#faunus stuff



I was looking through the wiki transcript of the director’s commentary and I just…

You’re telling me Adam was branded with an SDC logo over an eye because he… got into a fight with someone????

Why is it that every time RT has an opportunity to show how racist Remnant supposedly is, they back down? But always manage to show how the effects of said racism can lead to people being radicalized? Why is EVERYTHING about Adam and this racism arc so poorly fucking written?

It honestly feels like every time RT have the opportunity to show the effects of violent racism, they balk. They get scared. They run away from it. “Adam is branded over one eye as SDC property” literally walks itself to the conclusion that someone at the SDC must’ve done this to him as a way of humiliating and scarring him. Not that he… got into a fight with some randos that “let him have it.” What a phenomenal way to neuter such a horrific and important part of his character. What a coward’s way to write the story.

RT have gone so far in this show to condemn radicalization against a racist government, but even at the most fundamental level, have absolutely REFUSED to SHOW how that radicalization can happen.

Blake’s a princess. Sun lives in the only (allegedly) non-racist kingdom. Velvet was bullied by someone who was already established to BE a bully regardless of race. Marrow doesn’t feel the need to talk about it. Neon barely had lines outside of her fight. Sienna was killed within 5 minutes of meeting her. Ilia TOLD us about what happened, but we weren’t allowed to see it.

At every single opportunity afforded, the show has literally folded over backwards to say “don’t let your hatred of racists radicalize you into a supremacist” BUT THEN DON’T SHOW THE FUCKING RACISM

I was looking through the wiki transcript of the director’s commentary and I just…

You’re telling me Adam was branded with an SDC logo over an eye because he… got into a fight with someone????

Why is it that every time RT has an opportunity to show how racist Remnant supposedly is, they back down? But always manage to show how the effects of said racism can lead to people being radicalized? Why is EVERYTHING about Adam and this racism arc so poorly fucking written?
