#nixie deangel

nixies-creations:For @phodoodle, who won one of my @marveltrumpshate 2020 Auctions. This is the seve


For@phodoodle, who won one of my @marveltrumpshate 2020 Auctions. This is the seven of eight aesthetics, I’ll be making for Phoebe, so here you are!

The sound of T'Challa’s low, rich laughter bloomed warm in her chest. Yesterday, in the company of Sam and his sister Sarah, she appreciated their dynamic more than felt jealous of their closeness. Today, however, listening to her brother’s voice, seeing something tall and leafy blowing in the wind behind his head, produced a few pangs of homesickness. Leaning a little heavier against the wall behind her, Shuri scanned the cafe. Wakanda had many establishments like it; she used that familiarity to push back encroaching ennui.

“I have appreciated the images you sent, particularly that red barn —so quaint and quintessentially American.”

“I know, right?”

“I was surprised, but pleased to see that Peter Parker and the young woman I do not know were at the Avengers Facility to greet you. As I understand it, Peter is not active with the Avengers. He’s finishing up at University.”
Her brother reporting those mundane details gave Shuri pause, although she wasn’t yet sure why, “Riri Williams —she goes by Iron Heart. She’s like Peter in that she’s a protege of Stark’s.”

“Yes, that makes sense,” T'Challa said.

What didn’t quite add up Shuri realized, rolling back the tape of her memory of Peter’s odd behavior at the Facility; his skittish, nervousness that never quite dissipated, compared with a sibling-like ease with Riri and nerdy nonchalance around Bucky and Sam. And here was her brother, admittedly someone whose job included keeping strategic tabs on the world’s shakers and movers, (especially empowered ones), aware of the minute details of a young person yet to win an official place on a (so-described) superhero team. Of course Shuri and T'Challa knew Parker’s masked identity, thanks to the war, but he wasn’t out to the world. 

“Would you ever consider taking Peter Parker on as an R&D intern?” Shuri asked her brother on a whim. “He worked closely with Tony Stark before his passing.”

T'Challa squinted and placed a hand over his mouth the hologram, “Hmm. It’s an interesting proposition and one I’ve considered. His attachment to Queens and New York City is strong. Stark attempted to entice him to MIT, but Parker chose Empire State University to stay closer—“

“AH-HA!” Shuri shouted.

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nixies-creations:For @phodoodle, who won one of my @marveltrumpshate 2020 Auctions. This is the six


For@phodoodle, who won one of my @marveltrumpshate 2020 Auctions. This is the six of eight aesthetics, I’ll be making for Phoebe, so here you are!

“On ice,” Shuri thought to herself.

It was a description, a phrase, a saying she knew, certainty. Sure, she’d grown up hot and warm —sun-touched and sun-loved— but Shuri knew ice. She was familiar with the mountains, the edge of Wakanda where the Jabari Tribe had long-ago retreated.

When necessary, Shuri wore knits and wools and furs to ward off the fingers of ice that would freeze her skin, pierce her sense of comfort, of warmth.
Shuri didn’t let ice go unchecked, unquestioned. She preferred her ice in a tray featuring sixteen rectangular slots. Under shrimps, beneath oysters, mussels, and surrounding clams, ice served a vital role. In a glass, ice appealed, partnered with citrus fruit and maybe CO2 —bubbly, icy, ephemeral delight.

Ice was a treat, and ice could treat. It offered an antidote to bumps or scrapes or punches. As second child, daughter of royalty, Shuri had been taught how to protect herself with fists, a wooden staff, shooting weapons, her voice, and her brain. She was no stranger to ice wrapped in a soft cloth, pressed against her eye, elbow, knee.

No stranger but how shockingly, awfully, bone-rattlingly strange to look upon her brother’s —the King’s— dark body struck down, unmoving; laid out on ice.

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nixies-creations:For @phodoodle, who won one of my @marveltrumpshate 2020 Auctions. This is the five


For@phodoodle, who won one of my @marveltrumpshate 2020 Auctions. This is the five of eight aesthetics, I’ll be making for Phoebe, so here you are!

Wandering from the kitchen, Ororo snagged an elephant-shaped watering and followed the line of plants situated in clusters around the windows. Not one window wore a shade, so the pinking sky sang to her heart, nearly equal to Stevie’s soulful grunting living just enough, just enough for the city, as she admired the view and her plants’ enthusiastic response. They seemed more buoyant than usual, leaves standing and shining like maybe they had something to say. Ororo tested the moisture level of the soil with a chopstick, watering some plants and skipping others. Usually, the plants who spent warmer weather on her small balcony grew the best, and certainly they were doing quite well, as far as Ororo could see, but these indoor plants weren’t too shabby in comparison.

“Hmm!” Ororo remarked, taking a sip of her coffee and smiling upon them. She couldn’t help feeling proud.

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nixies-creations:For @phodoodle, who won one of my @marveltrumpshate 2020 Auctions. This is the thir


For@phodoodle, who won one of my @marveltrumpshate 2020 Auctions. This is the third of eight aesthetics, I’ll be making for Phoebe, so here you are!

Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes - Friends Comforting Friends.

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nixies-creations:For @phodoodle, who won one of my @marveltrumpshate 2020 Auctions. This is the fort


For@phodoodle, who won one of my @marveltrumpshate 2020 Auctions. This is the forth of eight aesthetics, I’ll be making for Phoebe, so here you are!

Kamala Khan & Jubilation Lee - Friendship.

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nixies-creations:For @onemuseleft, Who won one of my @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This the third of e


For@onemuseleft, Who won one of my @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This the third of eight aesthetics, I’ll be making for Muse, for MTH 2020!

Steve Rogers x Tony Stark - Space AU.

