#fe three hopes



Weapons made from the bones of the fallen

Golden deer/blue lion /black (red??) eagle versions


Pasha:(proceeds to roar incoherently, making it impossible for Claude to get a word in. Translation: “you are NOT bad guys. cause those are the guys who got the big monster dogs with too much teeths. khalid says botha you is good and smart and you just gotta talk to each others!”)

100% what’s happening in this scene from the FEW3H trailer, calling it now. Pasha’s sick of all this fighting! oh except for when he gets to knock over a bunch of guys like bowling pins, that part is OK.



Blue Lions Azure Gleam

So excited about the new spotlight trailer! Now give us the rest of the good kids, Nintendo!!


Netteflix nation how we doin


i thought today would be a normal friday


so, 3hopes bernie right guys


In love with the fact that in the three demo chapters alone the Black Eagles route in Three Hopes definitively deconfirms like half of the really dumb bad faith Edelgard takes. You know the ones like “none of the Black Eagles would side with Edelgard if Byleth wasn’t there” or any of the really dumb stuff they say about the Slithers/Church situation.

I mean, I don’t actually expect the people who have made hating a fictional character their entire personality to care about the fact that their arguments have no basis in canon. After all they’ve already spent the last three years ignoring Three Houses canon, but it’s still nice to see so many stupid troll arguments dashed.


It’s canon Edelgard doesn’t know what a high five is


Queen you look SO good
