#male omocute


First Fraggle Rock Omo. WOAH!!!!

Title: A good friend cleans up the puddle

How did Wembley get into this. Doing one of the most boring jobs a Fraggle can do. A job usually done by the most boring Fraggle. Wembley likes helping his friend but he wishes his friend didn’t have job that was such a drag.

Boober had asked Wembley do the laundry that day because he was busy with some cooking, and Wembley wanting to be nice said he would. He he’s wishing he wasn’t so nice, because he’s bored out of his mind and just wants to go play with the other Fraggles.

Wembley knew that the faster he did it the faster he would be done. So he made sure nothing around him distracted him. He put off time to eat and even use the bathroom until the laundry was finished.

Wembley was so eager to get the laundry done that even when his bladder and very full, we doesn’t going to go to the bathroom. And Wembley had to go pretty badly, but he just ignored the ache in his bladder and kept on doing the laundry.

Wembley’s legs kept moving around as he hips shook. His thighs were squeezed together tightly so not a single drop would come out.

His bladder kept filling by the minute, but Wembley was so focused on getting the laundry done so he can go out and have fun that he kept ignoring it.

“You can hold it, Wembley,” he told himself. “You’re not a baby.”

His body kept moving all about in spot as he kept doing the job. He just kept his determination and payed no attention to his bladder that nagged at him for release.

After a while, Boober came by to check on Wembley.

“Hi Wembley!” Boober greeted as he walked in.

“Oh, hey there, Boober.”

“I just came to see if you are doing the laundry job right.” Boober walked closer to Wembley.

“Of course I’m doing it right. Look for yourself.”

Boober inspected the work Wembley had been doing and thought it was acceptable, so he let it pass.

“Woah, you’re doing better than I thought. Thanks a lot for helping me with this, Wembley. Even though I know you think laundry is the most boring job in the rock.”

“It’s my pleasure to help you, Boober.”

“Alright then, I’ll leave you to do the rest.” Boober started to walk out but then realized that Wembley has been very squirmy and wiggly and the entire time, so he walked back to him.

“Wembley, are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, I feel fine. Why do you ask?”

“Well you’ve been wiggling and moving around a lot. Are you in pain or something?”

“Oh, no, I’m not in pain. I just have to use the bathroom a bit that’s all. But I can wait to go until I get the laundry done. I can hold it.”

“Wembley, you really shouldn’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Do you know what holding in your urine for long periods of time can do to your bladder.”

Wembley sighed, knowing that Boober was going to tell him a bunch of medical mumbo jumbo. “Is it really that bad?”

“Of course it’s that bad. Holding in your urine can cause urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and may even weaken bladder muscles, causing incontinence. When nature calls, Wembley, you have to respond to it. For your own health.”

“How do you know so much about this?”

“I read it in one of my medical books.”

“I just really don’t want to use the bathroom while doing the laundry because that will make the job longer and I want it to get done as soon as possible.”

“Using the bathroom will only take a couple minutes, Wembley, a few minutes is better than a serious health condition in your bladder. So you should probably go use the bathroom.”

“Alright, Boober, if you say so.” Wembley began to walk out of the room and started to head for the bathroom.

However, it wasn’t long until Wembley’s weak bladder gave out on him, and he started to pee all over himself.

Wembley kind of just stood there while it happened, and he watched a faint, yellow puddle form at his feet.

“Oh no.” He whispered to himself.

Boober was walking down where Wembley was and saw his friend just standing there. He didn’t notice the puddle at first.

“Wembley, why are just standing there? Why aren’t you going to the bathroom?” As he got closer to him he began to realize what was going on. The feel began to enter his nose. “Oh, Wembley, did you not make it?”

“No, I couldn’t make it.” Wembley said, very upset.

“That’s okay, Wembley. When you’ve been holding it for a long time it’s natural to have an involuntary release of urine. Don’t be upset about it.”

“I should’ve just went to the bathroom when I first felt the need to, then I wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“It’s not that big of a deal, Wembley. How about you go and get yourself cleaned up and I’ll wipe up the floor.”

“But, Boober, aren’t you worried about the germs. Pee has a lot of germs in it.”

“I’ll just make sure to be extra careful. You’re my friend, Boober, and I want to help you. Now go get washed up now. Like you said, urine carries a lot of germs in it and if you leave it on your skin to long when you have an accident, it can cause an infection. So go one now.”

“Okay I will. Thanks for cleaning the floor up for me, I’m glad to have you as a friend, Boober.”

“Same to you, Wembley.”

Fraggle Rock omo headcannons

Gobo-He’s a pretty average sized bladdered guy, good at holding in his pee. He can only hold it for so long though until he starts to get very desperate. When he has to go he’s not afraid to grab himself or to wiggle around a bit. He’s not to embarrassed about people knowing when he has to pee, doesn’t think it’s anything to get embarrassed about because everyone does it. He doesn’t have accidents very often but when he does he’s not to upset about it, forgets about it after a while. He’s also very understanding when someone around him has an accident.

Boober-He has a very small bladder and has to go pretty often. He doesn’t like it when people know he has to pee, he gets very embarrassed about it. He always tries to play it off like he’s ok but everyone can tell something is bothering him. When his bladder is giving him a lot of discomfort he can get a bit grouchy. Tries not to grab himself and squirm so no one knows he has to pee. He actually is pretty accident prone and when he has one he is super upset and embarrassed about it, he even cries a little. He also wets the bed some nights as well. But he is very understanding when someone else has an accident, doesn’t make them feel ashamed for having one. He even offers to wash their clothes or sheets for them, because he likes to do laundry.

Wembley-He also has a very small bladder and has to go to the bathroom often as well. It doesn’t take long for his bladder to fill up and for him to start to get uncomfortable. He gets very squirmy when he has to go and is not afraid to hold himself or do a potty dance. He potty dances a lot. He isn’t afraid to let people know when he has to go, he just doesn’t see any harm in it so if he has to go he’s gonna let people know. He does have accidents pretty often and when he does he’s upset. Not upset because he’s embarrassed just upset at the fact he wet himself, but he just forgets about it later. If someone around him has an accident he doesn’t make them feel ashamed or embarrassed at all, he helps them clean up and is very understanding about it. He is also a frequent Bedwetter and has trouble keeping his sheets dry but it’s not really a huge deal to him.

Red-She is big bladdered and is very good at holding in her pee. But she gets distracted easily and sometimes forgets when she has to go until the dam is about to break. Like Wembley, she gets super squirmy when she needs to go and always does a potty dance. She isn’t afraid to let people know either, similar to Wembley, she sees no harm in people knowing that she has to perform the act of urination. She does rarely have accidents but when she does she only gets a little upset but forgets about it after it’s cleaned up. She’s really nice about other people having accidents and is willing to help.

Unfortunately, I don’t really have any hcs for Mokey

Ok I just thought of a perfect idea for Fraggle Rock omo, I’ll start writing tomorrow

In Fraggle Rock you know how Boober loves to do laundry, well I like to think if someone has an accident or wets the bed he will offer to wash the pants or sheets for them

Fraggle Rock omo anyone? Boober perhaps?


