

Recently realized that I’ve stumbled into too much FE3H discourse, when all i wanted from this fandom was shipping dimiclaude (and maybe edelclaude).

But somehow lately, i keep seeing:

“Edelgard’s a facist!” “No, she’s not!” “Yes, she is!”…etc…etc…


“Hate Claude because he’s a centrist and a liberal!”

And Dimitri…Everyone’s simping for Dimitri. What do i have to do to teach algorithms to show me more Claude? Or at least more Dimiclaude than Dimileth??? —But not really the same problem.

I like fangirling over fictitious characters’ governing well, to justify my fangirling, as much as anyone. And using fiction as a springboard to discuss tangential things is my favorite type of learning. But at what point did all this take over the majority of my FE3H feeds? I just wanted some fuffly shipping. …for the most part. I’ve actually appreciated all the interesting governance discussions and food for thought. But i need a break now.
