

So, I actually finished this piece a solid 2 weeks ago, but kinda kept forgetting to post it on here. But I’ve finally remembered, so here it is, a kind of self-indulgent practice on skin shading and lighting; featuring my Corpo V- Void.

“You’re the one who called in the middle of the damn night, Jenkins. Lucky I didn’t just turn up in my fucking birthday suit.”

To see a brief write-up on this piece, as well as the process behind it, and even a colouring timelapse, check out under the read more!!!

She does fit more into the in-game Corpo stuff than my other Corpo V, but I am working on embellishing her story. 
For example, she started off as a Streekid, with Mama Welles raising Void alongside Jackie after Void’s parents died. V and Jackie joined (and left) the Valentinos together, but Void was always more comfortable with the macabre side of things than is probably healthy.

She does fit more into the in-game Corpo stuff than my other Corpo V, but I am working on embellishing her story. 
For example, she started off as a Streekid, with Mama Welles raising Void alongside Jackie after Void’s parents died. V and Jackie joined (and left) the Valentinos together, but Void was always more comfortable with the macabre side of things than is probably healthy.

This results in her getting a lucrative offer after being sought after by Arasaka, and she takes it. A rift is formed between her and Jackie, and they don’t speak properly for some time, with V eventually cutting all ties.

Void rises through the ranks, gaining a reputation even among her Arasaka peers as a ruthless bitch. But shit happens and she ends up in Night City after someone fucks up, V being sent in to clear stuff up.

From there…you know what, I’ll save that for her eventual fanfiction.

In the meantime, here’s the (condensed bc Tumblr photo limit) process:

This was partly a self-indulgent bisexual disaster piece, and partly a way to work on shading skin and various different markings/blemishes, and lighting. I know I’ve still got a ways to go when it comes to rendering stuff, but I still love how this turned out and I’m proud of the progress I’ve just made.

I loved doing all the little details, especially the uh…pattern on her suit jacket. It was also really fun to do the messy makeup. Y’all can guess what she was doing…or who she was doing, before she got called in to this meeting.

Yeah, Void just gives zero fucks when it comes to being crude, honestly.

And here’s the colouring timelapse (warning for flashes of colour) so y’all can have another look at the process:

Whilst this isn’t as detailed as some of my other projects, I feel I was still able to get quite alot of stuff into a relatively smaller piece. If it’s not weird to say, I really do love this piece. 

I’ll have some more art of Void up soon!!!
