#fat to hunk


Jimmy’s pov

I tried to change, I really did. But it just never worked. I tried to do more sports, eat healthier and so on but it didnt show any results so I had to change my plan.

My old doctor told me that I wouldnt have long to live if I dont do anything. I was overweight, had skin problems and almost an organ failure.

I tried a new lifestyle and I failed so new plan.

I moved cities and tried to look for a new body. I knew the ritual through my granny, she teached me it some time before she ‘died’. In reality she swapped bodies and lives a new life on Hawaii.

After some days I found my victim. I had to choose carefully as this ritual only works once in a lifetime. I chose this good looking doctor from the hospital I newly went to.

I observed him for some time to learn his daily routine and then I started to get into his life.

I started to appear at the hospital more frequently so he’d start noticing me. I went to the park where he would go jogging and so on.

One day at the hospital we got into a conversation. We talked about our interests and because I knew what he was doing all the time I managed to brown-nose him. I learned that his name is Mike. It went so far that we exchanged numbers.

I was one step closer to my new life.

We spoke often after that, even met after his workshifts, we sort of became friends. He even tried to help me with my body, he wrote down a diet and what sports I should do. He was so generous and I started to feel bad for him. But I still wanted to commence further with my plan.

One evening, when I knew that he had the night shift all alone, I baked special muffins. They contained sleeping pills. A dose that could almost kill small people, but definitely not that hunk of a man.

So I appeared at his work with those nice muffins. He was oleasantly surprised but to my surprise he ate almost two whole muffins before he fell unconscious.

I dragged him into an empty room and prepared the ritual. I undressed both of us, laid him in the middle of the room and surrounded him with leaves and candles. I took a small bottle with a steong smelling liquid out of my pocket which will be the main part of the ritual but it was missing just one more ingredient. HIS liquid. I started to rub his thick cock. While doing so I admired his muscular body covered in tattoos.

He shot his load and I catched it with my bottle. I was disgusted and turned on at the same time by the fact that I had to drink that. I poured it down and started to feel dizzy. I had no control over my body anymore and I fell down right next to Mike. The last thing I saw before falling unconscious was that Mikes body started to shake and change.

When I woke up I was laying at the same place as before but I wasnt looking at Mike anymore. Well, technically I was but now he looked like my old self. I was thrilled. Looking down at my new body I felt a rush through my body causing my now massive cock to harden. I put Mikes jockstrap and his work clothes on which fitted tight around his muscles. I pulled out my phone and took a quick selfie. I just noticed that that was my old phone. I took out the pin so that Mike as the old me could use it later before grabbing his phone and taking a mirror selfie.

I cleaned up the room and forced Mike to swallow two more sleeping pills just to make sure that he’ll stay unconscious until the morning before I put him in the back of my new car.

I waited until my workshift was over before driving to my old home where I heaved Mike into my old bed. After that I drove to my new home to write a resignation for this hospital and applications for others. I dont want to loose this body as I’ll have a lot of fun with it.


Mike’s pov

This is me but I never took this picture. Well, it was me.

I always wanted to help people so I became a doctor. I always ate healthy and did sports to maintain fit.

That picture was on the phone I found after waking up in Jimmy’s body. It was a horrible experience. Waking up, seeing an unknown ceiling, feeling an unknown bed and then seeing Jimmy’s fat body in the mirror.

I met Jimmy at the hospital I worked at. The first couple of times I saw him, he was a bit creepy. I often caught him staring at me and then he acted as if he never looked at me. After some days seeing him in the hospital I walked towards him. He looked nervous but we had a great chat as we had the same interests. Now after searching through his phone I know that he followed me daily. He didnt have the same interests as me, he just wanted to get closer to me.

My naiv self back then didnt noticed that so we hang out. He may have been creepy at first and not the best looking guy but he had a good heart. At least he made it look like that.

The evening I lost my real body he came to me at work. I had a night shift and he brought muffins with him. He must’ve known that I couldn’t resist muffins. I ate some and then everything went dark. The next morning I woke up as him. I tried to find him at the hospital I worked at to force him to change us back but he resigned that same day.

Now I have to live in this bidy for the rest of my life. I already started to eat healthy and do more sports as if I dont do that I’ll die soon.
