#obviously this is not a policy i am actually advocating for




you’re not allowed to harvest the organs of a corpseunless it gave you explicit written permission to do so when it was still alive, no matter how badly the guy down the hall needs a new kidney. why should women have less say over what happens to their own bodies than the dead?

and to add: you can’t do it even if the dead person died from doing something careless or even shitty and evil, so don’t even try to make the argument that people who get pregnant when they don’t want to “lacked responsibility”

New reductio ad absurdum:  It would be a coherent moral position if forced-birthers wanted to make a law that organ donation is mandatory if you died in a sex-related accident.  

If you require medical care for a sex accident, you have to sign up for the living donor registry and spend a month or so waiting to find out if you matched with someone who needs something you can (probably) live without:  kidney, part of a liver, bone marrow, etc.  

Each time you have sex at all, your name goes in the lottery of people who can be required to give blood if the blood bank isn’t getting enough donations.  
