#felix agreste


Felix: truth or dare?


Felix: how many hours have you slept this week?



Felix: go to sleep

Marinette:I don’t like this game

Felix:I give up. I am so tired.

Allegra:Get the emergency supply!

Claude: [carries Marinette and places her in front of Felix]


Felix:[Jumps up] Im better than ever-

Felix: I was stressing out the whole day and you never once offered me a hug!

Marinette: Alright then, bring it in.

Felix: I don’t need your hugs anymore!

Marinette: *Under her breath* This is why nobody hugs you.

Alya, letting Nino beat them at arm wrestling: Aw, darn it! You won!

Marinette, slamming Felix’s hand down at full force: DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET FELIX? DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE WARRIOR!?

Marinette: I’m sorry to tell you this but you have a heart, and capacity to feel.

Felix: You take that back.

I’m writing a felinette fic- I plan on making it an enemies-to-lovers book-

The title of the book is “Ad infinitum” (It means

again and again in the same way; forever.)

Felix’s mom has an obsessive and dangerous stalker. She doesn’t want the stalker to hurt Felix so she sends him to live with the Dupain-Chengs.

On the first day Felix moves in he instantly becomes hostile. He was rude and barely talked if he didn’t have too. Sabine and Tom didn’t mind though, they understood Felix was going through a lot and he needed time to adjust.

Marrinette on the other hand, did mind. She hated how rude Felix was being. He would constantly argue and annoy Marinette and Marrinette would do the same. Even though they lived together they still hated eachothers guts-

Its gonna be a slow-burn enemies-to-lovers with Felix and Adrian rivalry (and possible Adrien and Lila salt )

I don’t have much experience as an author so any criticism or feedback is welcome!

Every update and chapter will be under the tag

#Ad Infinitum-Felinette

(Several days after marinette tells kagami she liked Felix)


Kagami: but what’s more illegal, Marinette? Briefly inconveniencing Felix or letting you never confess your feelings for them and live a life of celibacy? 


Felix: In the light of how you saved me tonight, you may hug me from four to five seconds.

Marinette: Forty-five seconds???!!?

Felix: No! FOUR TO FI–

Marinette: [holds Felix] No take backs!

(Felix was almost always watched by fans and paparazzi so for more privacy they learned morse code)

Marinette: [tapping fingers on table]

felix: [taps fingers back furiously]

Alya: …What’s going on?

Adrian: Morse code. They’re talking.

Marinette: -. — / -.– — ..- .—-. .-. . / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … - (NO YOURE THE CUTEST)

Felix: [slams hands on table] YOU TAKE THAT BACK 

Marinette: *is upset about something*

Felix: It’s okay, just let the feelings out

Marinette: *begins to tear up*

Felix: [running away in terror] PUT THEM BACK IN THERE NETTA!

Marinette: "We all have our demons"

Marinette: *grabbing a grumpy looking Felix* “This one’s mine.”
