

I know I dont post many pictures of me on here but here is me ! And my kitty !! And my goldfish! All in one post because why not ! You guys deserve to see what I really look like lol . Some facts about me !

- I am 4 ft 10 (really good at making myself appear tall in pictures)

- I got Wanda from tumbler! (My kitty)

- I do not support petsmart but that is where both my goldfish came from. (And my previous black moore S.I.P momo)

- I work full time at a pharmacy and am taking pre rec classes deciding if I want to presue vet tech education or pharmacy

- I have ADHD and Fetal Alchahol Syndrom

- I love naps

-im allergic to fresh pineapple

- finally , always down to talk or answer questions so dont be shy !! ❤
