#corpo rat



Been seeing alot of people modding their Vs into bunny suits/outfits, and it is amazing. But unfortunately, I am on PS4, and don’t have access to mods. And so, I did art instead.

Here’s my Corpo Netrunner V, Void, in all her glory:

Check under the read more for the process behind this piece!!!

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After roughly 8 hours, I’ve finished recreating another Magazine cover with my nonbinary Corpo V! 

This one was alot of fun, and I love how it turned out:

For the process behind this piece, as well as a brief write-up and a colouring timelapse, check under the read more!!!

Keep reading

So, I actually finished this piece a solid 2 weeks ago, but kinda kept forgetting to post it on here. But I’ve finally remembered, so here it is, a kind of self-indulgent practice on skin shading and lighting; featuring my Corpo V- Void.

“You’re the one who called in the middle of the damn night, Jenkins. Lucky I didn’t just turn up in my fucking birthday suit.”

To see a brief write-up on this piece, as well as the process behind it, and even a colouring timelapse, check out under the read more!!!

She does fit more into the in-game Corpo stuff than my other Corpo V, but I am working on embellishing her story. 
For example, she started off as a Streekid, with Mama Welles raising Void alongside Jackie after Void’s parents died. V and Jackie joined (and left) the Valentinos together, but Void was always more comfortable with the macabre side of things than is probably healthy.

She does fit more into the in-game Corpo stuff than my other Corpo V, but I am working on embellishing her story. 
For example, she started off as a Streekid, with Mama Welles raising Void alongside Jackie after Void’s parents died. V and Jackie joined (and left) the Valentinos together, but Void was always more comfortable with the macabre side of things than is probably healthy.

This results in her getting a lucrative offer after being sought after by Arasaka, and she takes it. A rift is formed between her and Jackie, and they don’t speak properly for some time, with V eventually cutting all ties.

Void rises through the ranks, gaining a reputation even among her Arasaka peers as a ruthless bitch. But shit happens and she ends up in Night City after someone fucks up, V being sent in to clear stuff up.

From there…you know what, I’ll save that for her eventual fanfiction.

In the meantime, here’s the (condensed bc Tumblr photo limit) process:

This was partly a self-indulgent bisexual disaster piece, and partly a way to work on shading skin and various different markings/blemishes, and lighting. I know I’ve still got a ways to go when it comes to rendering stuff, but I still love how this turned out and I’m proud of the progress I’ve just made.

I loved doing all the little details, especially the uh…pattern on her suit jacket. It was also really fun to do the messy makeup. Y’all can guess what she was doing…or who she was doing, before she got called in to this meeting.

Yeah, Void just gives zero fucks when it comes to being crude, honestly.

And here’s the colouring timelapse (warning for flashes of colour) so y’all can have another look at the process:

Whilst this isn’t as detailed as some of my other projects, I feel I was still able to get quite alot of stuff into a relatively smaller piece. If it’s not weird to say, I really do love this piece. 

I’ll have some more art of Void up soon!!!

Been seeing alot of people modding their Vs into bunny suits/outfits, and it is amazing. But unfortunately, I am on PS4, and don’t have access to mods. And so, I did art instead.

Here’s my Corpo Netrunner V, Void, in all her glory:

Check under the read more for the process behind this piece!!!

Here is the (condensed) process behind this piece:

Here is the (condensed) process behind this piece:

Again, this was so much fun to work on. It let me put Void in this bunny suit, show a more sexy/sultry vibe, as well as really work on varying outfit textures in a limited colour scheme. You can see I also used the opportunity to give V the art and extensive face scarring I don’t have access to on PS4.

Since Void already has dark hair and those dark, serpent-like eyes, her bunny outfit I referenced being black meant I had to seriously put effort into differentiating textures so it didn’t all blend together.  I could also give her different makeup!