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nixies-creations:For @aquatigermice, Who won one of my @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This the second o


For@aquatigermice, Who won one of my @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This the second of six aesthetics, I’ll be making for Aqua, for MTH 2021!

Thor Odinson x Loki Laufeyson - Space Vacation.

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nixies-creations:For @phodoodle, who won one of my @marveltrumpshate 2020 Auctions. This is the firs


For@phodoodle, who won one of my @marveltrumpshate 2020 Auctions. This is the first of eight aesthetics, I’ll be making for Phoebe, so here you are!

Shuri & Bucky Barnes - Friends sharing Food.

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Title:  Probably Should Have Knocked
Word Count: 6,026
Rating: Mature
Pairing(s): Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: DCEU/No Specific Continuity 
Summary:   Gently, Diana places her hand atop his knee and shakes her head. “He’s never seen anything like the device before, Kal. He surmises that some of the tech is either alien in origin or it’s possibly tech from the future. He believes it’s the latter option, rather than the former, as he did confirm the parts Bruce had been studying before, were parts to a temporal time machine.”

“Oh,” Clark breathes out, his whole body slumping as if his strings have been cut.

Or, Barry touches something he shouldn’t, and Clark sees what’s right in front of him.

[Read the story on Ao3] | [See the art on Ao3]

nixie-deangel:For @gottalovev, Who won one of my @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This is the sixth, and


For@gottalovev, Who won one of my @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This is the sixth, and finale aesthetic I’ve made for Lou for MTH 2019!

Steve Rogers x Tony Stark - 1872, AU.

Also on Ao3.

He wakes to the ghost of feeling snouts brushing along his torso. To the sounds of snorts and snuffles, muffled by full mouths cloth and skin. To the feel of teeth and tongues along his body.

Shooting up, blankets pooling around his hips, Steve scrambles to clutch at his chest, desperately trying to suck in a breath his body can’t seem to take in. Eyes roaming wildly, he flinches at sudden movement next to him, at the feel of something grazing against his skin. Flailing, he tumbles out of bed, shuffling back until he can press against the wall.

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oh wow Nixie, it’s so beautiful! I adore the 1872 universe and you really captured it in that aesthetic. It’s gorgeous! AND you fixed 1872′s wrongs in the ficlet! (thank you!). Gosh, I won’t be able to stop thinking about them now. Thank you so much for everything you did for me through MTH, it was perfect <3

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nixie-deangel: For @gottalovev, Who won one of my @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This is the fifth of s


For@gottalovev, Who won one of my @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This is the fifth of six aesthetics, I’ll be making for Lou. Here you are, Lou!

James “Rhodey” Rhodes & Tony Stark - The Team Up.

Also on Ao3.

“Oh, oh, Rodey-bear, light of my life, best friend of all, we havegot to stop here. They’ve got the best, bestpizza there I swear. Even Nat likes it! We’ve gotta stop and get some. Yeah? Yeah?” 

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Look at the fabulous aesthetic and ficlet I received from the fantastic @nixie-deangel on this lovely Christmas Eve! 

It’s my favorite armored duo, Tony and Rhodey, BFF extraordinaires in a team up. And a little break afterwards! I love them and their friendship an extraordinary amount, hence my request to Nixie… and once again she delivers with something both fun and pretty. Look at them, being badass and saving the day (with a bit of propriety damage. just a smidge.) then going for pizza like the dorks they are.

thank you so much and happy holidays to everyone who celebrates!

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nixie-deangel:For @gottalovev, Who won one of my 2019 @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This is the fourth


For@gottalovev, Who won one of my 2019 @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This is the fourth of six aesthetics, I’ll be making for Lou. Here you are, Lou!

Steve Rogers x Tony Stark - Road Trip.

Alsoon Ao3.

Tony isn’t really sure how he finds himself sitting here — top down in the blue convertible, speeding down the open road. This isn’t what he’d been planning to do for their honeymoon. Hadn’t been in the plan at all. 

He’d been planning and picturing them spending their guaranteed two weeks off — both from Avengers duties and SI obligations — lounging on a private beach. He’d daydreamed about getting to just watch hisSteve parade around in nothing but the skimpiest speedo he could either find, or engineer himself. Or maybe, maybe, even watching him walk around in nothing at all, if he could be so lucky.

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oh my God, @nixie-deangel strikes again! Look at this road trip dream, right here. The aesthetic is gorgeous, as everything Nixie does. Look at those dorks! So pretty, and I absolutely love everything about it. But that ficlet is AMAZING too! so soft and sweet, with happy newlywed Steve and Tony. Definitely a happy place! thank you dear, you are wonderful! <3

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nixie-deangel: For @gottalovev, Who won one of my @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This is the first of s


For@gottalovev, Who won one of my @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This is the first of six aesthetics, I’ll be making for Lou. Here you are, Lou!

James “Rhodey” Rhodes & Tony Stark - BFF Fair Day Trip.

Also on Ao3.

“You don’t have to be such a sourpuss, Honey Bear,” Tony whines, picking off another tuff of his cotton candy, and shoves it into his mouth. “Honestly, platypus, it’s like you’ve never heard of a day off. Which I know is a bold face lie! As we’ve shared many of them, in varying degrees of togetherness!”

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Look at this PERFECTION made by the lovely @nixie-deangel!

The friendship between Rhodey and Tony is one of my favorite things in Marvel, plus I looove fairs. Nixie ran with that prompt, and it’s simply amazing (both the beautiful mood board and the fun ficlet that captures them just right).

You made my day and warmed my heart, thank you so much! And I’m just thrilled that I’ll get MORE fantastic art/fic from you, what a sound investment I made in MTH2019

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