#female intj



I stopped sending paragraphs, stopped begging, I stopped telling people how to treat me, and started walking away, blocking, and distancing myself. Life may be lonely, but it’s becoming peaceful. Sometimes being alone in life is better than being surrounded by halfass people.


this is for the people who went through trauma and didn’t come out of it with thicker skin. but, instead, came back with sensitivity to the world and a deep sadness that won’t go away. some of us went through something and lost a piece of ourselves; our broken hearts never healed quite right afterwards. i see you and i feel you and i am you. it’s going to be okay.

luthienne:Sarah Kay, No Matter the Wreckage; “Postcards”


Sarah Kay,No Matter the Wreckage; “Postcards”

Post link


My problem is… I expect ME out of people.


Bookshelves, Study for “Edmond Duranty”, by Edgar Degas, 1879
