



Seeing Hunter having fun and actually being happy™ is just so. You know.

It’s us, boy, we’re the Flyer Derby team

Speaking to you inside your brain

Listen to us, boy,

Leave your uncle, you don’t need him!

Come with us and play our games

We’ll have have fun times at school!

Do Do Dah Do

Come with me boy, your free will isnt an illusion-


I’d like to be able to call Philip an idiot for putting Glyphs, which consume the thing they’ve been drawn on, onto his own body, but I have to admit, that had I been him I would’ve either:

A) Have gotten Curious and drawn them on myself to see what would happen

B) Wanted to know if putting Glyphs on myself would give me magic, and would have done it despite all of the obvious risks (I know it’s stupid but It’s for science and maybe the slightest bit of curiosity)


C) Absentmindedly doodling on my arm, deciding to draw a glyph. Which is quite possibly the dumbest way to get yourself cursed


Ok everyones entitled to their own headcanons but if u draw amber gris all skinny and cute idk what to tell you baby your creativity has failed you. that’s a sturdy nasty lady right there. that’s a slug woman. she has armpit hair and I know you know this in your heart

Justin’s latest character, in my opinion, is like Justin’s first ever TAZ character: absolute unit. In other words, she’s fat you COWARDS