Requests for omo/emeto fics

This list will change frequently because sometimes I’m in the mood to write about a certain fandom, sometimes I’m not, so this will constantly be updated

Also I don’t really like writing about females wetting, I’d rather write about males, the only time I ever really write about females is when a male comforts her, so people don’t give me many requests about females, I’m sorry

Also I’m not a huge fan of public wetting, so please don’t give me many public wetting prompts

Ok, so these are the fandoms I’m willing to write for at the moment


•The Brady Bunch

•I Love Lucy

•Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

•It’s a Wonderful Life

•Vacation (1983)

Please gives me some requests

Someone, anyone, give me some requests

Requests for omo/emeto fics

This list will change frequently because sometimes I’m in the mood to write about a certain fandom, sometimes I’m not, so this will constantly be updated

Also I don’t really like writing about females wetting, I’d rather write about males, the only time I ever really write about females is when a male comforts her, so people don’t give me many requests about females, I’m sorry

Also I’m not a huge fan of public wetting, so please don’t give me many public wetting prompts

Ok, so these are the fandoms I’m willing to write for at the moment

•The Brady Bunch

•I Love Lucy

•Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

•It’s a Wonderful Life

•Vacation (1983)

Please gives me some requests


Title: Uncle of the year

(This takes place when Mirabel was 4)

It was bright and early in the morning and Bruno had just woken up. He walked out of his bedroom with intentions of going to the bathroom a morning pee, but when he walked past Mirabel’s room, he stepped in something wet. He thought it was just water, and when the awful smell of it hit him, it was clear it wasn’t water.

He also heard faint sobs coming from behind the door. He pressed his ear against the door and heard sad, little kid cries, and he thought he knew what the crying was about.

Still with a full bladder, he knocked on the door then opened it. He immediately saw how scared Mirabel looked. She was sitting on her bed with her knees pulled into her chest.

“Mirabel, it’s just Tio Bruno. It’s not Abuela.” Bruno closed the door behind him.

Mirabel sniffled her nose and wiped some tears away on her face. Bruno walked over to her bed and sat down next to his youngest niece. He could definitely smell some urine coming from Mirabel.

“Mirabel, can I ask you something?”


“I won’t be mad at you if you did, but did you have an accident?”

More tears dropped out of Mirbel’s little eyes as she sobbed some more.

“It’s okay, Mirabel, don’t cry. Sh sh sh. I won’t be mad, just tell me the truth. Did you have an accident on the floor?”

Mirabel let some more sobs escape as she nodded. She put her tiny hands to her face, too ashamed to look at her Tio Bruno.

Bruno started rubbing circles on her back. “Shh, don’t cry, it’s okay. Calm down, Mirabel.”

Mirabel took her head out of her hands and stared across the room. “I-I didn’t mean t-to, Tio B-Bruno.”

“Shh, I know you didn’t mean to. That’s why it’s called an ‘accident.’” Bruno tried to be as soothing as possible, but he didn’t think he was doing a good job. “Don’t cry, Mirabel, don’t cry. Accidents happen.”

“B-But, Tio Bruno, I’m too old to have accidents. I’m such a baby.” Mirabel could not stop crying, she felt so ashamed to have had an accident.

“No, you’re not a baby, Mirabel. I think you’re a very big girl.”

Mirabel looked over at Bruno. “You do?”

“Yes, accidents can happen at any age. But, could you tell me how you had an accident?”

Mirabel sniffled her nose again. “I-I woke up and really needed to go potty, like really bad, so I got up and when I was outside my door, I started to go potty, but on the floor. I tried to get to the potty, Bruno, really.”

“I believe you, Mirabel. Sometimes when you really gotta potty, you don’t make it. It happens.”

“But, Abuela gets really angry when I don’t make it, and it makes me feel really sad.”

“I understand, Mirabel, she used to get angry at me too when I didn’t make it to the potty. Well, back then I didn’t have a cool Tio Bruno like you do.” Bruno chuckled, trying to make Mirabel a bit happier, but she still cried.

“I’m really sorry for having an accident, Bruno. I really am.”

“You don’t have to apologize for it, Mirabel. Like I said before, it was just an accident, and accidents happen.”

Bruno didn’t know how he was going to cheer up Mirabel. He tried soothing her, but nothing was working. Until he got an idea. He hadn’t peed yet that morning, and his bladder was still very full. This may be the only way to help Mirabel understand that having accidents is nothing to be ashamed of.

“Uh, Mirabel, excuse me for a second, I have to go potty right now.” Bruno jumped off of Mirabel’s bed and walked over to the door.

“Uh oh,” Bruno tried to act shocked, but his acting was pretty bad.

He spread his legs apart a little bit, closed his eyes, and started to relax his own bladder.

Mirabel stared at her uncle peeing his pants and making a big puddle on the floor beneath him. It made her feel a little better about herself, knowing that another person, an adult, was having an accident.

When Bruno was finished, he open his eyes back stared at the big wet spot on his pants and the puddle his feet were in, and the smell of pee filled his nose.

“Oh no, well, I guess it happens to everyone from time to time.”

“Tio Bruno, did you really have an accident?” Mirabel asked, very surprised.

“Well, this isn’t water, kid.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen an adult have an accident before.”

“Well, it happens. See, you’re not too old to have an accident. I’m 39, and I just had one.”

Mirabel wiped the remaining tears off her face and stopped crying. It made Bruno feel better to know he was cheering up his niece, even if he had to soil his pants to do it.

All of a sudden, Mirabel’s bedroom door flew open and her father, Augustin, stepped inside, looking panicked.

“Is everyone okay, I heard crying and there was a puddle of pee of gr-” Augustin then noticed that his brother-in-law looked like he had just wet himself. “Uh, Bruno, what happened to you.”

“Oh, I was just-” Mirabel cut Bruno off.

“Tio Bruno had an accident, daddy.”

Augustin looked at Bruno kinda weirded out, and said, “Oh he did, didn’t he.”

Mirabel jumped off of her bed and the wet spot of her nightgown was very noticeable.

“Oh, Mirabel, did you have an accident too, sweetheart?” Augustin asked as he picked up his youngest daughter.

“I did, but I know that everyone has accidents sometimes, even grown-ups.”

“Well, uh, yeah, grown-ups can have accidents sometimes.”

Bruno walked over to Augustin and whispered in his ear, “She was very upset about having an accident, so I peed myself to cheer her up.”

Augustin whispered in Bruno’s ear back, “Oh, that was a good idea.”

Augustin turned his attention back to Mirabel and said, “Okay, sweetheart, let’s get you cleaned up.”

Ecantomo Fic

Title: Living Outside the Walls

Bruno’s squirming was definitely noticeable. Mirabel noticed it pretty quickly. She didn’t really think anything of it at first, she thought it was because he was nervous of anyone in the family seeing him after he’s been away for a decade. But after a while she noticed how his squirming was starting to intense, and she realized that he wasn’t just nervous.

“Tío Bruno, are you feeling okay?”

“Oh, yeah. I’m feeling fine.”

“Are you sure? You look like you aren’t feeling well.”

“I feel fine, Mirabel. Don’t worry about me, you need to worry about fixing the miracle.”

Mirabel still studied Bruno body language and tried to figure out what was wrong with her uncle. A few minutes went by and she thought she understood why he was so squirmy.

“Tío Bruno, do you need to use the bathroom?”

Bruno’s cheeks immediately went red as he froze where he was standing. “Uhhh…”

“It’s ok if you do. I’ll make sure nobody’s in the bathroom and you can go.”

“Well, I think I can wait until I can get back inside the walls. I’m okay.”

“Bruno, I can tell that you really need to go. I’ll make sure no one will see you and you can go use the bathroom. We’ll have plenty of time to come back and save the miracle.”

“Seriously, I can hold it until I get back in the walls.”

“Bruno, you may not get a chance to get in the walls. And trust me, you don’t want to have an accident, if you do Delores will hear it, and you don’t want that.”

“I can’t, Mirabel.”

“Why can’t you? I’ll make sure no one sees you.”

“No, it’s not that. I’m scared of using the bathroom.”

“Scared of using the bathroom?”

“I’ve been living in the walls for 10 years, I’ve been going in a bucket.” Bruno let out a sigh and in a quiet and embarrassed voice he said, “It’s been so long since I’ve used a toilet, now I’m scared to use one.”