Here is the colouring timelapse (warning for flashes of colour):

Here you can get an idea of just how much work went into this, even though it’s a smaller project in comparison to the other pieces I’m working on. And it shows off how I put effort into even the smallest of details. I am so proud of how this turned out- it’s a piece I’m still happy with even days after completion, whereas normally I seem to notice 102390202 mistakes.

Definitely going to be putting more of my Vs/OCs in these bunny outfits; I’ve always dug the aesthetic of these suits.

Yeah, I’m already working on more art of my current Corpo V.

And yes, I’m thirsty for Void, my own OC (WIP)

As I started a 4th playthrough to experience Corpo V in all their threatening glory, I wanted to do a portrait of my latest V; and I am really happy with how it turned out.

This is Void, ruthless Netrunner and Streetkid-turned-Arasaka Agent:

Check under the read more for a brief write-up on this piece, as well as the process and a colouring timelapse!!!

I really feel like she looks both beautiful and threatening; someone you wouldn’t want to mess with- and that’s exactly what I was going for.

I really feel like she looks both beautiful and threatening; someone you wouldn’t want to mess with- and that’s exactly what I was going for.

This portrait has no particular lighting direction, because it was just something fun I did, but I still feel it looks super awesome; I am so so happy with this piece.

Here’s the (condensed) process:

You can get an idea of how long this took. Void’s hair and distinctive scars took the longest; I worked really hard to try and get the scarred skin textures looking realistic. Not 100% sure I succeeded, but it looks good so I’m happy for now. 

I also love the texture I was able to get onto the dress, as well as the little speckled brush I used to give her skin some additional texture.

Working with a limited colour palette was both fun and challenging, and it’s something I’ll definitely be trying in the future.

Here’s a colouring timelapse (warning for flashes of colour):

With this, you get to see how I achieved all these different textures. The scars in particular, like I said, took a while- but I believe that effort paid off. I really feel like I captured Void’s in-game appearance, and her more stoic default expression. Resting badass bitch face.

I’ll be doing more art of Void in the future, but for now, this is where I am leaving it- with a portait I am extremely happy with.

Designed a back tattoo for my Corpo/Assassin V who works for Arasaka.

I wanted to incorporate traditional Japanese depictions of an oni/demon, as well as elements of Samurai armour that we see in Arasaka’s soldiers.

Here’s what I’ve ended up with so far:

So, after 10+ hours, the latest piece of art I’ve done that’s based on my Corpo/Assassin V is done! This was super fun. I wanted to really try and show how menacing this nonbinary badass is, and I think I was fairly successful.
This is the finished piece; yeah I have a thing for blood, what about it lmao:

Check under the read more for an introduction to this V’s backstory, as well as the process and a colouring timelapse!!!

V forms a friendship with the crew, and eventually something more with Johnny. But V’s brother is sick, needing expensive treatments; a factor in why they moved to NC in the first place- so V could make more money as a merc to pay for his medications and treatments.

V forms a friendship with the crew, and eventually something more with Johnny. But V’s brother is sick, needing expensive treatments; a factor in why they moved to NC in the first place- so V could make more money as a merc to pay for his medications and treatments.

However, his condition takes a turn for the worse, and around this time V goes on an extremely risky job to try and raise money for a transplant operation their Brother will need in the near future; only to find a group of Arasaka agents at the end. They have tracked V down through means I am still working on. And V is a skilled assassin/netrunner combo. 

They offer Vex a job; one that offers benefits and will be high-paying enough to compensate for the high risk. Essentially, V will become an Assassin under Arasaka’s employ. And despite V’s ties to Johnny and knowing corps are fucked to the core, they take Arasaka’s offer; selling their soul to save their Brother.

Despite V’s noble intentions in taking the job, this creates an irrepreable rift between them and Johnny. And over time, Vex drifts from the rest of the crew, focusing solely on their Brother and their new line of work. V appears in 2013, as the one sent after Alt…having to wound Johnny in order to satisfy Arasaka. And then in 2023, appear as the one interrogating Johnny after the bombing. 

