#prompt green cover



spring mini bingo update | 05.2022

last read:

  • lakelore - mclemore 4☆ (green cover)

a magical story about two anxious teenagers learning how to deal with some of their issues. queer, fun, relatable and a gorgeous cover!

  • when the moon was ours - mclemore 4☆ (banned book)

this book left me with intense yearning for that feeling of belonging. very gentle storytelling of a heartbreaking and heartwarming tale with beautiful stylistic choices!

  • ella minnow pea - dunn 4.5☆ (epistolary)

a clever story about perseverance and the consequences of limited language. a hopeful dystopia that makes you laugh along the way

currently reading: in other lands - brennan (underhyped prompt)

up next:

  • phoenix extravagant - lee (growth)
  • fabian - kästner (before birth)
  • the starless sea - morgenstern (alliteration)