“What makes you so scared?”

“I don’t know. I can’t explain it to you. I’m just scared. I don’t really know what to do.”

“You don’t have to be scared, Bruno. You’ve used a toilet before many times.”

“I know I have. But, I think I might have forgotten how to use it.”

“How about you go and I stand right outside the door. I know you can do it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Bruno. You can use the toilet, I believe in you. Now let’s go.”


Mirabel took Bruno’s hand and lead him to the bathroom, making sure no one would see them. One of Bruno’s hands was holding Mirabel’s hand and the other was grabbing his himself making sure he wouldn’t have an accident.

“Here we are, Bruno.”

Bruno let go of Mirabel’s hand and stood in front of the bathroom, sort of dreading of going inside.

“Nobody is inside. Go on.”

“I know how Camilo felt when he was little.”


“Oh, when Camilo was toilet training he was terrified of using the bathroom. Now I’m scared of using the toilet like he was.”

“You’re going to be fine, Bruno. Go inside.”

“Okay, here I go.” Bruno opened up the bathroom door and his eyes immediately went to the toilet. He hasn’t seen one of those in over 10 years. He stepped inside on closed the door.

He made his way to the toilet and stood in front of it, terrified of using it.

“You can do this, Bruno.” He said to himself and he lifted the toilet lid. He tried to remember all the times he had used to toilet before. When he finally felt ready, to undid his pants and started to go.

He was doing it. He was using the toilet after so many years. He wasn’t scared anymore because he was finally doing it.

When his bladder was empty and felt proud of himself. It felt so silly to him that just a few minutes ago he was terrified of using the toilet, but now he finally did.

Bruno walked out of the bathroom really relived.

“Tío Bruno, I think you forgot something.” Mirabel said.

“I did?” Bruno though for a moment. “Oh yeah, I did forget something.”

Bruno walked back into the bathroom and flushed the toilet, then walked back out to Mirabel.

“Buckets don’t need to be flushed, so I forgot.”

“It’s ok, Tío Bruno. But see, it wasn’t so bad.”

“You were right, Mirabel, it wasn’t that bad.”

I’m really craving omo right now because me and my dad had a bad argument last night and we’re still pretty salty with each other and I need some comfort so please put some omo in my asks

Guys, we need to talk about Bruno, peeing himself

For about a month now I’ve been thinking about Charlie Brown omo

I mean, he’s a shy, nervous, and awkward kid who’s probably scared about people knowing when he has to go, and don’t tell me he doesn’t have a small bladder

Oh and he wets the bed sometimes

New sickfic!!!

Fandom: Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C

Title: An upset stomach and a full bladder

“What’s hurting you Duke?” Gomer asked as he help his sick friend into the car.

“My stomach.” Duke mumbled as he climbed into the passenger’s seat of the car.

“Oh, that’s not good. Nothing worse than an upset stomach.”

“Tell me about it.” Duke put his hand on his belly and closed the car door.

Gomer walked to the other side of the car and climbed into the driver’s seat. “Do you feel nauseous, Duke?”

Duke, who’s head was leaning against the car window, mumbled, “what?”

“Like, do you feel like you’re gonna throw up?”

“Throw up.” That phrase always haunted Duke. He wasn’t even thinking about possibly throwing up, but Gomer mentioning it reminded him.

“Let’s hope not.” Duke seemed calm but on the inside he was starting to panic.

“You’re scared of throwing up, aren’t you, Duke?”

“Yeah, I am. It’s a phobia of mine.”

“But do you think you might?”

Duke studied the pain in his stomach for a second, then his heart dropped when he remembered this is the same pain he gets every time he throws up. His whole body then began shaking.

“Yeah, I think I may throw up soon.”

“Oh, then we need to get you back to the base as quick as we can.” Gomer put the keys ignition and started to drive off.

The thought of knowing he was most likely going to throw up soon made Duke’s skin crawl. His heart began to beat very fast as his breathing got heavier. His stomach started churning more which made him even more worried. All this panic Duke was going through even made him start needing to pee. But Duke wasn’t focused on anything but worrying about throwing up, so he didn’t care about what was going on in his bladder.

It felt like every minute that went by, Duke’s stomach would start to hurt a little worse. Duke realized that there wasn’t as “probablys” anymore, he was going to throw up sooner or later, the thought made Duke just want to fall over and die at that moment. He didn’t want to throw up at all, that was the last thing he wanted to do. He just kept wishing in his mind that he wasn’t feeling nauseous, wishing that he could just go back to the base and sleep, wishing that vomiting was something that didn’t exist. But wishing wasn’t going to make him not throw up, it was going to happen. The pressure in his bladder was starting to get worse from the anxiety, but he wasn’t worried about that. A single tear started to roll down his face.

“Duke, what’s wrong? You look like you’re crying.”

“I don’t want to throw up, Gomer. I know I’m going to in a while because of how nauseous I feel but I just don’t want to.” More tears started to come out, but crying wasn’t going to stop him from throwing up.

“It’s ok, Duke. I understand that this is something that frightens you, but you’re going to be ok. You’ll throw up then it will be over with. At least the pain in your belly will be gone.”

“You’re right. But still, I’d rather do anything than throw up.”

“How long have you been scared of this?”

“Ever since I was a kid. I guess it all started when I was 4 and threw up all over the hallway in my house. Ever since I’m a nervous wreck every time I feel sick. Then I’m even worse when I actually do.”

“Oh, this must be terrible for your, Duke.”

“It is. I think they way I feel like this is I caught that stomach bug that’s been going around the barracks. I was hoping I’d be lucky and not catch it but it looks like I did.”

“Oh, I guess I’ll have to de extra careful to not catch it. I probably will though.” There was some awkward silence between the two as Duke was holding his stomach was wishing he was dead. “Uh, Duke, when you feel like you’re going to vomit just tell me and I’ll stop the car.” Duke nodded.

Duke was in agony. But the moment he felt something start to rise in his throat, his heart started to beat even faster and his bladder got more full. This was the moment Duke was dreading.

Before anything could come up Duke quickly yelled, “Gomer, pull over!” His hand quickly went to his mouth after he said that.

Gomer immediately stepped on the brake and Duke fiddled with the door handle until he got it open. He ran in the grassy area then squatted down as he started to vomit his guts outs. But it wasn’t just vomit coming out, his pants were getting wet.

Gomer ran out of the car to be by his friend’s side. He just placed a hand on Duke’s shoulder, trying to be as comforting as he could for him going through an awful thing. A thing that most people wouldn’t see as to bad, but Duke’s sees as a nightmare.

It almost felt like an eternity until Duke emptied all the contents of his stomach. The pain was gone, so was the pressure in his bladder, but the panic was not. But when he stood up, more anxiety swept over him. It got to much for him to handle and he started crying.

Gomer wiped as tear off his cheeks. “Oh, Duke, don’t cry. Everything is ok.”

“I-I don’t know why I’m crying right now. But I can’t stop it.”

“It’s ok, you’re ok, Duke. But it looks like you’ve just wet yourself, so we better get you back to the base as soon as possible.”

Wet himself? Duke didn’t even notice. He looked down as his pants and they were wet.

“I didn’t even know I had to pee. I didn’t even feel it come out. How could’ve this have happened?”

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Duke. We’ll make sure no one finds out about.”

“I’m so sorry about this, Gomer. I didn’t want the night to be like this.”

“Don’t be sorry for just being human, Duke. Everything will be ok.”

Gomer helped Duke back inside the car and he got in as well. Gomer drove back to the base, and the whole way there, Duke was crying. But the tears were seeming to wash the anxiety away. He didn’t have to worry about throwing up anymore because he just did. His heart started beating normally again as he tried to calm himself down. Everything was going to be alright.

