#female cuckold





There are many descriptions of the different types of cuckquean. But what about a cuckcake? It doesn’t make sense that there should be a one-size-fits-all type of cake, because a quean’s needs, wants, and desires are totally unique. So it follows that the path to being a good cake will depend entirely on the quean. To a newcomer, that logic sounds antithetical. After all, a quean is submissive to her husband and she wants him to have sex with other women. Clearly, what she wants is to not be wanted- to roll over and be dismissed and ignored and humiliated by both her husband and her cake. Right? Well, that’s one type of quean. And there’s a cake like that out there for her.

What kind of cake?

If you’re reading this, maybe being that type of cake doesn’t appeal to you. Good news! You can still satisfy your desire to be a cuckcake. Many cuckqueans do not carry out their lifestyles as described above. Some queans want to be full participants in FMF or FFM sex, others might prefer to watch, some queans don’t want to be present at all and would rather interact with their husband afterward. Some queans want to be in contact and communicate with their cake, others would rather never meet her. Some queans want a cake to form a relationship her husband, and for still more it’s strictly sex. It’s important to note that as a cake, you should also have a long list if things you do and don’t want, because you will likely have a conversation with your quean and possibly her husband about your various desires and what is and isn’t acceptable. Contract negotiation isn’t the sexiest thing in the world, but it is necessary to ensure that everyone gets what they want out of the relationship and avoid real and lasting harm. This lifestyle is driven by some very intense emotional states, relies heavily on trust, and it can be easy to cross lines if you are not careful.

Your position in the relationship

It’s important for you to remember that regardless of the relationship dynamic, you are the third. The quean and her husband are married, they have built a life and possibly a family together. A cake is an aspect of this life; a single facet that serves a very specific purpose. I don’t say this to diminish the role of the cake; make no mistake, a good cuckcake isn’t also referred to as a unicorn because of her horn, it’s because she is such a rare and valuable find. I say this to remind you that no matter what role you play in the bedroom, at the end of the day, the quean stays and the cake goes home. Make sure you’re leaving both your quean and her husband satisfied and wanting more.

Having fun!

The quean/cake dynamic needs to be mutual and consensual. The quean is effectively handing you the keys to her husband, and by extension, her marriage. Have a healthy respect for that. The trust she is putting in you is unique to any other relationship dynamic. Do your best to be a good cake and make sure your quean is happy. Lucky for you, making her happy usually means fucking her husband. This is your chance to be someone’s dream-come-true. A personal pornstar. An object of worship and desire. Relish that. You’re here to fuck, not provide financial advice. Dress sexy or slutty for him. Bring toys. Wear lingerie. Lose your inhibitions and get off on pleasing him (and her!).

What about him?

You may have noticed that I have hardly mentioned the husband. This is kind of on purpose. Because like the cake’s role, the husband’s role in this dynamic is to serve the quean (maybe next I’ll do a similar guide for guys who think that being married to a quean is a hall-pass to fuck anyone he wants). Without the quean, all you really have is cheating sex. A man can’t decide for his wife that she wants to be a quean; he can’t tell her what she will and will not enjoy about the lifestyle. A quean is not made every time a married man sleeps with another women. My point is, yes, as a cake you will be pleasing a married man, but onlybecause it’s what his wife wants. Even a total Alpha dom male understands that the lifestyle only works as long as his wife is satisfied at the end of the day.

For first-time cakes, it can be overwhelming when a woman asks you to have sex with her husband. I hope that what I have written here is helpful and useful advice. My goal is to provide guidance that will lead to a healthy, stable, incredibly unique and unbelievably satisfying experience for all involved.  Remember that a happy quean means a happy cake, not the other way around. And when all else fails, communicate!

- Cuckqueans-paradise for danthomfrank.

Ask and ye shall receive. Thank you @cuckqueans-paradise

Of course! I hope it’s helpful (and accurate!)

reblogging in anticipation of a new post. :)
