#feel free


After seeing this ask the other day, I figured I would send a quick message to the Pond letting them know that you are all free to use any of my Imagines for writing purposes. 

My Imagines

Just drop me a note if you gonna use one and link it in the fic :)



Imagine me feeling

the feeling of flying

being free

something I have not

felt my whole life

at least once before

I die



you’re not allowed to harvest the organs of a corpseunless it gave you explicit written permission to do so when it was still alive, no matter how badly the guy down the hall needs a new kidney. why should women have less say over what happens to their own bodies than the dead?

and to add: you can’t do it even if the dead person died from doing something careless or even shitty and evil, so don’t even try to make the argument that people who get pregnant when they don’t want to “lacked responsibility”

New reductio ad absurdum:  It would be a coherent moral position if forced-birthers wanted to make a law that organ donation is mandatory if you died in a sex-related accident.  

If you require medical care for a sex accident, you have to sign up for the living donor registry and spend a month or so waiting to find out if you matched with someone who needs something you can (probably) live without:  kidney, part of a liver, bone marrow, etc.  

Each time you have sex at all, your name goes in the lottery of people who can be required to give blood if the blood bank isn’t getting enough donations.  


The Happy Fic Writer Ask Game

Drop a question in my inbox!

1. What part of the writing process is the most enjoyable?

2. Talk about a favorite comment you received.

3. Have you received any bookmark notes? Which is your favorite and why?

4. Which comment has had the most impact on your writing?

5. Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?

6. Describe what you do and your feelings after posting a chapter. (For example: When do you usually post a fic/chapter update? How do you celebrate a posting? Are you the type to refresh constantly?, etc.)

7. What do you love most about being a fic writer for your fandom?

8. Talk about any friends/connections you’ve made as a fic writer.

9. What inspired you to write your first fic?

10. Why do you continue writing fics?

11. Who is your favorite character(s) to write about and why?

12. What is your favorite theme/subject matter/trope/ship to write about? Why?

13. Describe your writing style. If you were to participate in an anonymous fic writers guessing game (like The Masked Author), what writing habits do you have that would be a dead giveaway that it’s you?

14. Share a snippet.


weirdly specific and unrelated asks to know someone well:

  1. chipotle order?
  2. thoughts on veganism?
  3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
  4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
  5. favorite form of potato?
  6. do you use a watch?
  7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
  8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
  9. do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
  10. on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
  11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
  12. brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
  13. first thing you’re doing in the purge?
  14. do you think you’re dehydrated?
  15. rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
  16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
  17. an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
  18. your boba/tea order?
  19. the veggie you dislike the most?
  20. favorite disney princess movie?
  21. a number that weirds you out?
  22. do you have an emotional support water bottle?
  23. do you wear jewelry?
  24. which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
  25. would you say you have good taste in music?
  26. how’s your spice tolerance?
  27. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
  28. last meal on earth?
  29. preferred pasta noodle?
  30. ask me anything !

leave an ask for the person you reblog it from!



This is a MUST

I HAVE to know

To my dear mutuals who didn’t answer yet: I’m literally begging my curiosity is eating me alive I can’t live without knowing

In a better world where teenage Iruka kidnadopt toddler Naruto, and try his best to become a ResponsIn a better world where teenage Iruka kidnadopt toddler Naruto, and try his best to become a ResponsIn a better world where teenage Iruka kidnadopt toddler Naruto, and try his best to become a ResponsIn a better world where teenage Iruka kidnadopt toddler Naruto, and try his best to become a ResponsIn a better world where teenage Iruka kidnadopt toddler Naruto, and try his best to become a ResponsIn a better world where teenage Iruka kidnadopt toddler Naruto, and try his best to become a ResponsIn a better world where teenage Iruka kidnadopt toddler Naruto, and try his best to become a Respons

In a better world where teenage Iruka kidnadopt toddler Naruto, and try his best to become a Responsible Adult as fast as he possibly can.

Post link


Ask someone a question about their oc and the writer has to answer from the POV of the oc


“When a human being becomes a set of data on a Web site like Facebook, he or she is reduced. Everything shrinks. Individual character. Friendships. Language. Sensibility. In a way it’s a transcendent experience: we lose our bodies, our messy feelings, our desires, our fears. It reminds me that those of us who turn in disgust from what we consider an overinflated liberal-bourgeois sense of self should be careful what we wish for: our denuded networked selves don’t look more free, they just look more owned.”

Zadie Smith, “Generation Why?”, Feel Free: Essays

“Feel Free”The Winter Men #3 (December 2005)Brett Lewis, John Paul Leon and Dave StewartWildStorm /

Feel Free

The Winter Men #3 (December 2005)

Brett Lewis,John Paul LeonandDave Stewart

WildStorm/DC Comics

Post link

From@dariwolololo, and a reblog.

2) what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?

Some of my early works, I kinda hate. I wanna take them down and rework them, maybe the ideas are the same but I could better execute them now. I guess I’m not embarrassed they exist but just the state they are in.

Ask the author!