First omo about an Anthropomorphic animal, it has to do with the 2016 movie Sing

“Johnny, what are you doing up? You need to practice the piano. The show’s tomorrow.”

Johnny squeezed his legs together tightly. “Sorry, Mr. Moon. I was just going to the-“

“Johnny, you can never have to much practice. Just a couple more hours and you’ll be fantastic. Go on now.”

“Mr. Moon, I need to-“

“You need to practice Johnny, that’s what you need to do. Now go back to your piano.”

“Ok, Mr. Moon.”

Buster walked the opposite direction of Johnny. Johnny started walking back to the room where his piano is and looked around to make sure no one was around, when he saw the coast was clear his started to grab himself with both hands. He had to go to the bathroom really bad but has not had a chance to because he was so busy with the show coming up. Every time he tried to take a bathroom break, someone would interrupt him and tell him to continue practicing.

Johnny got back to his piano, sat down, and continued to play. He crossed one leg over the other as he was trying to not let a single drop out of his bladder. He didn’t know when he was actually gonna get a chance to actually use the bathroom, but he was going to have to wait until that moment came, because he was not going to wet himself at the theater.

Johnny tried to not pay any attention towards his aching bladder and just tried to focus on playing the piano. But it was hard because he need to go super badly. He wasn’t sure how longer he could hold it. But he was trying his best because he would die of embarrassment is he peed his pants in front of everyone in the theater. Especially because he didn’t have a pair of pants to change into.

It felt as if he bladder was getting more full with every second that passed. He just wish he could go to the bathroom, but he knew Mr. Moon was gonna stop him and tell him to go practice some more.

Johnny was surprised when he made it another hour without soaking his jeans. He was gonna try and go to the bathroom another time. Hopefully Mr. Moon will let him take a break after he’s practiced for over an hour.

So he got up and tried not to grab himself as he walked out the door. He didn’t want the others to see how badly he was needing a toilet so he tried his best to act natural.

He was so close to the bathroom. So close to finally reliving his very full bladder. But someone stopped him again. This time it was Ash.

“Johnny, we all have to rehearse our songs. You need to go to the stage, that’s where everyone is.”

“Ash, I just need to-“

Ash took Johnny’s big hand and started dragging him to the other side of the building. “There’s not a second we can spare, Johnny. Opening night is tomorrow.”

“But, Ash-“

“Just come on, Johnny. We need to practice.”

This was just Johnny’s luck. There was no way he was going to be able to go to the bathroom until they all went home to the night, which is in a few hours. Johnny was not going to make it until then.

So they went and rehearsed their songs, and it was the longest rehearsal on Johnny’s life. His bladder was so full that he was in pain. All he wanted to do at that moment was go to the bathroom. He was absolutely miserable.

They rehearsed for an hour, but that hour felt like 5 to Johnny. But a wave of relief went over Johnny when Mr. Moon finally said, “Alright everyone, you’re all doing wonderfully. Now we’re going to take a 10 minute break and then we’re going to rehearse some more.”

“Finally.” Johnny said under his breath and he tried to walk as fast as he could to the bathroom. He still didn’t want to make it obvious that he needed to go bad, so he still tried to be calm when walking there.

But Johnny worst nightmare soon came true. As he was walking, his bladder suddenly just couldn’t hold anymore, and he started to wet himself.

Johnny then ran as fast as he could to the bathroom, leaving a trail of urine behind him. He passed a lot of people along the way, but they didn’t say anything, just stared at him wetting himself.

When Johnny finally got to the bathroom his bladder was already empty. Johnny felt a little good because his bladder wasn’t full anymore and he wasn’t in complete misery. But he also felt extremely embarrassed because so many people saw him as he was running to the bathroom. They had to have seen him leave a trail on his pee.

Johnny didn’t want to leave the bathroom. He didn’t want to see any of the people who saw him pee his pants. He wanted to stay in that bathroom forever. So he just sat in the corner and thought about what had just happened.

Johnny stayed like this for the next few minutes until a knock came on the bathroom door.

“Johnny, is everything alright.” It was Mr. Moon.

Johnny didn’t want Mr. Moon to see him like this. With wet jeans. But Johnny couldn’t just ignore Mr. Moon. So he got up, walked over to the door, and opened it.

Johnny stood in front of Mr. Moon. He tried not to make eye contact because he was so ashamed of what he did.

“Johnny, what happened?”

“When we were rehearsing I really needed to use the toilet, like really bad. Then when we were going on break I was walking to the bathroom, then I just lost control of my bladder. I’m very sorry, Mr. Moon.”

“It’s ok, Johnny. I understand it was just an accident.”

“I got some on the floor. I guess I should clean it up.”

“Don’t worry about that, Johnny. It’s already been taken care of.”


“The others saw that you had wet yourself and they didn’t want you to be to embarrassed so they cleaned it up.”

“Oh, that was really nice of them.”

“Yeah, it was. Johnny, I can see you’re really embarrassed right now, and you’re pants are wet, so how about you just go home for the day.”

“Are you sure, Mr. Moon.”

“I’m sure, Johnny. Now just go home, clean yourself up, practice the show a bit, and get some rest.”

“I’ll do that, Mr. Moon.”

“I know you will. Have a good night, Johnny.”

Johnny walked out of the bathroom and started to walk out of the backstage area. “You have a good night as well, Mr. Moon. Thanks for being so understanding about this.”

“No problem, Johnny. You just get home now.”

C-can somebody, uh, draw me a picture of irl JFK wetting himself/ j

All I want is for a tough guy to say potty, is that to much to ask for

24th day of 25 days of omo

Fandom: A Christmas Story

Title: Ashamed to say

It was very early in the morning. Nobody in Ralphie’s house was awake besides him, but he knew they would wake up soon.

Ralphie had wet the bed the morning, and did not want a single soul to know he did. So he tried to be quiet as a mouse when changing his clothes so he wouldn’t wake up his little brother. He knew he wasn’t going to have time to clean up his sheets, so he just threw the covers over his sheets and hoped nobody would notice.

Ralphie slowly opened his door and tip toed to the bathroom where he combed his hair and tried to make himself look presentable for the day.

When he opened the door to the bathroom, there was his mother walking down the hall.

“Ralphie, you’re already dressed?” She questioned.

“Yeah, I woke up earlier and thought I should go ahead and get ready for the day.”

“Oh, I was just about to wake you boys up. I’ll just go wake up Randy now.”

“Wait, mom, I’ll get Randy up.”

“You will?”

“Yeah, I’ll help him get dressed and everything.”

“Oh, well ok. Thanks for your help.” His mom then walked downstairs.

Ralphie did not want his mom in his room because he knew she would smell the urine coming from his sheets.

So Ralphie woke Randy up the same way their mother does to them each morning, then he helped him put on some clothes and get ready for the day.

The two boys then walked downstairs where they sat at the table and had a nice breakfast that their mother cooked for them.

After they ate, it was off to school. Ralphie was planning on cleaning his sheets when he returned home, but he was worried that his mom or his dad would come across the wet bed sheets. But he tried to get his mind off it and just focus on school. He tried to tell himself that everything was going to be ok, and his parents wouldn’t find his sheets.


Frank had the day off that day, so he just spent the day hanging around the house. His wife was out running some errands at that time, so Frank had the house to himself for a little bit.

He went upstairs, but as he passed his boys’ bedroom, he smelt something funny. Their bedroom door was wide open and Frank walked inside to see where the smell was coming from.

He then made the realization that what he was smelling was urine, so he walked over to Randy’s bed and threw off the cover, because Randy did have a tendency to wet the bed. But his sheets weren’t wet, that meant it was coming from Ralphie’s bed.

