some relief.”

Glop, gloop. He bowed, and rushed off, eagerly.

“Don’t you just love his voice? It’s like music,” said Gastralgia, with a grin.

Previous Part: https://stuffed-to-the-max.tumblr.com/post/170428411252/dantes-indigestion-part-3-nausea-heartburn

“So… why are you here now?” asked Andrea, tentatively. “I’ve had upset stomachs before.”

“Well, for starters, the Mediterranean is kind of a rich place for my kind. And tonight there’s a high level of morphic resonance. Happens from time to time. Sometimes folks can see behind the veil. And it’s the usual drill - only you can see and hear me, etc.”

She seemed to perk up.

“This is most exciting,” she said. “I don’t usually get to talk to my patients- Ooh, we should get a photo!”

She waved her hand, and suddenly his smartphone was floating in the air in front of them. She threw her arm around his shoulders, festively.

“Frown and say ‘Ooh!’” she grinned. Suddenly, she reached around with both arms and squeezed his torso exactly where his dinner was sitting. The camera clicked in mid-groan. She then looked down to check it. She smiled with satisfaction, and absently massaged her midsection with her hand.

Andrea sat down and rubbed his own belly in the same spot, gloomily. “So how do you get to be the Stomachache Fairy or whatever?”

“I am NOT the Stomachache Fairy, thank you” snapped the spirit. “I don’t leave nickels under pillows. I get little enough respect as it is, so there’s no need to be hurtful.”

Andrea muttered, wincing at the dull, steady pain in his abdomen. He noticed she massaged hers, in the same spot, absently.

“I’ll explain when we go out. Whenever you’re ready,” she said, impatiently.

A few minutes later, after a trip to the restroom, they stepped from his room into the corridor. Immediately he noticed a young woman in the hallway, who had the same severe look as Gastralgia. Her hair was askew and hung slightly in front of her face. Andrea noticed what looked like two tiny horns poking up through her hair. She stared balefully up from below her eyebrows.

“Oh, hey sis. My sister, Cephalagia,” said Gastralgia. “She does headaches.”

Cephalagia curtsied. “Eye strains, stress, migraines, and all manner of cranial neuralgia.”

Gastralgia leaned in to Andrea. “She can be a real pain in the neck,” she whispered.

Cephalagia chuckled menacingly. “There’s a couple here for their honeymoon. Unfortunately, she’s going to have a headache tonight.” She smirked and her horns twitched. She then jerked her head at Andrea. “Another one from the banquet tonight?”

“Yup,” said Gastralgia. “We’re heading out. Have fun.”

“I will,” said the headache spirit, “They won’t.” She melted through the door.

“This is too surreal,” moaned Andrea. “Some kind of dream.”

Suddenly, he winced in discomfort from a sudden shift in his midsection.

“That felt real, right?” she asked.

“Okay, well, either way I’m not sure I’m up to it,” moaned Andrea, with a burp.

“Oh, quit your bellyaching. Let’s go have fun.” Gastralgia led the way, but as they passed by the banquet hall, which still had some activity in it, she suddenly gasped.

“Oh no,” said Gastralgia, under her breath, and held her hand up to hide her face.

Andrea noticed a strange sight just under the arches of the vast room; a figure standing near a small cauldron, on top of a snapping fire. He was stirring it with a large pestle. The substance in the cauldron boiled and churned. Some of it boiled over the lip, and caked around the outside.

“Do you feel nauseous, at all?” whispered Gastralgia, urgently.

Andrea shook his head.

“Thank God,” said Gastralgia. “Keep walking.”

Andrea looked at the guy. He was wearing a hood and toga, but looked terrible. He had a horrible, malevolent grin. He was gaunt, but his belly bulged out from under his toga. His skin was an unhealthy, waxy pallor and his greasy hair hung around his face.

“Don’t look,” whispered Gastralgia urgently. “Don’t get his attention.”

“You know him?” Andrea asked.

“Uh… co-worker. Sometimes. I do NOT want to work with him tonight.”

“Who is he?” said Andrea. The gaunt figure continued stirring.

“Nausea,” said Gastralgia. “You don’t want anything to do with him.”

Suddenly Nausea leaned over the cauldron and began to make horrible wretching noises. Andrea averted his eyes at the last second and tried to ignore the noise, trying not to feel nauseous.

Next Part: https://stuffed-to-the-max.tumblr.com/post/170468923802/dantes-indigestion-part-4-tummy-noises

Previous Part: https://stuffed-to-the-max.tumblr.com/post/170314791337/dantes-indigestion-part-2a-stomachache-story

Andrea pushed himself back from the table, with a huff.

Like everyone else in the dining hall, he was taking a two-week tour of the Mediterannean. They had stopped on the island of Sicily for a banquet near the Agrigento, surrounded by swaying palms and the columns of ancient Hellenic ruins.

The food had been amazing, and in relentless quantities. It felt like he had food up to his chest. It was like standing in line, slowy moving downward, cramming it’s way down into his strained stomach. The strong, yet pleasant flavor of oil and garlic was still strong.

The chef and her staff came out into the dining hall, to thunderous applause. He did too. This was a virtuoso, after all.

He had planned to go exploring the island, and it’s ruins after dinner. The area below his ribs was currently stretched around a giant cannonball-sized pile of Sicilian cuisine. It was digesting sluggishly, but the digestive muscles were needing a break, in spite of the intensifying pressure. If he was going to be in condition to go exploring, he needed to act while he could.