After that, having lost not only Johnny but their brother and Arasaka Mentor in the bomb, V remains under Arasaka. They just figure ‘fuck it’, with everything gone. And as the decades go by, they rise to become Saburo’s bodyguard, eventually training Takemura to take over so V can return to the field. 

And stuff transpires, V finds out stuff about Arasaka setting the bomb off early and thus killing their brother, and Vex eventually turning against their former employers. And…they end up with their friend/lover turned enemy stuck in their head.

Alright, enough rambling about my current OC obsession, here’s the (highly condensed) process for the art itself:

This piece was so much fun; I absolutely love this V, and the style/aesthetic I’ve developed for them. And for the risk of sounding psychotic, I love how blood stands out against white fabric. It was super fun to explore that, and to make my V look as menacing as they are. They are already enough of a threat before Arasaka, but after joining up with them and getting the benefits that entails? An inescapable threat.

Love their eyes in particular; especially how I got to use a brush I normally use for glitter and such to give them that evil glint- I feel that is what makes Vex look particularly creepy. Which is what I was after.

Here is the colouring timelapse (warning for flashes of colour):

This should give you a better look at the process, even if Tumblr does screw up the video quality as it normally does. You can see how even an outfit design that looks simple is still fairly complex to draw and render. As well as what a difference lighting and shadows make.

All in all, I’m pretty proud of this piece- I will definitely be trying more with this creepy eye effect, as I feel it really sets Vex apart from my other Vs.

After roughly 8 hours, I’ve finished recreating another Magazine cover with my nonbinary Corpo V! 

This one was alot of fun, and I love how it turned out:

For the process behind this piece, as well as a brief write-up and a colouring timelapse, check under the read more!!!

Of course, I’m still having to redraw/draw everything myself, but having the base there as a reference makes the process alot quicker.

Of course, I’m still having to redraw/draw everything myself, but having the base there as a reference makes the process alot quicker.

For this one, I changed a few minor details, but also completely changed the colour palette. The original was a mix of gold/red/navy blue, and that just didn’t scream Cyberpunk to me, so I went with what I call ‘soft neon’ which I feel fits the vibe more.

Here’s the condensed process:

You can see I only coloured in one figure at a time. As with the original, I was drawing duplicates of my V. So I just had to render one at a time, then copy/paste and flip.

One of the many joys of digital art! I did toy with the idea of a brighter colour scheme for the hair, but ultimately ditched it for the white.

I think that was a wise decision, as it better fits the sleek/avant garde feel of this cover/piece. And it keeps the focus on the outfit, which I absolutely loved making my own.

Here’s the timelapse (warning for flashes of colour):

Unfortunately, I’ve been having issues with the quality of the timelapse videos from Procreate. Should be fixed now; I sorted things out as best I could after finishing this piece. 

Regardless, this gives you a more extensive look into the process behind my work.

To see alternative versions and detail crops, keep an eye out for a separate post!!!

After 10+ hours, my latest project is done! It’s a recreation of a Harper’s Bazaar magazine cover, but instead of them its Jinguji, and the model is my nonbinary badass- my Corpo V from an AU I’m working on.

I’m lowkey proud of how this turned out, and it was alot of fun:

To see the process behind this, as well as a brief write-up of this V’s story, and a colouring timelapse…check under the read more!!!

In the AU I’m tinkering with, V comes from the Vesper family. The Vesper Corporation works on weaponry and armour, as well as a private security outlet. In terms of power, I’m putting them up with Militech; making them a decent rival for Arasaka because of the spiciness and potential for conflict/angst.

V has their dad, the CEO of the company, which was passed down to him from his father, and his father before him. So it’s been passed down through several generations. V’s Mom is a famous actress, formerly a BD star. They have an older brother, who is being primed to take over from their Father in the next decade or so. Then they have a younger brother, who is hoping to become an actor and has starred in several successful flicks. And finally, the twins; both girls, one wishing to go into business and the other pursuing modelling.

