

forgot to post the monster of a mood board i made for fight or flight </3

(don’t look at the character status stuff, contains spoilers and is slightly outdated)


this employer officially ghosted me, job hunt is back on

got an interview tmrw morning


“I’m a filmmaker,” the man says, patting the camera bag on his shoulder like he’s introducing a close companion. And you suppose that as artists, your best partners can only be your tools: undeveloped film in your bags, charcoal and pencil and ink smudged on your fingertips, paint and clay rubbed into the fabric of your clothing, the fabric of your very souls. “Storytelling through images and words… I do write, in some way, just not as eloquently as you might think.”

“I’m a filmmaker,” the man says, patting the camera bag on his shoulder like he’s introducing a close companion. And you suppose that as artists, your best partners can only be your tools: undeveloped film in your bags, charcoal and pencil and ink smudged on your fingertips, paint and clay rubbed into the fabric of your clothing, the fabric of your very souls. “Storytelling through images and words… I do write, in some way, just not as eloquently as you might think.”

yin’s cheating on me with 2d video game characters he just yelled “i’ve been seduced” i think it’s over for me

dotae’s entire relationship is a high school enemies to lovers bl anime, i’m just saying

[redacted] rounds the corner, practically materializing out of shadow. He’s covered in blood—clearly not his own—and though the crimson doesn’t show too well on the dark fabrics of his clothes, you can see it dripping from his fingers. The remnants of an enemy stain the twin blades strapped to his back, and his footprints shine red beneath the moonlight. He walks with purpose but still radiates a strange nonchalance, wiping at his mouth with dirty fingers despite the blood it leaves on his bottom lip. Clearly, he has a destination in mind.

ppl who read fof and expressed interest in the xiaojun/shax fic,,,, i’m working on it and it literally feels nsfw, i’m so sorry

damn the mystic messenger op was such a fucking banger



this employer officially ghosted me, job hunt is back on

got an interview tmrw morning

i got the job
