#men are trash


When a man sends you an unsolicited dick pic and thinks the only reason you wouldn’t want to see his junk is if you’re literally BARREN LMAO

Why does no one talk about how Hellboy was somehow the toughest, scariest guy on the planet and at the same time he had a gazillion cats and watched cartoons and drank chocolate milk???

Him: you could do with some redpilling honMe:

Him: you could do with some redpilling hon


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So I was on the bus today, and some arsewipe had the nerve to come up and ask me out because he was “lonely” and “wanted someone to spend time with him”. Well, too bad, you imbecile! If you weren’t so annoying around women, maybe you would have some friends!!! I told him in no uncertain terms to buzz off and he actually looked sad. He thought he had the right to be SAD. He wasn’t the one being oppressed for his color or gender! He doesn’t know what it’s like! He’s a terrible person for being white andmale! Then he did something absolutely heinous.






So I had no choice but to call 911 on this creep, and get this? The dispatcher said they couldn’t do anything, and that this line was “for emergencies only”!

THIS BOILS MY BLOOD! This is just another example of how THE ENTIRE WORLD IS A MALE-DOMINATED POWER STRUCTURE, even to the point where the FEMALE dispatcher was an INTERNALIZED MISOGYNISTBEAST.

No one cares anything about women. I feel like a slave, being beaten to death because they aren’t picking the cotton fast enough. White men have had too much of an advantage in this world, to the point where sexual assault and harassment is brushed off as nothing. NOTHING. It has gotten to the point where I have to look down everywhere to avoid being spoken to by men. I hate all white men and wish they would be put to death. Life’s not fair for POC women!

jellyroll22: heyitsangryangel:quichelotta: I actually snorted. If you say the word “clitoris” to m




I actually snorted.

If you say the word “clitoris” to me on the first date, I’m legitimately getting up and walking out.

No one tell him. Let him stay deluded

It’s wild that his assumption is that the women don’t know what he’s talking about, even if it’s their own anatomy, instead of him assuming that HE’S CROSSING A LINE ON A FIRST DATE AND SHOULD SHUT HIS FUCKING MOUTH.

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god this onslaught of women coming out about sexual assault is forcing me to confront the notion that even if a man isn’t abusive there’s always a possibility he knows abusive men and ignores their reprehensible behavior or at worst actively covers for them, attempts to preserve his reputation and gaslights/manipulates the women he harms. every woman knows women who have been assaulted but most men will never admit to knowing an assailant.






consent through fear is not consent

let’s repeat that again:

consent through fear is not consent

And while we’re at it:

consent through guilt is not consent either

Asking until you get the desired response is not consent.

Threatening someones loved ones until you get the desired response is not consent

Remember not just any consent will do. Consent is only consent if that consent is also enthusiastic consent

Mare, in Red Queen: “He will choose me.”

Me, having read the epilogue from King’s Cage: “Oh, honey.”

“As in all war-torn societies, women suffer disproportionately. Afghanistan is still ranked the worst place in the world to be a woman. Despite Afghan government and international donor efforts since 2001 to educate girls, an estimated two-thirds of Afghan girls do not attend school. Eighty-seven percent of Afghan women are illiterate, while 70-80 percent face forced marriage, many before the age of 16. A September watchdog report called the USAID’s $280 million Promote program – billed the largest single investment that the U.S. government has ever made to advance women’s rights globally – a flop and a waste of taxpayer’s money.

Government statistics from 2014 show that 80 percent of all suicides are committed by women, making Afghanistan one of the few places in the world where rates are higher among women. Psychologists attribute this anomaly to an endless cycle of domestic violence and poverty. The 2008 Global Rights survey found that nearly 90 percent of Afghan women have experienced domestic abuse.”


So recently I’ve been trying to find some female role models as I’ve been playing bass a few years now and I realised that most of my bass role models are male and I could do with some more badass women to look up to.

Anyways I go on YouTube and decide to watch Tai Wilkenfeld cause she’s an absolutely amazing bass player. However I quickly realised the ENTIRE comment section was full of thirsty straight men objectifying and sexualizing her; completely ignoring her talent.

Here are some examples:

After checking out a bunch of other female bass players I found that the comment section was exactly the same: full of horny men who choose to use their ‘masculine urges’ as an excuse to make comments about their bodies.

Why are women especially female musicians always fucking sexualized and only recognised for the way they look rather than their talent and hard work? It really pisses me off as a musician because I feel like I won’t be taken seriously in the music industry just because of my gender. I also feel that misogynists in the music industry will focus more on what I look like rather than how hard I work and the skills I have.

Please feel free to message me or leave a comment of your own experiences or things you’ve noticed. Or even if you’re a musician and you wanna talk about music or something. I wanna know if other people feel the same way or if I’m just overreacting.

Lmaoo I just went from horny to sad to I am god in the last 10 minutes about a man lmaooo trash !

Mention to a guy I’m half flirting with that I’m bi and this is the conversation that follows.


*the chat I deleted was a typo*


Men love to talk about how much it sucks to be put in the friendzone but can we talk about how it feels to be a woman and realize that you didn’t have an actual friend? You just had somebody looming over you, waiting for you to agree to fuck them

M E N ✨ A R E ✨ T R A S H
