#feels like so long since i posted this



It’s Going to Be Okay - Jurdan Fanfic

A/N: Hello! You can skip past the cut if you don’t want to read my pre-story rambling and just wanna get straight to the good stuff. I’ll sum up the important stuff there :) 

This is an experiment of sorts, I suppose. I don’t post a lot of my writing but since there’s a rather large FotA fandom on here I thought perhaps I might share this one! It’s a rewrite/alternate ending of The Wicked King, chapter 21, starting on page 206. It’s just some possibly-fluffy/angsty Jurdan :) (I’m really not sure what it counts as tbh, I’ve never been great at classifying my writing haha). The parts in bold are direct quotes from the book (not my writing! (although I did try to preserve some of Holly’s style in what I wrote hehe)) in case you wanted to (re)read that first, but otherwise, I sum it up below the cut. 

Keep reading
