#female omoclean


Fraggle Rock omo headcannons

Gobo-He’s a pretty average sized bladdered guy, good at holding in his pee. He can only hold it for so long though until he starts to get very desperate. When he has to go he’s not afraid to grab himself or to wiggle around a bit. He’s not to embarrassed about people knowing when he has to pee, doesn’t think it’s anything to get embarrassed about because everyone does it. He doesn’t have accidents very often but when he does he’s not to upset about it, forgets about it after a while. He’s also very understanding when someone around him has an accident.

Boober-He has a very small bladder and has to go pretty often. He doesn’t like it when people know he has to pee, he gets very embarrassed about it. He always tries to play it off like he’s ok but everyone can tell something is bothering him. When his bladder is giving him a lot of discomfort he can get a bit grouchy. Tries not to grab himself and squirm so no one knows he has to pee. He actually is pretty accident prone and when he has one he is super upset and embarrassed about it, he even cries a little. He also wets the bed some nights as well. But he is very understanding when someone else has an accident, doesn’t make them feel ashamed for having one. He even offers to wash their clothes or sheets for them, because he likes to do laundry.

Wembley-He also has a very small bladder and has to go to the bathroom often as well. It doesn’t take long for his bladder to fill up and for him to start to get uncomfortable. He gets very squirmy when he has to go and is not afraid to hold himself or do a potty dance. He potty dances a lot. He isn’t afraid to let people know when he has to go, he just doesn’t see any harm in it so if he has to go he’s gonna let people know. He does have accidents pretty often and when he does he’s upset. Not upset because he’s embarrassed just upset at the fact he wet himself, but he just forgets about it later. If someone around him has an accident he doesn’t make them feel ashamed or embarrassed at all, he helps them clean up and is very understanding about it. He is also a frequent Bedwetter and has trouble keeping his sheets dry but it’s not really a huge deal to him.

Red-She is big bladdered and is very good at holding in her pee. But she gets distracted easily and sometimes forgets when she has to go until the dam is about to break. Like Wembley, she gets super squirmy when she needs to go and always does a potty dance. She isn’t afraid to let people know either, similar to Wembley, she sees no harm in people knowing that she has to perform the act of urination. She does rarely have accidents but when she does she only gets a little upset but forgets about it after it’s cleaned up. She’s really nice about other people having accidents and is willing to help.

Unfortunately, I don’t really have any hcs for Mokey
