#fave smol giant



2020 vs 2022 | 09.05.2022

the difference two years can make.. there’s more yellow, more queer reads, some creepy reads, even more poetry and a few beloved series

peek that philodendron brazil in the top left corner still going strong while all the others have died lmao

so as the dearest @bulletnotestudies says: with struggles but with the heart here’s my top 10 books that are on this shelf:

  1. the long way to a small angry planet (chambers)
  2. harrow the ninth (muir)
  3. was man von hier aus sehen kann (leky)
  4. the book thief (zusak)
  5. the invisible life of addie larue (schwab)
  6. iron widow (zhao)
  7. the princess saves herself in this one (lovelace)
  8. sei klug und halte dich an wunder (kaleko)
  9. the priory of the orange tree (shannon)
  10. yesterday I was the moon (unnahar)



15/100 days of productivity | 10.05.2022

trying really hard to focus on my paper but I also want to do so many other things.. hoping that regular changes of scenery (cafés & the library) will help

things I did today:

  • read Luhmann (he’s a chunky boi but I’ll finish until the end of the week)
  • read Luhmann leicht gemacht (it’s so helpful!! who would’ve thought a study guide does that)

vibing to: head on fire - sigrid


16/100 days of productivity | 11.05.2022

new connections. iced coffee, too. short sleeved button up weather. soaking up the sunshine. compliments for a new tattoo.

things I did today:

  • read Luhmann study guide
  • duolingo

currently on repeat: fred astaire - jukebox the ghost


spring mini bingo update | 05.2022

last read:

  • lakelore - mclemore 4☆ (green cover)

a magical story about two anxious teenagers learning how to deal with some of their issues. queer, fun, relatable and a gorgeous cover!

  • when the moon was ours - mclemore 4☆ (banned book)

this book left me with intense yearning for that feeling of belonging. very gentle storytelling of a heartbreaking and heartwarming tale with beautiful stylistic choices!

  • ella minnow pea - dunn 4.5☆ (epistolary)

a clever story about perseverance and the consequences of limited language. a hopeful dystopia that makes you laugh along the way

currently reading: in other lands - brennan (underhyped prompt)

up next:

  • phoenix extravagant - lee (growth)
  • fabian - kästner (before birth)
  • the starless sea - morgenstern (alliteration)


05.05.2022 | about tuesday (a travel log)

early hours. a blushing sunrise. overflowing excitement. art on walls and art on skin. soft and sweet. heavy feet. there’s too many places I’ve never been.

on repeat: wilhelmine - drip

Berlin will always be too big for me but I like the vibes.
