#felix mcscouty



How did Felix and Locus go from being nobody bounty hunters who worried about money to “the best” mercenaries that a large galactic corporation would hire them on a recommendation to kill a planet? Like what did they do in between to work their way up to that? How long did it take to get that reputation?

I know this was 5 seasons ago, but it keeps me up at night. I’d take 17 seasons of just them.

I’m not sure about the details and process of their backstories… we know that in the war (as in, the ACTUAL war with space aliens, not just the fake flag war), they bonded and saved each other during some dangerous situations. We know that Locus had a bit of a breakdown, and was dismissed from duty (evidently, he made the scar on his face himself, to match his armor; he had reached a point where he didn’t see himself as a person anymore, and kinda based his whole existence on being a soldier). At this point, we know that he and Felix became bounty hunters, teaming up with Siris/Mason Wu (who they presumably knew previously, as they have a certain amount of trust in him). We know that eventually, this took them down the road to being hit-men/mercenaries, and we know that Chorus had been dealing with a whole mess of problems perhaps even before Charon began interfering; Hargrove had his own interest in the planet, and decided to hire people to fan the flames of the civil war, hoping it would make a planet-wide genocide seem “legit”. We obviously know what came after that (Reds and Blues happened~), but there’s stuff missing in-between…

Just in my own head, I like to imagine; Felix basically decided one day that he was going to commit murder for a living, AND get away with it, no tragic back-story, he just woke up and chose violence… while also getting dollar signs in his eyes. With his own life being top-priority, he never really got in trouble for excessive killing during the war, but he quit with Locus. Because, in his own odd Felix-way, he WAS the guy’s friend. Also, early on, he really was responsible for saving Locus’s life… and not just in the war. For a while, he helped Locus sort through how he felt, and how to keep on living. Felix also knew how important this made him in Locus’ life (again, Felix NEEDED him, he needed a partner that he thought would never betray him, he needed a shield that he thought would always protect him, and he needed somebody that was willing to do pretty much anything to save them both).

They actually were VERY good bounty hunters, just… not so great people after a while. Mason eventually quit their group, and after that the team of Felix and Locus became a lot more lethal. They became fairly famous… in the insidious circles of hired killing (most regular folks had no clue who they were). They moved on to being hit-men, and finally, mercenaries hired by Charon. The planet of Chorus was dealing with internal power-struggles before they got there, and at least a few casualties from the people fighting amongst themselves. The trick was to keep pushing them in that direction; make Chorus look too volatile for the rest of the galaxy to touch (the UNSC was still dealing with left over issues with Project Freelancer, they didn’t want this hot-potato), and get everybody to half-way kill each other so when the final blow was struck, it would just seem inevitable. For Locus, it kinda went like this- “You’re a soldier, this is your job. These people are worse than us, they deserve it. There’s no such thing as good or bad, and you have to kill to survive”.

CasualSuper Smash Bros. players be having a good time while Competitive Smashers be like– #mang0 vs armada




plasma swords can be haunted but instead of felix (thank god) locus gets stuck with doyle (but does he prefer that? he doesnt know)

he missed that constant noise in his life, and with the ghost haunting his mind now came a new one. the general seemed to have gotten over his initial fright–he nags, nags him so about betrayal, and death, and life, and his life, and locus doesn’t know which voice he would prefer to hear


i imagine doyle was confused and concerned about apparently being attached to the sword of all things while in his time with felix. with locus, he slowly started to accept it (and became more concerned about other things like—“where are we going, locus? on the run to—to where,exactly? or, perhaps, are you simply trying to distance yourself from others because you find it hard to socialize?”)

and he was right. locus knew he was right. knew that he knew that running meant hiding, meant avoiding, meant pushing aside the cold, hard lump of something stuck in the bottom of his heart that with every breath only expanded it. made it harder to ignore. made it harder to swallow

(does he want to?)

(this needs so much fixing ughhh)

Happy Deathday my Sweet!

Felix again!!
ALso an older one but I still find it quiet powerfull?? ;c;

Some of my rare digital ones!
Felix smoking a cigarette …and some flowers..because I need those?
I like the lighting in this. And kinda the roughness, too?
