
nixie-deangel:For @gottalovev, Who won one of my 2019 @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This is the fourth


For@gottalovev, Who won one of my 2019 @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This is the fourth of six aesthetics, I’ll be making for Lou. Here you are, Lou!

Steve Rogers x Tony Stark - Road Trip.

Alsoon Ao3.

Tony isn’t really sure how he finds himself sitting here — top down in the blue convertible, speeding down the open road. This isn’t what he’d been planning to do for their honeymoon. Hadn’t been in the plan at all. 

He’d been planning and picturing them spending their guaranteed two weeks off — both from Avengers duties and SI obligations — lounging on a private beach. He’d daydreamed about getting to just watch hisSteve parade around in nothing but the skimpiest speedo he could either find, or engineer himself. Or maybe, maybe, even watching him walk around in nothing at all, if he could be so lucky.

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oh my God, @nixie-deangel strikes again! Look at this road trip dream, right here. The aesthetic is gorgeous, as everything Nixie does. Look at those dorks! So pretty, and I absolutely love everything about it. But that ficlet is AMAZING too! so soft and sweet, with happy newlywed Steve and Tony. Definitely a happy place! thank you dear, you are wonderful! <3

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