He slowly rose from his chair, stiffly; bending around the middle caused painful twinges from his digestive muscles. He became aware of a woman seated next to him, staring his way.

“I think I had a little too much manicotti,” he said self-deprecatingly.

“And all that greasy lamb,” she replied. Odd, he had been thinking the exact same thing.

He made his way out of the crowded dining hall, smiling festively, but breathing slowly. He was heading towards his room. He was considering calling it all off.

He walked over the marble floor, as a cool Mediterannean wind blew in. Nope. He couldn’t miss this.

“You shouldn’t have eaten those cheese pitas,” came the voice again. He looked. There was a stone bench half a meter away, between two pillars. She was stretched out on it, leaning against the pillar. Was this the same woman from the dining room?

She resembled the statues he’d seen in the area - a Greek chiton, sandals, and a laurel wreath on top of her short, choppy, black hair. She was young and attractive, but she looked weary and irritable. Her tone was accusatory.

“Worth it, though,” he said, defensively. Awfully judgemental, for a stranger, he thought. Was that a costume?

As he walked down a corridor, he tried to ignore the dull, steady pain in his upper belly. Once in his room, he unbuttoned his vest and took off his formal dining shirt. His tanned belly was now rounded and shiny. As the food churned, there came a sharp cramp over his navel. He sighed.

“That’d be the cheese and cannoli,” came a familiar voice. Startled, he whipped around. There was the woman, dressed in the chiton, curled up in an armchair near the door. He backed away. She hadn’t been there a second ago.

“Who are you, and why are you following me?”

“I am Gastralgia, the goddess of Abdominal Pain and Discomfort. We meet again.”

Part 2: https://stuffed-to-the-max.tumblr.com/post/170314791337/dantes-indigestion-part-2a-stomachache-story

(I wrote a fic on another site. I know Tumblr isn’t exactly for fics, but I’m sharing here, too. If tummyaches are your thing - enjoy!)

The new video appeared on You Tube. “Alex’s Helpful Life-Hacks - Stomach Aches”

The two hosts were sitting, crumpled, in a pair of armchairs. The one on the left was a lean, neatly-dressed, clean-shaven young man. His polo shirt was rolled up; he was curled up slightly around a hot water bottle.

His co-host was a slightly chubby, tomboyish young woman with short, choppy dark hair and glasses. She slumped back in her chair, and her jacket bulged around her middle. Her ample chest rose and fell, as she was breathing very carefully.

“Hello again, Internet,” she said, heavily. “I’m Alex, and welcome to Alex’s Helpful Hacks. This week, we have a special guest - my buddy Martin. Say hi, Marty.”

Martin opened his eyes and mumbled indistinctly.

“So today, Martin held a cookout. And it was awesome. We stuffed ourselves with chili cheese dogs, roasted potatoes and-” she gave a small hiccup - “hot fudge sundaes.”

Suddenly, a distressed gurgle erupted from Martin’s exposed midsection. It was a low, prolonged, miserable tale of abdominal woe.

“…Yeeeeah,” said Alex. “We’re dying. So today, we’re going to share how to deal with a tummyache,” she chirped. She braced herself against her chair, and rose slowly, eyes closed.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” said Martin, quietly. “It hurts to breathe.”

“I can’t breathe either,” hissed Alex. “C'mon.”

She walked across the set to a large stove covered with ingredients.

“So your idea is to make more food,” said Martin, wearily.

“One of the best ways to deal with a stomachache is to take your mind off of it,” said Alex. “And there are good recipes for an upset stomach. Martin’s a good cook - most of the time - and he’s as desperate as I am, so take it away, buddy.”

“First, you’ll need flour, eggs, butter, milk, and some sugar. Just pour those in, and mix.” Martin explained, and began stirring.

“Keep that up,” said Alex. “Stirring… and churning… and mixing… kind of like what’s going on in our stomachs. When your stomach is too full, it can’t really digest your food, so it just struggles… and churns… and bubbles…”

Martin’s stirring slowed; he looked greenish.


dailyladylyrics: where’s my mind? bellyache // billie eilish dailyladylyrics: where’s my mind? bellyache // billie eilish


where’s my mind?

bellyache // billie eilish

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#billie eilish    #bellyache    #music video    
#billyeilish #characterdesign #illustration #animation #animationcharacter #bellyache #sketch #pictu

#billyeilish #characterdesign #illustration #animation #animationcharacter #bellyache #sketch #pictures #artwork #art #digitalpainting #digitalart

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Movie Night Gurgles

Hiiiii <3

I’m not dead in case anyone’s wondering X3

But I’ve been very busy working on nsfw commissions and getting a patreon page ready so I haven’t been posting at all because of that. However @fungusfangs made a really cute pic of Tamaki having tummy troubles around Mirio on movie night and after a quick chat on twitter I just had to make this fic based on her drawing.


Tam and Mirio are the purest couple and I love them so much <3<3<3

Warning:contains bloating burps comfort kink ear play fluff indigestion tummy noises tummy rubs

Keep reading

I don’t do nearly enough with Tamaki, but I always love seeing others do wonders with this Idia 2.0 lad, and this delightful fic from @trashytummiez​ is no exception.  Poor kid deserves all the love and belly rubs in the world.  :P

i had some very greasy shallot pasta for lunch earlier and now my tummy is out of sorts. it hurts, it’s quite noisy and bloated and i’m having some cramps as well. i’m at work but it’s hard to focus, i’m just rubbing my painful belly trying to soothe it…ohh my poor belly really hurts