Frank was a little confused because Ralphie didn’t wet the bed much, he grew out of that. But when he threw the covers off of Ralphie bed, there was a big wet spot right in the middle. Ralphie had wet the bed.

Frank knew Ralphie was probably to embarrassed to tell anyone, and Frank didn’t blame him, it was an embarrassing thing. But Frank didn’t want to make Ralphie feel embarrassed about it, and would talk to Ralphie when he came home from school.

Frank cleaned up the sheets for Ralphie, and tried to get rid of the smell in their room. Frank wanted to keep his son from a lot of embarrassment and didn’t tell his wife when she came home.


Ralphie sprinted up the stairs to his bedroom the second he walked through the door of his house. But when he pulled the blanket off his bed his heart dropped to his stomach when he saw that his sheets had already been washed.

One of his parents found out. He didn’t know which one but one of them did.

Ralphie just stayed up in his room because he was terrified of going downstairs and his parents talking to his about finding his wet bed sheets. He never wanted to come out, but he knew he was going to have to soon.

It wasn’t long after until the door to his room opened and his father walked in.

“Hi son.” He greeted as he shut the door.

Ralphie’s heart started beating faster as he thought it was his dad who found his sheets and was coming to talk to him about it. Which he was.

“Have a nice day at school?”


His dad walked further into his room and sat down on the edge of his bed where Ralphie was. “Are you feeling alright, son?”

“Yeah, dad, just fine. Why do you ask?”

“You just seem a little nervous.”

“I’m ok.”

“If you say so, Ralphie. But I did come in here to talk to you about something.”

Ralphie’s heart started to beat even faster. “About what?”

“Well, I saw that you had wet the bed. I cleaned up your sheets this afternoon.”

Ralphie’s cheeks immediately went red with embarrassment.

“I came here to tell you that it’s nothing to be embarrassed about and wetting the bed is normal thing that everyone has dealt with sometime in their lives.”

I know, I know. It’s just embarrassing when it happens, you know.”

“I understand, but you shouldn’t be embarrassed with me and your mother. You should have told one of us when it happened and we would’ve helped you.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, it’s ok. But next time it does happen, tell one of us.”

“I will.”

“That’s all I wanted to talk to you about. I love you, Ralphie.”

“I love you too, dad.”

“I’ll leave you alone now.” Frank got up and started to walk towards Ralphie’s door.

“Wait, dad!”

Frank turned around. “What is it, Ralphie?”

“Thanks for cleaning my sheets for me.”

Frank smiled at his son. “You’re welcome, Ralphie.”

23rd day of 25 days of omo

Fandom: A Christmas Story

Title: Sticky Situation

“Alright alright.” Flick said as he walked up to the flag pole.

“Well, go on,” Schwartz demanded.

“I’m goin’, I’m goin’.”

Flick back stiffened, his lips curled in a defiant smear, there was no going back now. He planted his tongue onto the frozen flagpole.

“This is nothing.” Flick said with a lisp. He tried to get it off, but he couldn’t

“Stuck?” He tried again. “Stuck?” He tried even harder. “Stuck?” He tried another time, but he realized that his tongue was not going to come off. “Stuck! I’m stuck! I’m stuck!”

“What did he say?” One of the kids asked.

“Geez, it really worked,” Schwartz said, surprised.

“Schwartz’s old man was right,” Ralphie sounded.

Schwartz put his hands on his hips and said, “Told ya.”

“Hey fellas, help me. Come on!” Flick pleaded, still with his awful lisp.

Flick’s heart raced in his chest as he kept trying to get off the pole, but nothing worked.

“How are we going to get him off?” Schwartz questioned.

“I have no clue,” Ralphie answered.

“We need to tell Miss Shields. She’ll know what to do.” One of their classmates suggested.

“No, if we tell Miss Shields she’ll know we put Flick up to this and we’ll get in trouble.”

“Guys, you gotta help me!” Flick cried. “I’m stuck!” Flick was flailing his arms around, a nervous wreck.

“Sorry, Flick, but we don’t know what to do,” Ralphie patted Flick on the shoulder. “The only thing we can do is pull you off, but that will really hurt.”

Flick was now on the verge of tears. He was going crazy. He was scared. So scared in fact, that he started to wet himself.

“Oh my gosh, Flick’s peeing! Eww!” Schwartz cried as he stepped away from Flick.

Flick didn’t even realize he was peeing himself. He was just so scared that he lost control of his bodily functions. But now, the snow below him started getting yellow and his cheeks got red with utter embarrassment.

“I am peeing! I didn’t even notice! Oh no!”

“Flick must really be panicked to wet himself like that.” Ralphie walked over to Flick again. “I’m sorry Schwartz put you up to this.”

Flick tried to say something but with his lisp, his panic, and crying, it came out like gibberish.

But just then, the bell rang, and everyone started walking back inside.

“What are we going to do?” Schwartz asked again.

“The bell rang, we have to go back inside.”

“But what about Flick?”

“We’re just going to have to leave him out here. Sorry Flick.”

Ralphie and Schwartz started to walk back into the school, feeling guilty about leaving Flick out in the cold with his tongue still on that pole and with wet pants.

“Hey, don’t leave me! Come back! Come back!”

The kids were all in the classroom as Miss Sheilds started taking attendance.

“Ralphie. Schwartz. Flick.” She realized that Flick was not in the classroom. “Flick? Where’s Flick? Has anyone seen Flick?” Miss Sheilds walked over to Ralphie and put her hands on his desk. “Ralphie, do you know where Flick is?”

“No, I haven’t,” he lied.

“Where could he have gone?” Miss Sheilds looked around the classroom and saw that one of her students had her hand up. “Yes, Ester Jane?”

The girl pointed out the window to Flick standing in front of the flagpole with his tongue stuck to it and with a big yellow circle around his feet.

“Oh my Lord!”

Miss Sheilds sprinted out of the classroom and all of the class crowded around the window, looking out to see what was going to happen with Flick.

They all watched as Miss Sheilds pried Flick off of that pole and put her hand under his chin so his tongue wouldn’t bleed on his clothes while she walked him inside.

“Woah, I bet Flick’s in a lot of pain right now,” Ralphie said as he began to walk back to his seat.

“I bet he’s embarrassed as well. Miss Sheilds had to have seen that he wet himself,” Schwartz added.

“Yeah, I would be really embarrassed as well. Poor Flick.”

“This sure has been a sticky situation.”

22nd day of 25 days of omo

Fandom: A Christmas Story

Title: The door locks from the inside

The door locked from the inside, and it closed while Frank was in the room. His heart skipped a beat when he heard that little click. He always makes sure when he is in the closet in the hallway to keep the door open, and he did that this time. But it closed. It closed while he was inside the closet.

To make matters worse, he was alone in the house. His two sons, Ralphie and Randy, were outside with their friends, and his wife was out grocery shopping. This was just his luck.

All he had to do now was wait. Wait for either his sons or wife to come home and get him out of the closet. It shouldn’t take long, he hoped.

Frank pulled the string light in the closet and now he wasn’t in the darkness. The closet was full of the family’s coats, jackets, hats, gloves, and scarves. They were all separated based on who owned them. There was also a box in the corner of the closet with random junk in it that Frank’s wife refused to throw away.

Frank just sat down on the floor of the closet and leaned against the wall. He waited and waited for someone to come by and open the door for him. He was probably going to be in there for a while, based on how long his family will be out.

It wasn’t long before Frank started to feel the need for the bathroom. Now he was really hoping someone would get there because he wasn’t in the mood for having an accident that day. But it wasn’t that bad at first, he could hold it if he tried. Soon, someone would come and open the closet door and he could go to the bathroom.

