

Getting so soft… so round… so dumb… too much food. Too much spoiling…

You have no idea how badly i need this to be me. Fuck it turns me on so badly imagining the shire size of my 800 pound greedy, growing gut. Fatten me into immobility, take control of my life, nothing makes me happier than stuffing my fat engulfed face, vibrator edging me away, whilst you tease and dominate me with your forceful feedings. You’ve practically fucked me into immobility, hurry up and finish the job

I wake up every day to the smell of delish fattening delights being cooked for me, once the mouth watering smell has brought me round ill start the pleasurable task of inspecting yesterdays gains, lying on my side like a beached whale aimlessly grabbing and fondling my growing fat rolls, reaching my chubby arms round to give my enormous jiggling mound of an arse a good squeeze, mesmerised by the desire and need to fatten my ginormous body beyond immobility. I hear my devoted feeder enter the bedroom, two jugs of weight gain shake in hand, placing them on my side table he says “fuck your going to outgrow our bed at the pace your going, better watch your figure fatty, its only a matter of months before you’ll inevitably eat your way into immobility” Everything he says is erotic, his every word just entices me, he handles my hedonistic gluttony marvellously. He attempts to sit on the little space left on the bed whilst grabbing a huge handful of my expanding belly, his touch sending me aimlessly grinding my jiggling hips, just minutes after starting the day im already edging my way towards my first gluttony filled orgasm of many. My feeder knows that my gluttony stems from praise and pleasure, as long as my hedonistic needs are satisfied ill willingly submit my body to him, feed and fuck me into submission.

Make me the fattest women to have ever lived

I’m running out of easy ways to crop new gaining progress pics of mine with old ones. Simply just running out of space for one photo anyways this is hot and I’m simply so happy to be me, have a nice May everyone


another before & after

Pls follow them their gain is insane