And as for V themselves? V is a well known, as in globally known, supermodel. They take on shorter contracts or even singular modelling gigs, to allow for a sense of freedom. This takes them all over the world. And eventually lands them in Night City.

The Vesper Corporation will eventually form a sort of partnership with Arasaka, for reasons I’m still working out. And as you can guess, it won’t end well. But before that, it’s gonna be alot of fun. V will eventually meet Jackie and see another side of life, and true freedom…and will at some point meet Takemura, their initial love interest!

So, to say I’ve put some thought into this V is an understatement. But that’s what OCs are for, right? Making stories and figuring out their role in their world. It’s fun, and I’ve definitely got brainrot for this OC. But no regrets, I love Vex.

Here’s the process (condensed bc Tumblr photo limit):

You should get an idea of how long this took. As with…most of my Cyberpunk pieces, it seems, it was pretty labour intensive. But a labour of love, and one that paid off; I am pretty proud of how this turned out, and it was super fun to do.

I also enjoyed the challenge of working with a limited colour palette, and giving my V a different hairstyle, as well as different jewellery and eye makeup!

Here’s the colouring timelapse (warning for flashes of colour):

I believe you can see here that it took me a while to kinda settle on gold or silver. Eventually the silver/darker palette won out, because the Jinguji logo is black and red and I wanted to kinda make sure the outfit meshed with that. The jacket is one you can get in-game, I just shifted the colours…and added the roses…and changed the pocket handkerchief design.

Still, I think it turned out pretty great- tune in for future posts with some detail closeups and a look without the complicated background/logo!!!

Very proud of this Corpo/Assassin V art I just finished, I actually love it???

To see the process, as well as a brief write-up on the piece- and a colouring timelapse, check under the read more!!!

Original is the one coloured in normally, second is edited to be black and white like the reference image I used, and the other is just because I thought it looked neat.

Here’s the process:

Here’s the process:

You can see it isn’t as detailed as some of my other projects. But I still love it; sometimes less is more. And I believe that is the case here. I tried to have it reflect the reference, being stylish and sleek; with my V having this kind of air of superiority.

Their eyes look so creepy, and their expression seems quite calm, but if you look closer, you can see small signs of the anger underneath it all.

Here’s the colouring timelapse (warning for flashes of colour):

Whilst this hasn’t taken nearly as long as the other projects I am working on, I am no less proud of this piece. I feel like my V looks super cool, and it has the vibe I am going for with them and their story.

Making progress on my Corpo/Assassin V art, and falling in love with this Nonbinary badass in the process (WIP)

Yes, they are so extra that they have an expensive/luxury cigarette that’s filled with gold leaf

Here’s a closeup of my latest piece:

Check under the read more for extra closeups, and some alternative backgrounds!!!

Finally finished new art of my Corpo/Assassin V, and I am very proud of it

To see a write-up on this piece, as well as the symbolism, and a colouring timelapse, please check under the read more!!!

This piece is meant to show how my V, in their role at Arasaka, is constantly being watched; as well as how they believed they had freedom, but they were just a puppet all along.

Quote from this Vs upcoming fic:

“When Arasaka scraped me off the floor of that laboratory, I thought what they were offering me was freedom. Now I know it was never truly freedom at all. It was just another kind of cage.”

Here’s the process of this piece:

As you can see, the design did change a bit throughout the process. I wanted to have a more elegant feel, as well as more of a Japanese inspiration, given Arasaka and their origins.

Really pleased with how this turned out. It’s not as detailed as some of my other stuff, but I’m still really happy with it.

Here’s a timelapse of the colouring (warning for brief flashes of colour):

Yeah, I had alot of fun with this piece. And to think it was born from a wedding dress I saw when going through random fashion tags.

I decided to make my Vs scars gold this time, as if they were cybernetics, to echo the Japanese art of Kintsugi; which is the practice of repairing broken pottery with golden lacquer.

Detail closeups and alternative versions coming in their own separate post!!!