Frank was fidgeting with his fingers and tapping his foot and he remained sitting on the closet floor. He could feel his bladder get fuller and fuller as the seconds passed. But he stilled remained positive that either his sons or his wife would come home very soon and let him out and he would make it with dry pants.

“Get your mind off your bladder, Frank,” he said to himself. “You’re a grown man, you can hold it. Someone will get here soon.”

Time seemed to go by slower as Frank sat in the cold closet. His bladder kept getting more full, and he was starting to get really uncomfortable.

More minutes passed and Frank started to really need to pee, it was bad. It seemed to get worse every minute. He was now grabbing himself with both of his hands, making sure to not let a single drop out.

“Just relax, Frank. You can hold it.”

He tried to relax himself to get rid of the pain from his full bladder, and he relaxed a little too much because it wasn’t long before he started wetting himself.

Frank didn’t even try to stop the stream, it just felt so good. His bladder stopped aching and he wasn’t uncomfortable anymore, but his pants and the closet floor were both wet. Before, he really wanted someone to come and get him out of the closet, but now he didn’t want anyone to see the accident he just had.

But then, he started to hear the noise of the front door open and the talking and his two sons. He was glad it was his boys instead of his wife because it’s less awkward with them. He was finally saved now.

“I wonder where daddy is.” Frank heard his youngest son say.

Frank then banged on the closet door. “Boys, I’m in here! I’m stuck in the closet!”

“You’re trapped in the closet?” Ralphie questioned.

“Yeah, the door closed on me while I was in here.”

“Oh, well don’t worry, dad, we’ll get you out.”

The closet door finally opened after an hour and a half of Frank being stuck in there. A wave of relief swept through Frank.

Ralphie and Randy kind of just stared at the wet spot on their dad’s pants, looking very confused.

“Hey, I was in there for a long time, it’s not like there’s a toilet in there.”

21st day of 25 days of omo

Fandom: It’s a Wonderful Life

Title: Better hurry up

George laid in his bed snuggled but against his wife. The morning was peaceful, quiet, as Geroge and his entire family was still asleep right before the sun rose.

George was the first to wake up. As he rose he looked down at his peacefully sleeping wife, who looked as beautiful as ever. George passionately kissed her on the forehead.

George then turned over and was filled with panic right as he looked at the clock.

“Oh my gosh, I’m late!” George cried as he jumped out of bed.

“What was that, George,” Mary asked as she woke up.

“Mary, look at the clock.”

Mary looked at the clock on her husband’s bedside table, and when she saw that it read 8:30, she was also panicked.

“Oh dear, we were supposed to be up 2 hours ago. I can’t believe we slept in.”

“I was supposed to be at the bank at 8:00. I hope they don’t care I’m about an hour late.”

George started to quickly taking off his pajamas and tried to get ready as quickly as possible. He was in such a hurry be didn’t even notice the fullness of his bladder. George forgot to use the bathroom like he does every morning when he wakes up, but he didn’t have time to.

“We’re lucky the children don’t have school today, or else they would’ve been very late,” Mary said as she stood up from the bed and put her robe on. “I’m going to get them up and ready now.”

George was fumbling with the buttons on his shirt, trying to get it on a fast as possible. He then quickly put on his pants, his sports coat, and his socks and shoes. Then he ran into the bathroom to comb his hair.

At that moment, George was starting to notice how badly he was needing to pee, but he knew he wasn’t going to have time to use the bathroom, so he was going to wait until he got to the bank. He was squirming around in place a lot and was crossing one leg over the other, making sure he could keep everything in before he got to work.

George made his hair look as decent as possible then grabbed his bag, his hat, and his coat then ran downstairs where his wife was, still squirming.

“I don’t have any time to eat breakfast this morning, dear,” George said as he kissed his wife on the forehead. “Tell the kids that I love them very much and I’ll see them at dinner tonight.”

“Wait, George, I-”

George cut his wife off as he looked down at his watch and said, “10 years working at that bank and this is the first time I’m late.”

“George, maybe you should-”

“Oh dear, how could’ve we slept in so late.”


“Well, I have to go now. See you later, Mary. Love ya.” George started to walk out the front door.


“What, Mary?”

“Maybe you should use the bathroom first.”

Mary definitely noticed George’s need for the bathroom, it was hard to miss. George’s legs were completely squeezed together as he was almost dancing around in place. He looked like his bladder was about to explode any minute, and that’s how it felt.

“I don’t have any time for that, Mary. I’ll go once I get to the bank.”

“Are you sure about that George, you look like you really need to go? You wouldn’t want to have an accident on the way to work and make yourself even later.”

“I’m a grown man, Mary. I’m not going to have an accident. I can hold it.”

“What if you can’t?”

“I can, Mary. I’ll be fine. Now, I really need to go, I’m already late as it is. Goodbye, Mary.”

“Whatever you say, George. Goodbye.”

George bolted out the door as fast as he could and got into the car. He was out of the driveway in a flash and zoomed down the street.

He was in terrible need of a toilet at this point, he was desperate. His bladder was throbbing. He kept one of his hands on the steering wheel, and the other was tightly gripping his crotch, he tried not to let a single drop out.

But he wasn’t far from his work when he felt himself starting to go. He quickly pulled his hand away from his pants and watched as they became soaked.

“Oh, this is just my luck.” He grumbled.

George quickly turned his car around and started to drive back to his house. Mary was right, he should’ve peed before he left the house. Now, he was later than he would be if he had just used the bathroom. He knew Mary was going to laugh at him for not listening to her, he probably deserved it. He was also kind of scared about his kids seeing him, they’ve never seen their dad wet himself before. He was supposed to be the adult that his kids look up to, maybe if they see he has had an accident like a child, they’ll think less of him. Or maybe he was just overthinking. He should’ve just listened to his wife.

20th day of 25 days of omo

Fandom: A Christmas Story

Title: Tired eyes

“You guys must be very tired after the day you’ve had.” Ralphie and Randy’s dad said as he opened the car door for the boys. “But now we’ll drive home and you boys can get some rest.”

“I’m really sleepy daddy,” Randy said as he climbed into the car.

“I know, son. But you can get a good night’s rest when we get home.”

Ralphie climbed into the car after Randy. He was very tired that night but he didn’t admit it. Ralphie also had to pee a little bit as well, so he couldn’t wait to get home so he could use the bathroom then sleep in his warm bed.

Their dad got into the driver’s seat of the car and out in the keys. “Ready to go, boys?”

“Yes, daddy,” Randy replied.

“What about you, Ralphie?”

“Ready,” he answered, sounding exhausted.

“Poor boy. Well, let’s go home then.”

He started to drive off. Ralphie had his head leaning on the window of the car, almost half asleep. His eyes were heavy and it was getting to be hard to keep him open. After a while, Ralphie drifted off to sleep with his head still on the car window.

Randy was just looking out the window the entire time. Though he was very tired, he didn’t fall asleep. He was excited to get home just as much as Ralphie and get some rest. It had been a long and tiring day for both of the boys so they were both very sleepy.

“Did Ralphie fall asleep?” Their dad questioned.

Randy looked over and saw Ralphie dead asleep on the window. “Yeah, Ralphie’s asleep.”

“He must have really been tired. Well, just don’t disturb him, Randy. Let him get some rest. When we get home I’ll carry him up to his room.”

“Ok, daddy. I won’t wake him.”

Randy went back to staring out the window and their dad went back to driving. The whole car was silent as all three of the boys were really tired.

Minutes went by and their dad started to smell something weird, so did Randy. So he looked back at the boys and his eyes went to Ralphie’s pants. He immediately stopped the car and pulled over to the side of the road.

