#female music artist



So recently I’ve been trying to find some female role models as I’ve been playing bass a few years now and I realised that most of my bass role models are male and I could do with some more badass women to look up to.

Anyways I go on YouTube and decide to watch Tai Wilkenfeld cause she’s an absolutely amazing bass player. However I quickly realised the ENTIRE comment section was full of thirsty straight men objectifying and sexualizing her; completely ignoring her talent.

Here are some examples:

After checking out a bunch of other female bass players I found that the comment section was exactly the same: full of horny men who choose to use their ‘masculine urges’ as an excuse to make comments about their bodies.

Why are women especially female musicians always fucking sexualized and only recognised for the way they look rather than their talent and hard work? It really pisses me off as a musician because I feel like I won’t be taken seriously in the music industry just because of my gender. I also feel that misogynists in the music industry will focus more on what I look like rather than how hard I work and the skills I have.

Please feel free to message me or leave a comment of your own experiences or things you’ve noticed. Or even if you’re a musician and you wanna talk about music or something. I wanna know if other people feel the same way or if I’m just overreacting.
