#ferris o’carrick


11. Treacherous

“But…I thought…”

“You thought what?” Ferris’s eyes gleamed with a hatred Halt had never seen before; or maybe it had always been there, and he’d been too blind to see it. “You thought that I’d go along with it? Think again, dear brother. You never were one for practicality.”

O4. Footsteps

TW: abuse

Halt gripped their hands tight, each of them cuddled against him as those dreaded footsteps neared the door. It was as though someone were tying a rope around his neck, and he was mere seconds away from the platform falling beneath his feet.

Another step closer. The breathing was ragged, rough. Angry. Caitlyn let out a small whimper and he pulled her closer, closing his eyes. He wasn’t one for praying to the gods, but now seemed as good a time as any.

“I know you’re in there.” The low voice spoke through the door. “Get out or I’m breaking this door now.”

His words weren’t slurred. Darren was drunk tonight, but perhaps that made him all the more dangerous. The locks wouldn’t hold for long and his father was right. If need be, he’d break that door down with an axe.

“Halt.” The man spoke directly to him next. “Get out.” Another step closer, echoing through the air. “Now.”

Ferris was gripping his arm so tightly it hurt. Halt forced himself to exhale, swallowing past the lump in his throat.

“Halt.” Another step closer. He knew those steps, and he hated them. “I’m warning you.”

He was at the door. Halt held his younger two siblings close, praying for whoever might listen that this nightmare would end. Very rarely had it gotten this bad, and yet it did happen. All he could do was wait it out, hope the door would hold long enough.

The footsteps had stopped now. Halt looked up, still tense. “Is he still there?” Ferris whispered.

“I…don’t know.” He gently disentangled himself from the two, padding over to the door and laying one ear against the wood. All was silent on the other side and yet no one had walked away.

The door suddenly gave a loud groan, bending ever so slightly, the doorknob rattling. Halt jumped back, his heart pounding as his legs gave out from under him. The pounding continued again, again, and again. And it didn’t stop. Not for a long while.