“Why did you stop, daddy?” Randy asked.

“Randy, wake up your brother.”

“But you told me-”

“I know what I told you, Randy, but you need to wake him up.”

When Randy looked over at his older brother, he knew exactly why his dad wanted him to wake him up. So Randy nudged Ralphie’s shoulder and tried to get him up.

“Ralphie, wake up.”

Ralphie’s eyes slowly opened and he looked over at his little brother. “Randy, why are you waking me?” Randy pointed to Ralphie’s pants and looked down. “Oh my gosh!”

“Son, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.” His dad said from the front seat. “It was just an accident.”

“How could this have happened.”

“Well, you were probably just too tired to realize you had to use the bathroom.”

“I’m so sorry about this dad. I got it all over the seats.”

“Hey, don’t be sorry, and don’t worry about the seats. Everything is alright. You just had a little accident. Happens to everyone from time to time.”

“I just can’t believe I did this.”

“Don’t get yourself all worked up, Ralphie. Everything is fine, nobody died.”

“Yeah, it’s ok Ralphie. We’re not mad at you.” Randy said as he hugged his older brother.

“Well, thanks, Randy. But I’m still sorry for what happened.”

“Raphie, seriously, you don’t need to be sorry. It’s just a bit of pee.”

“Well, thanks for being so understanding about it, dad.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“It’s just…before-”

“That’s all in the past now, Ralphie. I don’t yell at you boys for your accidents anymore. You know that.”

“Just thanks.”

“No problem, son. I love you, Ralphie.”

“I love you too, dad. You won’t tell mom about this, will you?”

“If you don’t want me to, I won’t. But do you want me to?”

“No, definitely not.”

“Ok then, I won’t tell her. When we get home we’ll wash you up and get you to bed. After that, we’ll pretend that this never happened.”

The rest of the car ride to their house was silent. Not any of the boys said a word to each other. Ralphie has an adrenaline rush and couldn’t go back to sleep, so he just stared out the window the rest of the car ride.

When they got home, Ralphie immediately rushed out of the car and into the house. He quickly changed out of his soiled clothes and into some clean pajamas.

Right when he and Randy climbed into their beds, ready to go to sleep when their bed came in to tell them goodnight.

“Goodnight, Randy.” He kissed him on the forehead. “Sleep tight, son. I love you.”

“Love you too, daddy.”

Then we walked over to Ralphie’s bed and kissed him on the forehead. “Goodnight, Ralphie.”

“Goodnight, dad.”

“I know you may feel a little embarrassed about what happened tonight, but just try to forget it. It was just an accident and nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I know, dad.”

“Just making sure you do. I love you, Ralphie. Goodnight.”

Ralphie and Randy’s dad left their bedroom, allowing the boys to get what they’ve been waiting for that entire night, a good night’s rest in their warm bed.

19th day of 25 days of omo

Fandom: The polar express

Title: Accident on the Polar Express

I gave these characters made up names since they didn’t have names in the movie

Was Micheal the only one who had to pee after drinking all that hot chocolate? Because he was looking around seeing him anyone of the other kids were going to the bathroom so he’ll know where it is, but no one has.

So Micheal just sat there in the train seat with a very full bladder, trying not to wet himself, as the nerdy kid in front of him kept talking about everything he knew about the train they were on. Micheal wasn’t really paying attention to what he was saying, just nodded his head every time he spoke.

Micheal sat under his hands so he wouldn’t grab himself, he didn’t want anyone on the train to know he had to pee. He didn’t know any of these people, he didn’t want them to know he has bodily functions.

He kept shifting in his seat, he really didn’t want to have an accident on the train. If he was to, the train conductor would probably be furious with him.

Micheal stared out the window while the kid in front of him kept talking. He wondered how long it would take until they all got to the North Pole. He also wondered if there were bathrooms at the North Pole. Maybe when they got there he would sneak off and try to find one. If he couldn’t, he was just going to have to go in the snow. Hopefully, no one would see him.

After a few minutes of just looking out the window, he felt a poke on his shoulder.

“What did you say your name was?” The girl behind said as he turned around.

“Micheal. And you’re Grace, right?”

“Yeah, that’s my name.”

“So, what do you want?”

“Just wanted to see if you are okay, that’s all.”

“Why do you want to know if I’m ok?”

“Well, just look around. Everyone is being loud, laughing, and having fun, but you’re here sitting looking like you’re sad or something.”

“I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yup, as good as could be.”

“Are you just one of those quiet people then?”

“Yes, that’s me. Quiet Micheal.”

Micheal really wasn’t a quiet person, it was just right now he was very uncomfortable because of his full bladder and didn’t really feel like talking to anyone at the moment.

“That’s ok, sometimes I’m quiet as well. Mind if I sit next to you?”

Micheal didn’t actually want Grace to sit next to him because she might catch on to his squirming and find out that he has to pee real bad. And what if he has an accident, it will probably get all over her.

“Are you sure? This know-it-all kid will probably drive you crazy.” He whispered.

“Oh, Dillon. I’m used to him. Before you got on he was telling me everything he’s been telling you. It’s fine.”

“Ok, you can sit next to me,” Micheal said as he scooted over so she could sit down.


Micheal was trying not to squirm that much, but it was hard because he really needed to go. He was almost on the brink of an accident but hoped and prayed that it wouldn’t happen.

“So, how old are you, Micheal?”


“I’m ten as well.”

There was more awkward silence between the two kids for about 5 minutes. Micheal’s bladder kept getting fuller and fuller by the second, making him even more uncomfortable. He knew he wasn’t going to make it to when they got to the North Pole, but he kept trying.

“Micheal, can I ask you something?” Grace questioned.


“Are you absolutely sure you are ok, you look very in distress?”

“As I said before, I am fine.”

“I can always tell when something’s is wrong with somebody. If something is wrong I can try and help you with it.”

“You can’t help me with this.”

“Maybe I can, and I can’t if you don’t tell me.”

Micheal started to get really annoyed with Grace. “Grace, I’m fine! I can deal with this on my own. I’m not telling you what’s wrong with me.”

“Ok then, sorry for annoying you.”

Micheal did realize how that he was kind of hard on Grace, and he started to feel bad for blowing up in her face. She was only trying to help him. He didn’t need to yell at her like he did.

“Actually, I’m sorry Grace. I shouldn’t have screamed at you like I did. I’m just…a bit uncomfortable.”

“Do you want me to move and go back to my seat?”

“No, you don’t have to. Why I’m uncomfortable has nothing to do with you. It’s just…I can’t say.”

“Want me to get the train conductor? Maybe he can help you.”

“Please don’t. I don’t want anyone to know about this.”

It was then, when Micheal felt the first drop come out, and his heart started to race.

“Oh no,” he mumbled under his breath.

“What was that?”

“Nothing, I didn’t say anything.”

“Sounded like you did.”

“You were just hearing things.”

Micheal felt a few more drops come out, and he really started to panic. He tried to hold it in as best he could, but his eyes gathered tears from the strain.

“Micheal it looks like you’re crying.”

“Crying? I’m not crying. Winter allergies, that’s all.”

“Alright, whatever you say.”

More and more drops came out. Micheal looked at his pajama pants and realized a wet spot was started to grow. He tried to hold it in, but it was no use.

“No!” Micheal cried as a stream started.

Grace, who wasn’t paying any mind to Micheal at the time and was starring down the rows, heard this yell and turned her head. “What’s the matter, Micheal.” But she immediately saw Micheal’s pants and seat get soaked. She quickly stood up from the seat so she wouldn’t get any of Micheal’s urine on her.

Dillon heard all the commotion from behind him and turned his head to see what was going on. “Woah, you wet yourself.”

“Yeah, I think I can see that, Dillon.”

