#fem deku



POTSOD Rambles

I just had a thought of if Izumi (Fem!Izuku for those who might not know)vague never gets with anyone during UA (Which possible. I have ideas and a vauge plot for romance but nothing concrete) I can see Tomoe shipping her mama with people when she’s older.

Like little six-year-old Tomoe squinting at a board she got from her uncle Shouto with lots of pictures and strings, muttering as she tries to figure out if she was Uncle Tenya to be her new daddy, Auntie Tsu to be her other mama or if Uncle Kiri is a nicer idea.

Little Tomoe making pros and cons lists cause grandpa Mic taught her how to do it when she was younger and trying to decide on a new toy, and she ends up coming up with stuff like: Would give extra cookies or wouldn’t let me stay up an extra hour.

Tomoe actively talking about this with Todoroki who nods, and offers suggestions and everything because this is his jam! She also tries to talk with grandpa Mic or Shouta but they get weird about it.

OMG!! Shouto is indoctrinating Tomoe into conspiracy theories!!! XD

Bunnygirl F!Deku  ✨

Bunnygirl F!Deku  ✨

Post link

(click for better quality…I swear I really tried so I hope it looks good)

Deku and I have the same weakness… Women that can kill us

Anyways I wanted to draw a badass Fem!bkg so look at her and enjoy… this is some fantasy!AU but mostly because I wanted Kacchan to have pointy ears lol
