

Fëanáro with a young Atarinkë

I headcanon that when he was a toddler, Atarinkë had a phase during which he only accepted Fëanáro’s arms


Fëanáro and Atarinkë, mirror

Context: In Endórë, before preparing for the Mereth Aderthad celebrations, Atarinkë look through the mirror, but instead of himself, he see Fëanáro.

This scenery has been imagined after a music.

This is a re-draw, of an ancient piece that I already did several times, but, I wasn’t satisfied with the result. Hopefully, this one will be fine, and I won’t have to rework on it. Yet, art is never an end in itself, after all, and once an idea is settled, it can be re-done infinitely.


Fëanaro and his Silmarils

Although everyday is a new day to celebrate Curufinwë Atarinkë,

@feanorianweek day 5: Fëanáro with a small Atarinkë(Because there will never be too much of them two !)

I am very glad to celebrate a new year with Atarinkë as my favorite character, I worked way too long on this piece and I hope this is good enough to honor him !

Maedhros|Maglor|Celegorm|CaranthirandAtarinkë’s last year prompt !