“Somebody outta get the conductor.”

“No, please don’t do that, Dillon.”

“He’s going to find out anyway. You think he’s not going to notice the huge puddle on the floor.”

“Just please don’t get him, Dillon.”

“Fine, whatever you say.”

Micheal looked over at Grace who was just kind of starring at the mess he made. “Was this what was wrong with you?”

“Yeah, I really had to pee but didn’t know where the bathrooms were, so I tried to hold it, but I couldn’t.”

“Why didn’t you ask the conductor where the bathrooms are.”

“I was embarrassed. I don’t like it when people know I have to pee.”

“You don’t really have to be embarrassed, Micheal. Everyone uses the bathroom.”

“I know that. Still, I’m embarrassed by it.”

“That’s ok, Micheal. Sometimes I get embarrassed when I have to tell someone I have to use the bathroom. But they don’t care, because they use the bathroom too. It’s really nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Well, thanks for the lecture, I guess. But what I am going to do about this?” Micheal pointed to the puddle on the floor of the train.

“I guess we can just clean it up real quick before the conductor sees. But I don’t know what we’re going to do about your pajamas.”

It wasn’t long after until the conductor came in. “Hey, what’s all the commotion about in here?” He asked as he walked in.

“Micheal wet himself! There’s urine all over the seat!” Dillon pointed to the seat behind him.

“What?” The conductor started to walk over to where Micheal was seated.

Micheal’s heart dropped to his stomach as he tried to prepare himself for the embarrassment he’s going to face once the conductor saw him.

Once the conductor did get to Micheal’s seat, Micheal held his head down, not wanting to make eye contact with him. His heart raced even faster in his chest as his cheeks grew red with embarrassment.

“Micheal, are you alright?”

Micheal still didn’t make eye contact with him he mumbled out a “yes.”

“What happened? What made you wet yourself?”

Micheal was to embarrassed to talk so he just sat there with his head still down, not saying anything.

Grace saw how embarrassed Micheal looked, so she stood in front of the conductor and said, “Micheal had to go the bathroom pretty badly, but he was to scared to ask where the bathrooms were, so he held it in. But he couldn’t hold it.”

The conductor pushed Grace out of the way and looked at Micheal. “Is that the reason?” Micheal nodded, still not looking up. “It’s ok, Micheal, accidents happen. But you really should’ve asked me. I understand you may have been embarrassed but you shouldn’t be. But this isn’t the first time something like this has happened on this train.” The conductor put his hand on Micheal’s shoulder. “Now, I’ll lead you to the bathroom so you can wash up and change, and I’ll have some people come and clean up the seat and the floor.”

“Change? I don’t have anything to change into.”

“The Polar Express is always prepared, Micheal. We have pajamas for you to change into. Come along now.”

Micheal stood up from his seat and the conductor lead him to the train’s bathroom.

18th day of 25 days of omo

Fandom: A Christmas Story

Title: We’re stuck in an elevator

“Shoot!” Frank yelled as he hit the elevator door. “These stupid elevator doors won’t open.”

“Daddy, are we stuck in here?” Randy asked.

“Yes, Randy, I’m afraid we are.”

“Are we gonna be stuck in here forever?” Randy started to become scared.

“No, Randy. The doors will open eventually. When they do, I don’t know.”

“How long do you think it will be?” Ralphie asked.

“It could be in 10 minutes, an hour, a day, or a week. Who knows.”

“I don’t want to be in here for a week!” Randy gasped.

“It most likely won’t happen, Randy. The doors will open sooner or later. Now, we just have to pass the time.”

“What will we do?” Ralphie questioned.

“I don’t know, think of something, boys.”

The three guys just stood there in the elevator not saying a word to each other, and it was like this for the next 20 minutes. Until Randy spoke up.


“What is it, Randy?”

“I have to go the bathroom.”

“I have to as well, Randy. What about you, Ralphie?”

“Uh, maybe a little bit.”

“Do you think you boys can hold it?”

“I think I can,” Ralphie said.

“I don’t know, daddy. I have to go really bad.”

“Just try your best to hold it, Randy. I have to go pretty bad as well.”

“What if I can’t hold it?”

“If you have an accident, you have an accident. It won’t be a big deal. We’ll just go home and get you cleaned up. But just try hard to keep it all in.”

“I will daddy.”

Frank started to tap his foot against the floor of the elevator. He actually really needed to go to the bathroom, but he wasn’t in the mood to have an accident that day, especially in front of his two sons. He just tried to stay positive and hoped the doors would soon.

Ralphie crossed one leg over the other. Even though he said he had to go a little, it was a lie, he really needed to go. Really badly. But he didn’t want to make his dad deal with two very full bladdered kids. So he kept quiet.

Randy had both of his hands grabbing himself as he stood right in the middle of the elevator. Both Ralphie and his dad felt a lot of empathy for him, because they knew he had to go badly and he was probably in a lot of pain.

“Alright boys, the best way to ease the pain of our very full bladders is just to get our minds off of them. So, how is school going for you guys?”

“Good,” Randy answered, “my teacher is nice, and we color a lot. I also love recess.”

“Very nice, Randy. What about you, Ralphie?”

“Uh, school’s going fine. My grades are good as well, but I did get a C+ on my last theme writing.”

“A C+?” Ralphie’s dad questioned.

“Yeah, I don’t think I did that good on the margins.”

“Oh, well I guess there are worse grades you could get. A C+ isn’t all that bad.”

Then there was more awkward silence among the boys. All three of them didn’t really know what to say or what to talk about.

Ralphie started to get a little more fidgety, so did Randy. Their dad was just standing in the corner of the elevator, leaning up against the wall, shifting around in place.

Ralphie was the first to go. He was in the other corner of the elevator, squirming a lot, with his bladder getting ready to bust. He was gripping the sides of his pants, straining hard as he tried to keep it all in, but it all came out.

“No no no no!” Ralphie cried as he felt his bladder start to relax uncontrollably.

“What’s wrong, Ralphie?” His dad questioned. But when he saw his son’s pants start to get wet and heard the splatter of liquid hitting the floor, he knew exactly what was going on.

Ralphie’s face went cherry red with embarrassment as he tried not to look at his dad or little brother.

“You must feel better now.” His dad said almost jokingly.

“I-I’m sorry.”

“There’s no need to apologize, Ralphie, everything is okay. We’re probably going to be in here for a while so something like this was bound the happen. I will most likely go the same thing by the time we get out.” Frank seeing his son wet himself made him have to go even more.

And he was the next to go. It was only a little bit after Ralphie had an accident when he started to have one as well. He was standing in the corner when all of a sudden, he felt his pants start to get wet.

He didn’t even try to stop the stream, he just let it all out because it felt amazing. It felt good to not have a full bladder anymore.

Ralphie and Randy stared at their dad as was in the corner wetting himself with his eyes closed and a huge smile on his face.

“Woo, that feels good.” Frank then turned his attention towards his youngest son. “Since Ralphie and I just peed ourselves, it’d make no difference if you did as well. So just let it all out.”

“Are you sure, daddy?”

“Yeah, just go.”

“Okay then.” Randy took his hands away from his crotch, spread his legs apart, and started to relax himself.

Now, the entire elevator was covered with urine, and the smell was awful. But the three of them didn’t really care, they were just relieved that their bladders weren’t aching anymore.

“Boys, let’s agree that we’ll never talk about what happened today. Don’t even tell your mother about this.”

“Okay, dad,” Ralphie said.

“I won’t tell mommy,” Randy added.

“Alright, thanks, boys.”

It wasn’t long until the elevator doors started to open, and a wave of relief spread throughout the boys.

“Well, it’s about time. Let’s go now boys.”
